Lord Mayor Magid Magid brands Donald Trump a 'wasteman' and bans him from Sheffield


Ahead of Donald Trump's state visit to the UK, Sheffield Mayor Magid Magid declared in a packed out city council meeting that the US president was not welcome in the steel city.

Magid entered the room dressed in his mayoral chains, and a black t-shirt which read 'Donald Trump is a wasteman', whilst wearing a sombrero 'in solidarity with Mexican's, other Latins and all people suffering at the hands of the Trump regime'. During an intermission in the council session, the Mayor also invited members of Sheffield’s Mexican community to perform a traditional Mexican dance. The Mayor reiterated the statement on Twitter stating:

“I Magid Magid, Lord Mayor & first citizen of this city hereby declare that not only is Donald J Trump (@realdonaldtrump) a WASTEMAN, but he is also henceforth banned from the great city of Sheffield!” and declaring the 13th of July – the date of Trump’s UK visit – to be “Mexico Solidarity Day”.

>This is real. I live in Sheffield. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

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Other urls found in this thread:


The tweet was followed by a second tweet stating “five reasons why Donald Trump is a wasteman” – reasons included Trump’s controversial Muslim ban, his withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement and the UN Human Rights Council, the moving of the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem and his support for white supremacists.

Coun Magid said: “In this current climate of politics where fear and hate is widespread, the last thing we need is a world leader like Donald J Trump being a spurting cesspit of hate, stoking divisions between communities while scapegoating minorities.

"I am proud to be the Lord Mayor of a city where there is an amazingly culture of diversity. Where we don’t tolerate racism and xenophobia; where we not only celebrate all our differences but also unite on the things we have in common.

"We need now more than ever to come together in spite of our differences and empower everyone in our society and collectively work towards building a future where love and tolerance prevail, and where everybody belongs.”

The 28-year-old made headlines last month becoming the city’s youngest ever Lord Mayor, first Green Lord Mayor, where his inaugural photograph went viral across the world.

Magid further made headlines after receiving abuse online and in press for refusing to toast to the Queen and for being a black, Muslim immigrant.

He is also known for wearing a different hat and a different t-shirt with a message on for every full council he chairs, as for his first one last month he wore a Tartan beret with the message “Immigrants Make Britain Great”.

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I knew he'd be an embarrassment but this is fucking ridiculous. Perhaps I should call him out on Twitter for "cultural appropriation" with the sombrero. If any burgers would like to exercise their 1st amendment rights by telling him what they think of him, his Twitter is

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does he realize he's literally acting like a monkey in that picture?

Sheffield is the greatest city in the world, but this guy is a total arseclown.

Playing the Lord Mayoralty for laughs is hardly a dignified way to be carrying on.

Is this real?

>whilst wearing a sombrero 'in solidarity with Mexican's,

>Sheffield is the greatest city in the world

Clearly not

Not when britain has vacated its manors and castles to the infidel without a fight. So cucked by the islam magic sorcerers that they own your towns now from londonstan to the albion shire.

Based mayor.

What the fuck. The north is supposed to be the last bastion of whites in england. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO YOU GUYS!?!?!

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Nice trips, and the North is very white in parts but the cities are infested with niggers and Pakis. Barnsley 15 miles down the road is 98% white and likely to stay that way, ethnics get a very frosty welcome.

This is disgusting. THAT is the mayor of Sheffield? Been browsing Jow Forums all day and now my day is officially ruined. Thanks.

yes lol

haha manig manig

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t. butthurt Leeds scum.

Can you redpill me on Barnsley? I keep hearing about it. Is there anything to know about it or is it just more rural?

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>Lord Mayor Magid Magid

literally who?

Because not even niggers would be stupid enough to move to Barnsley

Mayor McNig

It's OK, 98% white, split between rural and fairly deprived former pit places. Economically it's pretty fucked since the pits closed down, but it's 98% white and apparently has the highest percentage of residents saying they wouldn't live anywhere else in the UK. The local accent is impenetrable to outsiders, thee and thou are still used in everyday conversation. Look it up on Wikipedia.

