Ok, so I’m always getting mixed reviews. One side says office jobs are better because they only have to work for 20 minutes a day and can slack off the rest + high salary. On the other hand, the tradies say they make a lot of money doing easy work + no SJW’s. Wagecucks say that the tradies do back breaking work with spics and niggers. Tradies say wagecucks make less money in an office of pajeets doing mind numbing work - if they can even find a job. SO WHICH ONE IS IT??

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There are multiple different career choices in various locations fone by many different companies in both trades and office.
I've met cuck car mechanics and backbone of society programmers.

Why do either? Become a crusty freegan.

Trade jobs are for people too stupid to go to college, which is why they're all full of racists and conservatives

Have fun wasting your life fixing refrigerators and unclogging toilets peasant - I'll be changing the world with my PhD, thank you very much

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Just live off of neetbux you faggot

Wtf I love wageslavery now

>that 30 year old boomer that uses obvious bait

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i want to lick her sweat

>only have to work for 20 minutes a day and can slack off the rest
what sort of fucking office do you work at

"Trades" is for people too stupid/lazy to be engineers. I see no reason why you'd do a trade because you waste time apprenticing that you could otherwise spend in university.

There's no question: trades are a by and large inferior occupation for the vast majority of people.

Hey STEM majors how does it feel to know half of India(people that shit on streets) can do your job?

I'll be making $40/hour fixing those refrigerators while you with your PhD in womyns studies be making $7/hour chasing dope fiends out of the Starcucks public bathroom.

>office jobs are better because they only have to work for 20 minutes a day and can slack off the rest + high salary

Whoever says that isn't in public accounting

>the tradies say they make a lot of money doing easy work + no SJW’s

This is true, but you'll max out around $100k unless you start your own business. Also your life is in the hands of spics, niggers, and criminal whites (most whites on a construction site are criminals, either have been to prison or are about to go back). Nothing in life is easy, just try to do what makes you happy.

>good exercise
>people admire your handcraft, family and friends will always want your help
>very good money if self-employed
>very good money if specialising and working for corporations, e.g. marine welding, piping on rigs, erection/maintenance on factories

Office jobs with minimum master's degree in STEM, bachelor's are worthless
>good salary right off the bat
>usually laid back work with big decisions to make
>friends and family look to you for enlightenment
>you get to find a job you enjoy, limitless possibilities, only your imagination can hold you back

Only went with positives. I went from merchant shipping to yachts to cement business. Tradies experience is from family members who are plumbers, masons and carpenters.

.t engineer

Tech industry here in a fortune 50. Its like everything in life, 20% of the people do 80% of the work. Pareto principle. Also Conways law is pretty valid when it comes to systems design.

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both are actually pretty good, my office job is >>>>>comfy

Wow, the NEET life is becoming very appealing

Home office jobs are GOAT.
>Work at home
>Take breaks whenever I want for as long as I want and slack off when I feel like it because nobody is supervising me, provided I get my work done
>Work out in my home gym during quiet shifts so I'm probably stronger and healthier than a tradie
>Get paid pretty decently, since it's white collar work and I'm a contractor, and I can live anywhere I want, so if I want I can go take my 6 figures to Thailand and live as though it's 7

Many multi-millionaire machine shop owners, used car lot owners, recycling center owners, and contractors might beg to differ but they are busy making money on jobs which are impractical to outsource.

Do you have a degree and how did you get a job like this?

Agreed. She is nearly physically perfect.

Yeah, maybe for a while. I would probably kill myself if I were a leach on society though.

She was hot AF before transitioning. I liked her better as a trap.

>Home office jobs are GOAT
This. Remote work and remote work with paid travel are the way to go. So many tax writeoffs. Freedom. Good pay. I imagine if you've got kids its not quite as good, but if you're single then remote work is the way to go.

Why not KYS for being illiterate?

Got a degree in CS.
I got the job by applying for it, simple as that really.
I have no idea why it was so easy, I feel incredibly lucky and grateful for this job.
If they ever tighten the reins I'll work my ass off to keep this position

Nice gif

lol caught that as soon as I posted it, thanks though faglord

Depends on
1. the specific job you're doing
2. how easily you can do it
3. how easily you can act like you're working when you're actually not

I worked in a warehouse for nothing but it was autopilot brain level work (although fairly physical) and we could slack a lot.

I then worked in an office doing IT that paid very well for my age and usually only really worked for maybe 30 minutes a week.
It was mentally taxing though trying to act constantly like I had something to do and was working for when my bosses would
walk about the, fairly small, office.

Not sure which I preferred. I was much healthier on the former but much wealthier on the latter.

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>20% of the people do 80% of the work
this doesnt even make sense, because you cant figure out which 20%

salaried desk jockey with license > trade > everything else

As someone who works in an office i'd go for trade, i hate being stuck inside with betas and women all day. My male coworkers are all over dramatic weak fags who are more womanly than the women we work with. You'd honestly have to be a shut-in with no social skills to enjoy this work. i'd quit today if it weren't for the money.

