He’s going to be impeached isn’t he

He’s going to be impeached isn’t he...

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Now ask how many care.

>Almost half
So more than half thinks he doesn’t?

> This statistic is brought to you by the same press that were 98% sure that Hillary will win

Half of voters is only about a quarter though

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No. Thrity percent of that half is happy that he is, and even after all the BS the dems have said about him, half don't believe it.

by impeached do you mean re-elected?

Tell us more about huffpaint polls. I’m really interested. Picture highly related.

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>almost half

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>racism is alive and well
>all white people are racist
>now half of the American population condemn racist blumpf

Know the best part?

This is the year Democrats win fucking everything.




Asshole will attack Syria, kill Assad, and leave the bald headed Russian cunt spitting mad.

Then Mueller will have Asshole and Vice Asshole arrested by summer.

Then President Nancy Pelosi (uhhhnnng fuck YAS) gets to declare national emergency right before the big blue tsunami in November.

Hey, don't forget the Russian cunt!

He'll do something incredibly stupid. Or we'll just tell you he did. ;)

Are you guys with me?



President Nancy Pelosi. Democratic supermajority. War and emergency powers.


We're literally literally going to be dragging far right pantshitters into FEMA camps this time next year. We'll literally be giving their big houses to refugees and undocumented immigrants. We'll LITERALLY be doing whatever the fuck we want and there's exactly FUCK ALL Skinhead cunts can do about it.

Congrats, babydicks.

You beat your chests and thrust your little dicks thinking you'd won the entire world when Asshole beat Her.

Now, you get to find out what a big, brutal bloodthirsty bitch Hillary "Payback" Clinton is. And how much delicious mischief we'll do with no rules, no limits, and no more regressive shitfucks standing in our way.

Jews gonna jew

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I would be fantastically pleased if this is true.

Remember when Clinton was impeached? It slowed him down for about half a day. He sure fucked it for shitlibs.

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cool story bro now say it again


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7/10 b8 m8 u dun gr8!

I niggerfucking love this pasta, thanks leaf, REALLY. Seeing this unironically makes my spicfisting day.

God that's beautiful.

>a poll of a few thousand liberals in super liberal cities means half the country thinks DT is a racist
Daily reminder polls are made up statistics and are in no way linked to actual world factors.

Le 56%. Lol all whitey racist.

You can´t impeach a president because these people are idiots. He's following US law and they have nothing on him.

would that be the half that aren't white then?!

56% agree god emperor trump is the best thing to happen to america

There is a non-negligible number of those who are ok with 45 being racist, they’ll vote for him anyway

>little over half of the voters were trump supporters
>little under half of the voters think trump is a racist

So this is literally just "progressives still believe our bullshit. more at 11"

i really hope more ppl start deciding to kill reporters.
its the only way we can get journalism to return to normal shit instead of edgelord trolling
a lot of ppl are going to need to die

>hello fbi, this is not a threat and is satire, eat shit and die you fucking glow in the dark faggots.

Wall of shitty larp text must be lefty


>tfw I don't think Trump is racist but I wish he was


>and that’s a good thing

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racist is a made up marxist word but everyone should be racist

Can’t tell if this is b8 or satirical b8

>Almost half
its not a majority

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>44% of voters think Trump is racist.
That means the rest don't believe the media constantly calling him racist.
100% - 44% = 56%
56% goddamn.

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Donald Trump is racist. He's one of us. He's based.


Half the country thinks half the country is racist.

impeach blumpf

>theirguy gets elected
>push their agenda too hard, too fast, unfairly
>get cocky, dehumanize opposition
>huge wave of opposition deposes them

You just described progressives and Obama, cool LARP tho

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>Almost half the country thinks donald trump is racist
>the other half of the country IS racist
( and that's a good thing)

>half the country believes the president is something that doesn't exist

this is why democracy fails

The redit spacing is a great touch but makes it unbelievable. 1/10

> More than half think he isn't
THANK GOD, we're waking up

Oh no, they think he's a racist! Impeachwait what?

Memes into reality!

What has Trump done to indicate he's a racist?

liberals are immune to logic

>almost half

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a heavily bias poll and only 44%. holy fuck, they can't even gin up a proper rigged poll.

People on the left tend to only look at the results of a process, and not the underlying meaning.
We only deport illegals because they're not supposed to be here, but since the overwhelming majority of illegals are hispanic, that means that he must hate hispanics in their view.
Thus racist.

>president Nancy Pelosi

I always lol at that part

niggers will never forgive what your grand fathers fathers fathers fathers fathers did....


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Over half of the country thinks racism is not that big of a fucking deal, or is actually a good thing
And a lot of the people who think racism is inherently bad are Trump supporters who think the Dems are the real racists
It's over

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nature is racist

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100 - 44 = 56% !!!

>Source: My ass

>Waters threatens Trump and supporters
>Trump: be careful what you wish for

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>He’s going to be impeached isn’t he...

bleep beep boop, hi sorosbot 9000

suck a dick


>We've been calling him racist for 2 years and 66% of people aren't buying our bullshit

>This is the year Democrats win fucking everything.
Not even once
The ads are starting

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Unless it's higher than the 48.2% Hillary Clinton received, I don't care.

How is this not 100

Review source

>Almost Half the country thinks D.T. is Racist...
If only he were user, if only he were...

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Racism isn't a high crime or misdemeanor, nor does everybody view racism as a negative.

Sometimes I wish that he actually was...

ayy dios mio

Stale copypasta but still managed some salt. Congrats.

WTF I love racemixing now

you wish. being racist is not illegal and his policy of enforcing an existing policy is also not illegal

>liberals hate trump
Wow, what a news story.

This didn't work during the election, why would they think this will work now?