>Can you redpill me on Barnsley?
we dont talk about them things m8

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Dear God almighty, I have no idea what to think about this.

I mean, every time I feel really shitty about the direction of Germany I look at Sweden and realize it could be worse.

I don't even think Sweden would do this. What are you snow niggers drinking up there?

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I had a nigger client from Zimbabwe who moved to Barnsley, he said the locals filled a pressure washer with watered-down shit and sprayed his house with it. I think he might have been making it up so he could get a council house in Sheffield though.

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>the current state of “great” Britain


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Ok UK bros here's the deal. I will send trump a letter and ask him to send all the lefties from the US to the UK and take in all the right wing conservatives from your nation. You gotta promise you won't turn into cucks when we bring you in. We'll probably have to confine you guys to a state like hawaii or alaska just to keep an eye on how you behave for the first decade or two. Sound good? Lets meme this.

>the locals filled a pressure washer with watered-down shit and sprayed his house with it.

That’s an improvement in Barnsley.

Being sent to Hawaii sounds good, it's rightfully ours anyway, it even has a Union Jack on the flag. Swapping Sheffield for Hawaii isn't the hardest decision ever.

At least Barnsley doesn't have a nigger for a mayor, in fact I don't think it has a nigger at all.


Send us to Oregon / Washington - counter the communists there and we're naturally adapted to the rain.

das rayciss

the lord mayor doesn't actually have any power right?

I go to sheffield for uni
its a terrible place

very (((diverse)))
>greatest city
>historically socialist and now full of muzzies and niggers

You have to swear yourself to america no more UK bs. Can't bring the nations problems with you but I'd welcome you bros if your true men of god who believe in a brighter future for our people.

No, it's a ceremonial position, he's supposed to represent the city at formal occasions. That actually makes it worse, I can't imagine anybody less suited to the role, he's making us an international laughing stock and he thinks it's funny.

white, but working class drug using degenerates

it's a shithole but at least whites are our problem to deal with

I can only come if you agree to have the Queen on the money

Hang this imposter for treason.

He looks like a fucking african warlord

good idea fren

A British nigger wearing a sombrero is about as retarded as an American wearing a kilt in support of Scottish independence.


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It's cultural appropriation of the worst kind, it's highly problematic and he should be called out

can someone explain this i've been to sheffield and there aren't even that many blacks

also OP ur climbing facilities are fucking great

>Magid entered the room dressed in his mayoral chains, and a black t-shirt which read 'Donald Trump is a wasteman', whilst wearing a sombrero 'in solidarity with Mexican's, other Latins and all people suffering at the hands of the Trump regime'. During an intermission in the council session, the Mayor also invited members of Sheffield’s Mexican community to perform a traditional Mexican dance.

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Yes. Political asylum for Britbongs.

He's a Green Party councillor for Broomhill, which is students and middle-class cucks who jumped at the chance to vote for the cheery coloured gentleman. There are plenty of blacks but they're mainly on the other side of the city in places like Burngreave. It's the best place in the country to live if you want to climb, apart from the indoor stuff my house is ten minutes drive from Stanage. I have never in my life seen a black person or a Pakistani climbing (other than up trees).

>Wasteman insult - someone who does nothing with their life (or nothing much)

Oh okay being the president of the USA is doing fuck all, neat. The fuck has this coon done?

Can someone translate this from whatever pidgin boogese language this is?

Very sad. When I see that picture of him squatting on the staircase in that beautiful Victorian Town Hall it makes me think of the Barbarians making their campfires in the ruins of the Colosseum. Our forefathers built the greatest civilisation the world has ever seen, and we've pissed it away.


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Wtf is a wasteman?

A Green Party 80 IQ Somali is actually the mayor of a large British city. WTF is wrong with u Anglos, not even Sweden is this fucking retarded.

How in the hell did an american nigger go anywhere in British society? Also happy De-colonization day!

Put us anywhere rainy with summers warm enough to grow hops and fields large enough to graze our animals and we will cultivate a new green and pleasant land. A patchwork of honey and clover as far as the eye can tell, a sight matched only by the prosperity of our cities and the might of our military.

