#abolish ice
Are you afraid to become minority white boys?
Well, I'm already a minority in my own country anyways.
Yes that's why I'm willing to kill
Keep playing identity politics like this and you will get to see exactly how bad whites can treat minorities.
We treat them 100x better then they would treat us
I know you're trolling but someone actually made this. Blows my mind people can be this retarded
whites are THE minority already bitch ass nigger faggot
This is the dumbest shit. I hate this fucking retarded "argument"
We don't want to go EXTINCT
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
These are foreigners who illegally invade our country. We don't have to let the entire world into our country. White people are already the global minority.
Freed them and solved all their problems for them?
Im not worried about shit. You fucking goblin. Ill murder all your asses.
How are minorities in nonwhite countries treated?
How are Guatemalans in Spixico treated?
How are arabs in Evilrael?
How are pgymies in Congo?
How are Koreans in Nippon?
How are niggers in Saudi Arabia?
How are Pakis in India?
I love how you use a picture of private property being defended from minority vandals.
>pays more taxes than Bernie Sanders
>no human is illegal
>progeny born from a legitimate marriage
and anyways, we don't have a problem with attractive white females immigrating. it's the goblin horde that is the problem.
>my city becomes minority white
>it goes to crime-ridden shit and is barely kept afloat by gibs from other less diverse municipalities
maybe, maybe....
O'Course not, we READY!
Absolute fucking cringe.
>leftists and the media preps up whites as the bad guys for decades
>wonders why whites are afraid to become minorities at the mercy of the people who have been taught to hate them
superman was legally adopted by the Kents as a baby
Is that fucking Andrew Dobson who drew that?
look how minorities act already, imagine when they have power of you
When whites are a majority we uphold security. LEGAL mexican immigrants love Ice and are Pro-Wall, because they know that a lot of their country is trash tier people, and don't want them coming in. Whites pay for all the welfare black people get. When white people are a majority, we keep everyone safe, such as children kidnapped by illegals who then 'get caught' and since neither they nor the child has any paperwork, get deported together. Except that by separating them, the kids don't have the threat of their kidnapper hanging over them and can ask the police for help.
When white people are a majority, people are taken care of.
What happens when non-whites are the majority?
In Mexico, the country is run by gangs and cartels.
In the middle east, arabs kidnap, rape, and enslave people
Everywhere blacks are, they murder everyone (including each other) constantly.
We saw Rhodesia, we saw South Africa, we KNOW what happens when whites become a minority. We get butchered, mercilessly.
Once the minorities take over there will be a genocide of white Americans. The history there is just too bloody.
Whites are a global minority
It's because we know that they won't be as nice to us as we were to them.
That must be the reason why 40 million foreigners have moved to immigrate to the US and millions more non-whites are trying to invade... Because we are so racist?
Deport every single post 1965 immigrant, their kids and anyone they married - send them all out
In a country founded by whites, why should whites be the minority? No one goes to whatever shithole you’re LARPing to be from and demands that their natives become the minority and that they are replaced by a deluge of “refugees”. That only happens to European majority countries. Wonder why that is?
Maybe you're a faggot.
>anti-whites spreading pro-white memes
This is what winning looks like, T.B.H.
Illegal immigrants in Mexico are imprisoned.
Because we have seen what niggers and spics do to white minorities.
First, I am happy they are repeating our line "diversity is white genocide" finally.
Second, whites are already a global minority. We don't want to be a minority in our own lands.
Finally, the comic has a point. Whites should instead treat "minorities" the same way they treat each other.
Based Germany.
Hell yeah nigga
If they’re basically saying that this will be the end result for white people, then I guess it’s us or them.
Political Correctness IS a religion.
Whites are already a world minority. We should have killed all the niggers when we had the chance.
Keep egging us on and watch just how bad it gets for you sub-humans whites finally have enough.
>((((NEWS SAYS))))
The progressive liberal Jews must be incinerated first. This MUST happen. All of them deserve the bullet or the fire.
The beaners can always avoid this horror by STAYING THE FUCK IN MEXICO!!!!!
The kicker is that even then, whites are more kind than nogs are to each other. Your webm vs my webms.
Fight or perish, brother.
I'm looking forward to it. Someone hit the accelerator!
This, fuck these cocksuckers.
Deporting them will be a logistical nightmare.
Much better to just exterminate them en mass.
No, it's because every country with a high % of brown and black people is a shithole
So cute :)
Only whites and possibly some pajeets can understand kindness and empathy
No we aren't going anywhere anytime soon but black Americans will still only be 13 percent of the population in 2060.
I really resent that anyone thinks I should have to justify why I'd rather the founding demographic of this country, my demographic, at that, ought not become a minority. I'm done justifying my existence to these people.
sadly this
>this nigga think he got the shit on deck
fuck nigga don't even look at me on the street, nigga. I'm finna give any faggot the blues you feel me
I don’t speak rap
We’re 62% white so technically we’re still a majority, dumbass kraut
That pic is fucking racist, it automatically delegates without question that minorities are only interested in killing white people, when that is only potentially the case
What if I told you that regardless of whether you're right or wrong, you saying that validates my concern?
Am I afraid to become a minority in my own country? You should be afraid of what the result would be of this whole mess... because it wont be pretty... I dont advocate for the genocide of any race
imagine saying that to any other race? you would be lucky to walk away without your skull cracked into several pieces
>that pic
No amount of good treatment would ever be enough for anti-Whites. They do/will look for any excuse to attack us.
