Why haven't you converted to islam yet? fastest growing religion in the world!

join now! I have! I am working with groups to promote islam in Lithuania and to import as many of our brothers and sisters so that we can grow! Lithuania has big problems with alcohol, gambling, and other degenerate actions! I converted to Islam last year! My name is now Rahimas Abdulas Mohammed! Praise be to Allah! Islam is unstoppable and will continue to grow until every single person on planet prays towards mecca 5 times a day? take the biggest red pill of them all and convert today!

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Other urls found in this thread:


tumors tend to grow fast
that doesn't mean it shouldn't be cut out

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I am patient in god willing as allah wills it Islam will inherit the earth! converting has been the best decision of my life! i have helped many others in Lithuania convert and so have they! it is like a beautiful chain that will not stop god willing until every last person in Lithuania follows the laws of Islam!

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Saged for faggotry, trolling and/or betraying your civilisation.

Islam is a religion of sensualists and materialists where worship of the trappings of religion, such as the hijab, takes precedence over the worship of God. Jesus warns against such hypocrisy many times throughout the New Testament. The solution to degeneracy is not another kind of degeneracy.

everything you just said is literally the opposite of Islam, christianity is a degenerate pagan religion! Islam is the only one true path! It is unstoppable like it or not it dominates the world more and more by the second!

Sounds based. How do I convert?

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go to your local mosque if there is none travel, find an imam! convert asap for in the afterlife you will be awarded!

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saged again, as I’m 80% sure you’re a troll. Regardless, it is only growing because of high birth rates in Muslim countries. Conversion rates are negligible, despite numerous unsubstantiated claims to the opposite by Muslims.

Birth rates in the Muslim world are also decreasing; in Iran they’re approaching the level of Germany. And anyway, whether it becomes the world’s largest religion or not is irrelevant. (Greatly) paraphrasing Stalin, it’s a statistic. Most Muslim countries are desperately poor and backwards (arguably because of Islam). The ones that aren’t have even worse problems with degeneracy than the West. Islam is about as close to dominating the world as it was in the 12th century, and its claims to being the truth are as false as they were during the days of Mohammed.

Islam is a simple and seductive religion that certainly appeals to a certain sort of person; one who is insecure in themselves and demands a rigid code of instructions on how to live life. It has nothing to do with worshiping God, and everything to do with instituting a brutal system of totalitarian government

not only are our birth rates strong but yours are weak for example in the usa the degnerate whites have more deaths then births! Allah will punish the disbelievers! and trust me conversion is increasing especially by western women! I would know i as I have converted many!

and not true about the last part! it's structure has brung me closer to allah and I feel more free now then ever! true freedom is submission to allah!

I visited my local mosques 4 times this year and I like desu. This Englishman converted to islam and completely de-arabized it while not infesting it with liberal cuckoldry: youtube.com/watch?v=mGOTcbfoZh4

I unironically want to live my lifestyle according to his teachings. I hope islam will guarantee me a white traditional family. Or at the very least a Caucasian family.

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Saged again. Women are more likely to convert to other religions than men generally. Something about their psychology. During the ‘Great Awakenings’ in America this was the case. Western women today crave a more patriarchal system, I’ll grant you, but the statistics are clear. For every westerner that converts to Islam, slightly more than one Muslim leaves Islam. And this is despite the huge repurcussions for leaving. Incidentally, you say you feel more free than ever under Islam. Do you have the freedom to leave? What is the punishment for leaving Islam, and what is the punishment for leaving Christianity? The answers to those questions tells you everything you need to know about Islam.

those saying islam is not a religion that whites could benefit from are ignorant, most hate about islam is ignorance

good for you.
but no thanks for us.
also Jow Forums and 4chins doesnt welcome proselytizing thanks.
just ask the scientologists

god willing Northern Cyprus will expand and conquer the south!

What, you think if Europe embraced Islam it wouldn’t be sacrificing its culture and identity? You realise by becoming Muslim you are de-facto joining the side of the rape gangs, paedophiles, and invaders? Sure, you’ll have your tradwife, but your corelegionists will be taking your other countrywomen as sex toys. Once again, the answer to degeneracy isn’t another form of degeneracy. The answer is returning to something we’ve had for centuries; solid, dependable, civilised Christian patriarchy.

those people just give islam a bad name and don't follow the true perfect path of islam! islam is perfect muslims are not

Incidentally, I was with a Muslim girl for a long time and considered converting. The image of the Islamic world as being pure and chaste is just that; an image. Through her I learned of the depravity that exists behind the scenes. I promise you, they’re even worse than we are.

Both Christianity or Islam work for me. But Christianity has grown to be the religion of the spineless. Islam isn't the religion of cucks like Christianity is. Christianity is dead. Le turn the other cheek maymay. Islam is an obvious choice between the tow religions.

care to elaborate?

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A common phrase uttered by Muslims. No humans are perfect, yet according to Sunni orthodox Islam, Mohammed was. A man who took a nine year old girl as a wife is perfect...

This is Islam. It is “Christianity passed through the sieve of an Arab mind”, designed perfectly as the state religion of the dead Arab empire. It is a mix of pre-Islamic Arab paganism and Chalcedonian Christianity. Genies and rock worship (praying to the Kabba, a rock) were features of pagan Arabia that Muslims still practice today. As was circumambulation. It is shallow and unsophisticated, and this is what makes it seductive.

Because I have no desire to fuck goats

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Islam is the last pill.

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>"Le epik goatfugging funny maymay!!"