Yes my Yankee friend, you give us the land and we will deliver unto you an empire.

Put us anywhere with too much sun or where it regularly snows on the roads however and we basically die.

This happens when you kill Hitler. Maybe not kill the next one but join him? He is needed.

It's an insult used by roadmen. The Lord Mayor of Sheffield is now a roadman.

No more so than any other major city

He isn't American, he's a Somali, he's just talking about Trump because drumpf

this dude was our mayor in the city of Constanta.

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It was the local Green Party's turn to choose the Lord Mayor, and they chose this ape in order to trigger people like us. I hope they still think it's funny when the city is on fire.

Can you settle for having the Queen on one of our mail stamps?


Jesus Christ that's even worse. He's indistinguishable from any of our gibs.

people here get raked over the coals on fucking halloween for "cultural appropriation" for wearing sombreros all the time. he's black though so he would get a pass

I'll certainly be pretty entertained

>still worshipping that satanic child molesting hellwhore

Well, now I like Trump a little more.

>black guy wearing a mexican hat
cultural appropriation

>its ok because hes black
oh right, only white people can be racist. because racism has been redefined in the last decade so that only whites can be racist. because power plus privledge or some such mental gymnastics.

So a roadman is a useless nigger?

is that your fucking mayor?

i dont have a problem myself with a black guy wearing a mexican hat. i just think its hypocritical that if he was white and wearing a mexican hat for mexican appreciation day (wtf lol) that the left would attack him and threaten to murder his entire family.

the fucking absolute state

Yes, God help us, it is His Worship the Lord Mayor of Sheffield

a roadman is a the UK equivalent to the US "hood nigga"

Essentially yes, though there are white roadmen who still talk like niggers

fucking niggers.
We really need to cull niggers and leftie scum

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>sheffield has a mexican community
End it all

It doesn't as far as I know, I don't know where he found those dancers, they look like they might all be from the same family. I had a lecturer at university who was Mexican, but that's the only one I've met.

What with all the shitskin Mayor's on the UK

I am speechless
how tf did that even happen and how is it not top meme on Jow Forums yet?
when I saw today that you brits were now fatter than the mutts, I was wondering if that could get any worse...
obviously, I lacked imagination
that is beyond retarded
I often think we're in a bad spot but when I see the shit you guys come up with like I think maybe we're not so bad
then I betray my genes by weeping for you cunts
what the absolute fuck

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No it's a ceremonial role means next to nothing.

The actual mayor is white.

I went down the twitter comments hellhole and saw a somali broad? Geotagged in london, tweeting about british people needing to be humbled and rooting against the uk team. If she hates the brits so much and is all rah-rah about her goddamned headdress why doesn’t she go back?

Wwiii when.

It was a big thing for a day or two when he was appointed, and I thought he might become a meme, it seems to be his ambition. I think he might be deliberately provoking us with this Trump thing, he got a lot of comments from here on his Twitter feed last time.

This is such a fucking embarrassment. You should all kill yourselves for allowing this to happen. What the absolute fuck guys?

>If any of you have seen the film "Idiocracy" eith Terry Crews, then without putting an exaggeration on this situation, but that's where we're heading with appointments such as this. Trying to be a Liberal society is one thing, but this is just ridiculous.
based twitter comment

Classic nigger


>it seems to be his ambition
at this point, one can only wonder
I'm sure he will become a meme soon enough though if he keeps pulling shit like that

dis wasteman finna catch these hands

The elected mayor of the Sheffield City Region (whatever that is) is Dan Jarvis, who although a member of the Labour Party has killed many Muslims when he was an officer in the Parachute Regiment in Afghanistan. Perhaps he could slot Magid for us.

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Are you sure that's a Lord?

He looks like a negroid.

>The local accent is impenetrable to outsiders
is it just Barnsley or the whole north?
because I met northerners and the accent was a bit thick but I got the hang of it eventually (when I was drunk enough)

then wtf is he doing here? what's his purpose and why is he acting like he rules the place?

Barnsley is one of the strongest, I only live ten miles away and I had a lot of trouble understanding them when I first heard it.


kek, literal desecration