Is Social Democracy a meme?

Is Social Democracy a meme?

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Dunno, it's the standard leftist ideology in yurop

It's literally something right out of wikipedia that me and some guys made up as satire.
Now leftists use it as a defense against be called cuck commies

People are best served by rulers who care for their country. Not by ballot boxes.
-Kim Jong Un.

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the same way National Socialism is a meme

Yes, it's a meme. I have never met an intelligent social democrat. They are just normies that want to preserve the status quo.

Like 11 out of 12 of Finnish political parties are social democratic, just with a slightly different take on it.

It was alt-right that was behind the Bernie nonsense from the start
>Here's how bernie can still win
>I Just donated $100, MATCH me
>Birdie Sanders
>I just ran the numbers, we just have to win X counties in these states to win!

All hyped up by nonsense, pissing away all their money, making them think they were smart with shitty memes that were at least better than the hillary inability to meme

That was us.
Now sit back and enjoy.

social democrat here

don't hate us, we're not communists

Any form of democracy is a meme

There's a reason why the reddit was deleted. To cover our tracks of course.

>don't hate us, we're not communists

it leads to the destruction of countries.

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It's a cult like Scientology.

Works well if its mixed with a healthy dose of patriotism.

Well that's where your problem is. Social democracy by definition can not be mixed with patriotism. Flags are just rags, dude.

VERY gay and jewish

Democracy is a meme, the majority isn't that smart, doesn't really know what's best for everyone and can be very easily told what to think through cherry picked information and most media outlets being owned by the same few companies, even worse when owned by the state.


literal capitalism

Remove faggotty values and democracy and it's practically natsoc.

DemSoc are the 14 words amputated from 88.

whats the difference between democratic socialism and fascism? They seem to be very similar in their economic and social stances and the only difference is the demsoc is just a little bit more lefty.

Fascism is inherently nationalistic and undemocratic. Demsoc usually just refers to far left mixed economy with liberal democracy.

It's good in theory. But then they start bending the knee to the banks, bending over to the employer's cartel, etc. They are too "light". We need more powerful reforms and laws. Imo.

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Fixed it for you

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Lol no. It used to be realistic ideology in the past. But it requires strong industrial workers' community that wants to unify against company leaders.

Why it's a meme today? Because we don't have factories anymore. Also it is too expensive in today's western world.

If you lost factories you also lose workers' movement. It's based 100% around them.

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you mean if there are no strong unions the workers can't handle their shit and get fucked over and hte government can't do nothing to stop it. right?
but that's not true the government can stand strong against company leaders and tell them don't do that. right?


They literally stole their name from the communists.

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Why would government do business regulation if workes don't give a shit about unions anymore?

Also regulation isn't free. In times like this it's very rare that any government in the west would do more regulation in any business.

In order to have strong regulation you should also have big employers and companies. If we are having problems even with that nobody wants to make business harder for small businesses with regulation.

>if workes don't give a shit about unions anymore?
this seems to be the case sadly, but people complain, what's the solution to this?

Only solution to economic downhill is to cut public spending. Inb4 muh stimulus. Stimulus never lasts forever.

>cut public spending
but that cuts quality of life, I'm talking the solution to employer's tirany, as in low wages low rights etc, if unions aren't cutting it wat do?

>but that cuts quality of life

Yup market economy is rude system

modern economy sucks dick, I hate what they are doing to our countries. Lowering the wages, cuting healthcare and education, lowering the rights and protectionist laws for workers. What the fuck man, our fathers fought hard to achieve that and we are loosing it at high speed. I hate the globalist capitalist states of the now.

>our fathers fought hard to achieve that

Yup and they fought it in the world where east was closed system. West has been declining since China and Russia entered world market. Our fathers lived in different world.

what do you see in the future?

I wish we saw international workers rights movement

It can work when you have a small highly homogenous population who generally care for their own (e.g Sweden in the 80's and 90's). It can NEVER work here in burger land.

maybe, but your still brown

Nothing. Factories will stay in China and they are only country that can afford some sort of socialist policies.

In the other world? Anarchy and everything will be sold to private shareholders. Small countries will collapse because they can't compete with any great power in this world.

Case done

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All except the National Socialist Democratic Action Party

bod bless the free market
free market, enslaved population

social democracy is the cancer that killed sweden

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Hey Peterson I read your government has been rising taxes lately. Is it true?

it’s literally just capitalism with public healthcare and homosexuality

As a swede I say yes, 100 fucking %

too accurate

>Social Democracy
it's not bad, but it should be :
National Social Democracy

Social democracy is the gayest thing ever. I respect tankies more than social Democrats.

Is not a meme to take lightly. Right now that people are ruling my country without even being elected and are working really hard to transform this in Southern Sweden.
Right now they handed public radio and television to a sjw venezuelan-socialist party who are a minority. They are also working on giving free healthcare to illegal inmigrants right now.
Don't let socialists take hold of your country, ever. They almost killed my country once and they are working on doing it again.


Are they really going to desecrate Rivera's tomb? Why can't they leave the Valle de los Caidis alone?

its an anti-social disorder like homosexuality.

Yes, all political philosophies are memes, but social democracy is among the worst.

>starts a war that divides the country by two
>brothers kill eachother
>stablish a dictatorship with full on repression and persecutions
>implying the population will remember you as a heor
fuck that gay faggot Tbh, throw his remains to the pigs if it was for me.

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>it sucks
>it sucks
>it sucks
>it sucks
>it sucks
why does it sucks tho?
I get the gay rights thing,and the migrants thing, but what other things do they do that really sucks

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