Do you live in a state infested with nogs and spics? If yes, you'll end up with some of them on the jobsite. If you're a skilled tradesman (electrician, etc) often you can work alone.

If you live in a huwhite state, then you of course never see them.

I do shift work. Low education, high pay, good work times and lots of time off.

I live in Maryland, near D.C. so go ahead and take a guess

I wish I could find a physical job that pays as well as my current job (software development). My work ethic compels me to do as much exercise as the job requires.

>I live in Maryland, near D.C.
I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry.

Different job types for different people.

I prefer being able to listen to music while writing instructions for a 60 year old on how to use Office 2016.

All of these things are true.
Trades rake in cash but it is actual fucking work. Office work is mind-numbing as fuck which is why people only work 20 minutes a day and nobody gives a fuck.

Do something you are happy doing 40+ hours a week for the rest of your life. I found engineering interesting but ended up in a field a hated and was miserable. I got a masters and switched engineering disciplines and couldn’t be happier. I actually enjoy going to work. Doing something you don’t like, in an office or trades is the problem.

MoCo or PG?

MoCo so it’s actually full of kikes too

Working office in smallerengineering firms is cozy

No HR, no women

Open offices are soul destroying, avoid at all costs

Holy fucking shit I fucking hate (((fitness))) industry for trying to promote women to become effeminate cunts with infertile bodies. She legit looks like a skinnier version of me when I was around 15 and these women can't lift for shit.

If you want to delude yourself and think that this life of comfort will survive as your country turns into shit and think that money is all that matters then go office job. If you understand that this civilization won't last forever and that you need to be able to sustain yourself go into trade.

i've done both ama

Well which one did you prefer?

Surprisingly this but they motivate you not to be like them.

Trade work is better when you're young, but it becomes much harder past about 35. Tried to switch careers from white collar to blue collar in my late 30s, and older backs and knees just can't handle it as well as a younger man.

I’ve had an office job now for 4 years, prior to that I worked in a few different trades for 10 years. They both have their ups and downs but overall I prefer to keep tradesman jobs as a hobby since it’s much more enjoyable that way. I loved seeing the before and after knowing that I created it. Trades are far more rewarding and you get to work outside which is positive and negative. I don’t like being couped up in an office but I like being out of the harsher elements during the winter and summer, no one likes working in the rain and doing emergency water proofing or weather proofing. On the other side of it the office job is less fulfilling but I still have energy when I get home to do physical activities and hobbies, anyone that’s worked 14 hours doing hard labor knows that it doesn’t leave you with much energy when you get home meaning all of your physical activity during the week is done at work. This made me watch tv and play video games more than I do with an office job, I was unable to really sustain hobbies when I did trade jobs, even equipment operator gets to be a bit much at 10 hour days and left me feeling drained. The race issue is something I didn’t really experience, most of the bad eggs are rooted out in both fields but construction had more drug addicts that wouldn’t show up to work. I personally like the balance I get with doing office work and keeping tradesman type jobs as a hobby even though it is more rewarding to do a trade. There is also the brotherhood of coworkers which is something trades have over office jobs, you can make friends at both but if you work on a smaller crew that sticks together through jobs it turns into a dysfunctional family where you might have arguments but everyone has each other’s back. In the office there is more drama, but there is also women which is its own positive and negative.

What degree did you get for your office job?

The main difference I would say is that trade jobs come with lower social status which will of course negatively effect your mating choices.

A millionaire tradesman has lower status than a college professor living beyond their meager means.

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Lol yeah, I'm in Rockville myself, I know exactly what you mean. If you want to do a trade I would suggest electrician, it's more of a specialized field, so less spics and niggers.

i lived out of a hotel so it was like being in a frat house. drinks every night, big parties on the weekend, and with per diem a lot of extra cash floating around. it was fun but i knew i didn't want to make my way thru life being a degenerate alcoholic. there were two sides of the fence that i saw, alcoholics and depressed people with nothing to do other than sit in a hotel room. my office job doesn't quite have the brotherhood that my trade job did but the perks are much better. Home every night, optional ot, be around friends and family is a big one, not tempted to drink every night, make more money. Draw backs are it's a lot higher pressure working in an office, for me at least, and the ol' body is getting out of shape by not moving all day long. Not as satisfying making shit in computers rather than your own hands too. More politics and backstabbing in an office too but I'd take an office job over a trade job all day long.

>I prefer to keep tradesman jobs as a hobby since it’s much more enjoyable that way. I loved seeing the before and after knowing that I created it.

I know that feel...but it drains your body, you feel tired as a dog after work sometimes.

I would prefer a mix of both. Why should that be too much to ask?