Name one fucking demographic in the entire history of the world that has treated minorities as well as white people have. ie, free college, free healthcare, free housing, free food, free transportation, preferred hiring laws, anti discrimination laws, etc.
None, Zero. Ever.
Same thing with women.
And women and non-whites attack us for it.
Women it's because they have no logic. Non-whites it's because they think tribally
>We’re 62% white
in your OWN country and declining
my 56% friend
> fear
The emotion isn’t fear. I understand that you have a hard time grasping our peoole’s emotions. I fucking hate multiculturalism. I want SPACE. My space, our space.
Imagine children in a big family. I want my own ducking room. You stinky shits like my room Bruce’s it’s the best with the coolest toys, but I would honestly trade all of that away if you WOULD JUST FUCKING LEAVE ME ALONE. Each of you has your own room, stop shitting up mine by handling my controller with your slimy, Cheeto landen fingers. We just want our own space. Will beat your fucking ass if you don’t leave me alone.
That’s the feelz that I feel. It’s not fear, it’s claustrophobia and disgust.
>because they think tribally
and if it isn't that, they think only in terms of gibs for the next five minutes.
it's like leaving scraps out for cockroaches. they take in the here and now.
The reason Africa's morality rate is down is due to white people. If we ended all aid to Africa right now the mortality rate would skyrocket.
I seriously doubt its legal to adopt an extraterrestrial.
This isn't really true though. Most whites are happy there becoming a minority. No other race does this. thats how pathetic the white race really is.
>abolish ice
go global warming!
It's more like we don't want our country becoming any more of a third world shit hole.
>Most whites are happy there becoming a minority.
>((((most whites))))
In 25 years the biggest problem will be the Pajeets - mark my words. They are quite cunning and will start moving over their families and rememebr there is 1 billion of them.
They corrupt everything, steal, cheat, lie, bring poor taste and just general unpelasantness
Still better than the nigs.
> fear
>The emotion isn’t fear. I understand that you have a hard time grasping our peoole’s emotions. I fucking hate multiculturalism. I want SPACE. My space, our space.
>Imagine children in a big family. I want my own ducking room. You stinky shits like my room Bruce’s it’s the best with the coolest toys, but I would honestly trade all of that away if you WOULD JUST FUCKING LEAVE ME ALONE. Each of you has your own room, stop shitting up mine by handling my controller with your slimy, Cheeto landen fingers. We just want our own space. Will beat your fucking ass if you don’t leave me alone.
>That’s the feelz that I feel. It’s not fear, it’s claustrophobia and disgust.
the thing is, you 've stolen all other children's toys and put it all in your room!
This image is inaccurate Barron in 6 foot 1 right now.
dindus can be controlled though
pajeets will over run us
yes on a one to one basis the average pajeet is better but as a civilisation destroying force the pajeet is the bigegr danger - chinamen are a danger too
I forgot to mention the biggest one of all: abolishing slavery. White men died by the hundreds of thousands to end this practice, and then generations later gave all the wonderful nice fucking things I listed in my first post to these ungrateful descendants of farm equipment, and asked for NOTHING IN RETURN. NO ONE ELSE IN THE FUCKING WORLD HAS EVER DONE THIS, OR WILL EVER DO THIS. IT ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN. EVERY RETARD SUBHUMAN "PERSON" THE SAME COLOR AS FECES WISHING FOR THE EXTINCTION OF WHITE PEOPLE HAS NO FUCKING IDEA HOW AWFUL EVERYTHING IS GOING TO GET WHEN WE'RE GONE. IT'S GOING TO BE UNREAL.
What does that say sven?
>I Traded my shit Pokémon for their good Pokémon because the other kids are retarded
THe British Empire was a trading network. Africans we’re captured and SOLD by their own Kings in exchange for fancy stuff from wypipo. Then they wee in turn sold for rum. Traded spices and tea with India. The British empire was literally just the beginnings of global capitalism. Even now, African leaders sell raw materials in exchange for money finished goods. If you want to industrialize and create your own finished goods.. FUCKING DO IT! No one is stopping you other than major conglomerates who can do it cheaper.
I don't mind Mexicans coming here and becoming American.
I do mind when Mexicans come here and turn it into Mexico.
>trump actually paid more in taxes than hillary despite everyone demanding his tax returns
>became a model, applied for citizenship legally for about six years, continued to do so
>was born here while melania was getting citizenship and had LEGAL documentation during this time
For fuck's sake, if they're gonna shit on Trump, they can at least get their facts straight.
Also why do they acknowledge the difference between legal and illegal in this case, but not with thousands of cartel slaves and MS-13 criminals?
Stolen? What Africa is now devoid of resources now? There is still plenty for the Chinese to take, so it can't be that empty.
Also whites are the ones who invented those 'toys'. Best of all, our technology and systems are there for practically any country to copy and implement. You don't have to start from scratch, going though thousands of years of literal trial and error like we did. So kindly fuck off with that bullshit.
When blacks are a minority in a white society, they get the shitty jobs with below average pay.
When whites are a minority in a black society, they get murdered/raped into extinction.
OP wants you to believe that these outcomes are equally bad. OP literally doesn't understand how to suck a dick, but damn he'll keep trying.
swut im sayn
get u one of this
>be catholic.
>don't give a shit about laws of the church.
>just do 5 hail Mary's and all is forgiven.
>don't give a shit about laws of your nation.
>those are catholics jumping the border: more believers for their shitty cult.
The nativists of the 1900s were right. Papists are cancer.
It's because we know how they act in their own countries. #abolish nig