The absolute state of America

The absolute state of America

Attached: ytjqzf8cxx711.jpg (1136x1046, 179K)

Hillary would have made it all better right?

>perfect onions face

Attached: tommysoy.jpg (198x99, 4K)

Why do they use the popular vote argument
Do they seriously believe that the common person knows jack fuck about politics

>popular vote
has literally never mattered

>Muh popular vote meme in 2018

Thats the nice thing about being contrarian for the sake of it
I'll always be able to piss you off.

The popular vote isn't real, but I'm going to drink anyway.

No, you just expose your own hypocrisy and end up looking like retards in the end.
Your entire leftist ideology is based on jewish lies and subversion tactics,

USA shirt, flag, and pants? That guy must be a right winger. A lefty would never be caught dead without their anarchy shirt and pussy hat.