When will you ask for forgiveness, Drumpf voters?
When will you ask for forgiveness, Drumpf voters?
Race traitors first to hang on DOTR
>ask for forgiveness
None requested, none given
several years after the hangings start. then maybe ill start feel sorry for you
Forgiveness from WHAT?! Making America better?
lol Rorshach was super far right
>there’s a fuck the alt right subreddit
we skip the rope to get fit
But race traitors cant
That's a door that opens both ways.
Like this basically isn’t a fuck the far left sub reddit
Rorschach is farther to the right than even Jow Forums is.
Never, fuck off to suck plebbit dick OP
In theory this board is anything politically oriented, sub reddits are very specific in their theme you fucking moron.
>tfw the writers wrote him as a far right caricature to mock it and fans end up loving the character
I'm still waiting for my "thank you".
why would we ask forgiveness
Forgiveness for what? Voting to make America great? Having a president that is still making America great?
You should be begging US for forgiveness.
If it was we wouldnt have commie generals and blacked threads all the fucking time like we do
We are nothing like reddit because we dont censor your opinion no matter how retarded it might be
>inb4 blacked threads go to Jow Forums
We dont have a fucking bleached thread 7 times a day, its just senseless spamming at that point
On the contrary, I'm waiting for liberals to apologize for turning this country into a trash can.
I see the shills have adapted to the 1 post by this ID shaming. There needs to be a new method.
He was always my favorite character even before I realized he had the same attitude towards things that I had. Then again, I also liked The Question and have read every comic book that he's featured in. I heard there was a movie in the works that got axes, real shame since I like The Question but couldn't give a rat's ass about other comic book characters at this point.
I'd say minus the racist shit, he's probably a near mirror-image.
i can't tell if they are serious
>pic related
>when liberal scum asks for forgiveness
Mr. A had pretty much a Jow Forums view on the world as well.