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to you sir

What did you major in?

dumb OP question. You can't trust people's judgement on this - everyone looks at his own work experience or insecurities, and based on that makes a verdict on the entire society.

this guy hates his coworkers. Therefore office jobs suck cause- that
this guy has people of color that he hates on his job. therefore office jobs suck cause - that

etc etc.


Fucking hell, I don’t want to study 12 hours a day though

>this guy has people of color that he hates on his job. therefore office jobs suck cause - that

Wrong, there are no nigs or spics where I live. Stop trying to read people's minds, especially ones that are half the world away.

>Stop trying to

Or what?

don't blame you. if you're interested in the field look into drafting. most people are self taught and don't need to have a degree for a job. pretty easy to learn too. if you want to go to school look into project managing.

Or you'll continue to look like a dumbshit croatfag.

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office work is a headache and makes you weak and fat.
manual labor is a backache but makes you strong and fat.
strong and fat with ability to build structures is more desirable in an end of the world scenario.
if you maintain +10-20lb you have a better chance of survival compared to 2% bf

Idk this is a shitpost but actually makes sense somehow in retrospect

>too stupid to go to college
nah they've been doing trade work their whole life
and a guaranteed job is better than taking on 250k of debt and having to deal with entitled white burbies telling you whats right for races they arent a part of

>too stupid/lazy to be engineers
technical jobsite term for anyone who builds is engineer because framing walls out is a form of engineering and you do need to understand
all properties of materials you are working with.

>manual labor
>spend all day on your feet

I have flat feet and this is literal hell on earth. Everything else is manageable but every standing moment is 2/10 on the pain scale.

No degree, just learned excel while doing trades which got my foot in the door. From there I took every learning seminar that the company had provided. The hard work ethic from construction is a great asset because I blew past my coworkers due to putting in the hours. At first when I started the office job I had to take a pay cut but now I’m making more than ever. My advice to you is to do a trade to develop hard work ethic and individual accountability while learning something practical that you can take anywhere. The greatest feeling for me is knowing that no matter what happens to the economy I can get an office or trade job that I can take to any state.

The real question here though is: How do I convince my wife that the pic related in OP needs to live in our house and needs to sit on my face daily from 20:00 to 22:00?

Trades are exhausting and filled with petty frustrations: we didn't get the right parts, they didn't arrive on time, fucking boomer client wants to move an outlet, TV, et cetera. It isn't pozzed though. I work with one shitlib and he doesn't talk politics with me at all since the election and we get along really well now. You have to be stuck in traffic a lot more because you have to drive to different job sites every week and can't use pubic transit or have any kind of real routine. Jobs often go overtime and eat away at your evenings - even when you start at an ungodly early time. I'm also hourly ($60) so my pay isn't even consistent, though it is enough.

Remote jobs are the real patrician occupations. I know this "Cloud architect" who makes 120k working from home spinning up servers on AWS. That's the fucking life, man. I don't know how many of these jobs are out there but it seems like it's worth giving a try especially if you're in California.

Also, I am 40 years old, have an office job, and I still don't know what I want to do when I grow up.

Explain that if she doesn't let that happen, then the Swedes win.

Also, no college degree needed (or wanted for that matter)

Just have fit girl show up one day while the wife is out, convince her that fit girl has been there the entire time but “you don’t see her much since she spends her time in the gym”
I think you’ll have a harder time convincing fit girl to sit on your face but that’s your problem, at least I got her in the door for you.

Different strokes for different folks. If it's possible, try both and experience will tell with time. It's hard to get a foot in the door either way though.

I felt more satisfaction working construction as a laborer and field engineer than I have now working an office job. At the end of the day, you could at least feel like you accomplished something that wasn't pushing paper to satisfy some bureaucratic "necessity". You could see the tangible results of your labor at the end of the day. (eg. paving x ft of highway in a day).

Working as an engi for a research org, most of the office work seems to be tasks tailored around avoiding litigation or amounted to record keeping. Mind-numbing and soul draining with no real engineering/science actually involved - just accounting basically.Ultimately, the field job paid more due to the overtime and extra work. Respected the people more as well, as much of the office I work now is filled with parasites that can't be fired and do nothing of value. Have a better work/life balance with the office job (as an engi) though due to working considerably less time. I think the satisfaction/pay made it worth it though.

The top 20 out of 100 of the workers produce at least 80 out of 100 of the units of work each day.

trades are gatekeeped by boomers and illegals

3D women are fucking disgusting

>Ok, so I’m always getting mixed reviews. One side says office jobs are better because they only have to work for 20 minutes a day and can slack off the rest + high salar

Executives on average work 10-12 hr days.


The thing that sucks about working in the trades is that you have to work with retards all day and it sucks at first because of all the tools you'll have to eventually buy and accumulate.

I almost forgot about the blessing of not working with women! I worked in an office as an intern and the women made it neutered and unbearable and this was in 2008. Women in the workplace are cancer. Work in places that don't have women or they're outnumbered at least. Possibly the best thing about the trades.