Austrian Chancellor gets EU presidency

>Austrian Chancellor gets EU presidency
>first thing he does is start building Fortress Europe
is Kurz the man who's going to save Europe?

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This shitheads supports interner censorship and said Article 11 and Article 13 needs to be passed.

Fuck him. Fuck this commie fascist motherfucking college dropout.


>is Kurz the man who's going to save Europe?
yes, he is
original Thread

>europe can be saved

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>>is Kurz the man who's going to save Europe?
>yes, he is

I don’t want to live in society in which everything I do online gets censored. Do you? Kurz is 100 percent for censorship, stupid asshole.

halt deine schweinsfresse merkel

Hes a faggot on many counts and /ourguy/ on others. He might be the best we can get for now.
He definitely won't save europe.

I support Article 11 and 13 because it makes leftists get pissed off at the EU, which is always good.

>Austrian Chancellor ruling Europe
Um no, will not let them try this one again.

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Halt dein eigenes Schweinemaul. Dein Kurz ist für Artikel 13, lies mal nach was das bedeutet. Euer Kanzler ist ein verlogenes Arschloch, der das Internet komplett von jeglicher Kritik an Autoritäten säubern will.

I hope you also support the shutdown of Jow Forums, the shutdown of all discussion forums on the internet (except on Facebook and Twitter)... and the censorship through AI on Facebook and Twitter.

I am an AfD member and right wing as fuck. But I have read what the EU wants to do here, it is fucked up. This is not some minor shit, it is the real deal, private lawyers will be able to shut down any website whatsoever which doesn’t comply with Article 13 (and no website except the really big ones can afford billions for censorship upload filter AIs to comply).

pls ban merkelferkel

>I don’t want to live in society in which everything I do online gets censored
That already happens, bro. But it's the companies like Jewgle doing it.

>Article 11 and Article 13 needs to be passed
what are those?

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Well guess what, asshole, the EU wants to mandate Google, Facebool etc. to censor a shitton more. And it will hand the power to private lawyers to sue everyone else out of business.

If you don’t care, fine, but don’t the fuck shrug your sholders and say this is already happening.

I'm conflicted, I want fortress europe but on the other hand I dont want to get buttfucked by Kurz' neoliberal overlords

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Censorship proposals by the EU. Article 11 outlaws linking to any news article if you include any information with it (except the link). Article 13 makes any website platform liable for the copyright violations of its users, but creating a safe harbor provision from lawsuits if the website created an upload filter to censor all comments for alleged copyrighted material. Everything anyone from anywhere alleges is copyrighted has to be censored and users banned.

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kek, impossible nonsense then

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Is pic related true?

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what is Fortress Europe?

Sadly, there are things more important than internet freedom nowadays, an absolute halt of immigration and starting repatriations trumps anything else right now. However, I do I think the New Right bases need to push the idea of internet freedom to their boomer and gen-x party leaders who are kind of oblivious to it and not probably aware that it affects them more than anyone else, if anyone is victim of censorship right now those are new right and alt-right ideas and supporters. I do believe that the coaliting of Lega, FN and others that voted for those EU articles were not even really aware of what it contained (it was mostly pushed by the cuckservatives though and they probably sold it as some pro-economic freedom/private property rights measure or some shit like that, so they jumped aboard)

>(((America))) already plotting to overthrow the nice Austrian man
typical of the jewsa

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i wouldn't know anything about human history, but if you need to know about gravity manipulation, give me a call

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talk. what happened to our frozen space chimps floating around in our old rockets?

austrians desperately clinging to this impossible goblin


no, he's a right winger like we've had for years(Mark Rutte). Lots of empty promises ahead and no actual meaningful thing done.