The absolute state of America

The absolute state of America

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Hillary would have made it all better right?

>perfect onions face

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Why do they use the popular vote argument
Do they seriously believe that the common person knows jack fuck about politics

>popular vote
has literally never mattered

>Muh popular vote meme in 2018

Thats the nice thing about being contrarian for the sake of it
I'll always be able to piss you off.

The popular vote isn't real, but I'm going to drink anyway.

No, you just expose your own hypocrisy and end up looking like retards in the end.
Your entire leftist ideology is based on jewish lies and subversion tactics,

USA shirt, flag, and pants? That guy must be a right winger. A lefty would never be caught dead without their anarchy shirt and pussy hat.

What a surprise, yankeeboy hatin his own country.

Donald Trump Presidential Status: Still

yeah, you're right. we 3000 counties should just defer to the 50 that vote correctly.

>I literally call myself contrarian

Learn to read, you fucking inbred.

>Muh popular vote

Are these retards just now familiarizing themselves with the electoral college? Are they aware of California, and the fact that it's electoral power needs to be reduced because it'd swing every election if not? Do they know why other states might take issue with that? They know that there are state governments, right? They're aware of the fact that this nation is made up of independent states that want some say in the direction of the nation as a whole, right? California and New York can't just dominate everything.

And they also realize that California lets non-citizens vote? And that their electoral strength is partially based on inflated population numbers due to illegal immigration? And also that their population is increasingly shitskin, and shitskins vote against white interests? I assume he's white, so maybe he should take interest in that fact, since they're actively trying to harm him.

>California lets non-citizens vote

All you can do is throw memes and racism, huh?


Brown people literally should not be allowed to vote for both logical reasons (far higher time preference) and historical (this country was founded by white nationalists).

>dark money

>vote for democrats to fix this

they're actually this dumb

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Found the anti-American!

Well think of 'shitskins' as a shorthand for a much longer argument that's been done to death and concluded already. If you're not caught up on the difference between races, I urge you to catch up. It's settled science. Shitskins are inferior and do not belong here, nor do they deserve a say in the direction of this nation. This would be apparent to you if you'd been paying attention and keeping up.

It's not a meme or racism. It's just shorthand. Sometimes broad topics of discussion are reduced to single words. This allows people who've got a grasp of these concepts to convey thoughts in a concise manner, even though a much larger amount of information is being communicated. Think of it like a compression algorithm shared between two people with the same decompression software in their brains.


Learn how our government works faggot. The popular vote never mattered. Leave it up to a retarded lefty to hate on our country on independence day.

>popular vote

You're that faggot who prioritised kills all game and lost the game of capture the flag

If not them, then who? Mr. drain the swamp?

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>muh popular vote

Trump living rent free:

>White House
>Leftist heads

They don’t understand this is a republic. American education.

Found the Jew!

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Be honest. How many upboats did this receive on the reddit?