WTF Bongs - Trump banned from Meeting with Farage During Visit

UK reportedly tells Trump he cannot meet with Brexit architect Nigel Farage

>The U.K. government has reportedly told President Trump he must not meet Brexit architect and former U.K. Independence Party leader Nigel Farage when Trump visits the U.K. later this month.
>The U.K. Daily Telegraph, citing a source within the British government, reports that 10 Downing Street made it clear that Trump “must not meet Farage” during his working visit to the U.K. on July 13.
>Trump has embraced Farage, who is also a Fox News contributor, and called him “the man behind Brexit” during the 2016 campaign.
Farage told Fox News he would not comment on any conversations he had with the White House but said the Telegraph report was “utterly consistent” with past behavior from the U.K. government.
>“The one thing they do not want me doing is having a photograph with the U.S. president when he’s in London with both of us saying ‘Brexit is a great idea, why doesn’t the government just get on with it?’”
>A Downing Street spokesman referred Fox News to comments it made to the Telegraph, saying it was "not even aware of a meeting being requested" and that "either way we are not trying to stop one."
>Farage played a key role as UKIP leader in putting pressure on then-Prime Minister David Cameron’s government to call for the 2016 referendum on whether the U.K. should leave the European Union, and also for securing a win for the “Leave” campaign.
continued at link

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what if trump ignores their ban and meets him anyway

Then they will declare a jihad on america

May issuing a fatwa on Trump, inshallah.

Maybe Drumf shouldn't be such an ass and just get his meeting loicence, ok?

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I hope he just meets Farage and fucks the rest off. That would be amazing.

Now Trump has to meet with him. If he doesnt hes a cuck

>Trump shouldn't meet with the only ally leadership in the UK
no, the UK government needs to step down & elect officials that take the will of the citizens into account, not EU globalist whores with their nation destroying laws.


Trump should show up with half the naval fleet surrounding the UK.

>m-many appologies m-mr. Trump

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He should meet him on the International Tarmac of Heathrow like Loretta Lynch. And insist they just talked about their families.

I wish Nigel had a more prominent role in the execution of Brexit

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I hope Trump does whatever the fuck he wants.

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Trumps a complete cuck and probably won't go and back down like a little bitch. If he says "fuck it" and goes anyways then he'll regain some respect


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Heh well considering the absolute state of the UK what with them protesting Trump's visit and all he probably can't push his luck that far.

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He should have run for prime minister
Fuck may turncoat cunt

Okay... and what exactly is the UK government prepared to do to enforce that decree? Because if it's writing a sternly worded letter or commenting about it on the BBC, I'm pretty sure Trump will go where he wants and meet whoever he wants.

Digits confirm he meets him while also calling out the goverment for being fucking dictators.
As a bonus, if the country wants him dead, complete economic blockade.

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I will defy this odds! We will not be denied!

Trump will probably meet with him anyways, or say something that will piss off May.

That way the news coverage will be on Trump's "accidental" faux pas, instead of on the leftylimeys out protesting.


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he should meet with the leader of britain first and ignore theresa may

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>doesn’t even have an electromagnetic catapult equipt aircraft carrier
>think it can tell the chaddiest chad country ever to exist what to do

Ahmed pls

But seriously, trump won't give a fuck about their ban, that's for sure

I want Trump to be the guest Speaker of the house of commons and he shouts out people with his brand of nicknames

they have to let him in, though. open borders for all. there's no such thing as an illegal human, and 14 other womps that will make you say fuck having borders n law n shiet

>A Downing Street spokesman referred Fox News to comments it made to the Telegraph, saying it was "not even aware of a meeting being requested" and that "either way we are not trying to stop one."
So which is it?

They are still madly pissed off at John Bolton meeting with the Brexiteers when he was here

>Members of the European Research Group of Conservative MPs, which is chaired by Jacob Rees-Mogg, discussed Brexit with John Bolton, Mr Trump’s national security adviser, for around an hour in London last week.

>There were no government officials present for the conversations, which reportedly angered Whitehall civil servants, while Number 10 is said to have been unaware Mr Bolton would be meeting with the ERG.

Regime change when?

wow i totally missed that story
>One of Donald Trump’s closest advisors had a secret meeting with senior Eurosceptic Tory politicians where he disclosed that the US president wants to do a trade deal with the UK as quickly as possible.
>Members of the European Research Group of Conservative MPs, which is chaired by Jacob Rees-Mogg, discussed Brexit with John Bolton, Mr Trump’s national security adviser, for around an hour in London last week.

they cucked user, remember that you are slimey ghoulish weasels but some of you are alright, don't go to the fish&chips shop tomorrow

Not only should he meet with Farage, but he should speak about Tommy Robinson.


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Then britain will give the president a very stern telling off. wtf are they gonna do to the president of the US. seriously? what can they actually do hahahahaha. if they arrested him and tried imprisoning him...............just think about that hahahahahaha. oh god i hope trump meets farage anyway just to see what will happen

The resulting REEEEEEEEEEEEEE would be biblical.