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You can't even begin to fathom how much you trigger by placing that text next to THAT face

All of this is based. White countries thrived under traditional christianity. This will happen again when we become muslims. white shariah + white IQ = prosperity, tradition and securing the existence of our people. Hope I see Gothic mosques or whatever piece of art is coming next in my lifetime.

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You should look into Russian or Greek Orthodox Christianity. These are forms of Christianity that are tough, uncompromising and haven’t been polluted by western liberalism. Many of their women even wear hijab type garments. Ramzan Kadyrov is such a meme. He’s a complete scumbag; Putin’s hired thug. His Chechnyans fought alongside the Arab al-Qaeda against Russia. He doesn’t give a fuck about the white race.

Regarding my gf, she was hit on constantly by Arab betas. Literally they would stare at her arse all the time when we were out together, even though she wore a hijab (and was, in their estimation a pure woman). When we weren’t together, Arabs would, for example, stop their car in the street and yell their phone numbers at her. Another quick example (I have loads), she discovered that one of her aunts was having an affair with another man, and was sending him nude pics from her phone

Islam is a dead end. Eugenics is the correct path. Find a way to apply eugenics to Islam and it might work.

Because Islam is shit and should be wiped out.

Nuke Mecca

>ethnostate (it is 99% Chechen!)

Literally everything I want my country to be. You have to be blind to not see that Chechen are not based.

I don't give a fuck about the white race either. I don't want Europe to overbite the white identity. We should maintain our ethnic identities. Just like Chechens don't care about race but care about being chechen. I read the reason chechens converted to islam is to be different from the russian Christians and not integrate into Russian culture and thus successfully maintain their identity, and it worked! That's fucking based. I don't care if the UK or even half of Europe loses it's identity, I just want my country to not lose it's identity. But I kinda agree on orthodox and oriental christianity not being cucked and polluted by western liberalism, not yet at least.

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cause all religions are for fags and cucks
they are IQ tests in disguise, do you fall for them or not...pass you get in the elite club, fail and you are a muhammed cuck or christ cuck or talmud cuck KEC Kill Every Cuck

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this is correct
> christianity is spineless
> therefore do the most spineless thing ever of converting to the foreign invader's religion

youre a brainlet fuckhead mouhammed

This is why Lithuania needs the communists again.

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Atheisim is the fastest shrinking belief on the planet and islam is the fastest growing belief...facts show otherwise, allah hates the atheist more then anyone

No, you should be wiped out, Shlomo.

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>"le free yourselves from le evil religion maymay!"

epik post my fellow redditor X^DDD Is it ok if I screen cap this and post it on the Jow Forums subreddit?

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> most of the world is low IQ
> low IQ people are breeding like flies
> low IQ religion grows rapidly

well imajun my shock.

Disgusting sand nigger death cult. If I ever go crazy and convert to Islam I want one of you to kill me.

This. Islam is a prison.

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>If I ever go crazy and convert to Islam I want one of you to kill me.
Britain will probably kill itself first, govna.

Maybe because I want to get married early to a virgin pious wife and have 7 kids? Can christianity today provide that? Obviously not, except for some very few denominations practiced in America. Or Orthodox Christianity in some conservative parts of Russia and some parts of eastern Europe. Shit I wouldn't mind mixing with a non white muslim woman and raising my kids to be muslims if it meant I could enjoy the traditional lifestyle and family that I want.

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Exactly!!! In islam we love family! The bigger the better! Islam will dominate the world!

Get fucked, larper.

>Can christianity today provide that?
Yes. Any reasonably active Catholic or Protestant church will have a community of families that you can join, who will support your decisions around having and raising children.

It's not Christianity's fault that you went to church one time, acted like an autist, and didn't immediately have a lineup of nubile Christian virgins attempting to win your affection.

Insult Allah but he will punish you!! The USA will become muslim majority we are growing fast everywhere!

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Casimir pls stop

false the christian women are all whores! muslim women are traditional and honorable! I already have 2 kids with my muslim wife (she is from Lebanon) I brought her to Lithuania! and less then 1 year of me being a muslim already we have 2 kids. We are aiming for 10!

>Insult Allah but he will punish you!!
When are you going to molest kids? I need an excuse to call the FBI.

> following a religion because you think it will allow you to enjoy the "lifestyle you want"

you realise that religion is about what happens in the next life and eternity not just this one?

and you really don't think you can find a woman to have a traditional life with in christendom? hell mormons have loads and there's 1000s of traditional congregations all over the world.

you're just an edgelord who thinks converting to memeislam will somehow get you loads of hijabi pussy for your imaginary tradlife.

Also if you think that the majority of muslim women (especially in western countries) are actually virgins you're in for a shock

not true Islam provides now and in the afterlife it is the perfect way of life! we are all born muslims! because allah is the only one true god! maybe read the sacred holy koran instead of living with ignorance!

You can’t just replicate what happened in Chechnya to what’s happening in Europe today. At the time, the Russians were the invaders. Who are the invaders today? Conversion is total and absolute capitulation, and justifying it is self-deception. I’m with you on eliminating degeneracy, but Islam will not remove degeneracy; it will cover it up, but not remove it. We’ve had the answer for centuries, and we still do. We just need to remember it, and to remember who we are as a civilisation. Muslims were (are) still stoning their women to death while the West was sending men to the moon. That simply wasn’t an accident of history.

>I need an excuse to call the FBI.
...so that they can call the Lithuanian police, of course.

Degenerate when worshipping a prophet who sucking dick and raping children , sure

Whites or Christian , becausewhite not Christian have low birth.

Douse you in petrol filthy pig

why are you talking such hate? France inshallah will be the fastest to become muslim majority in the nations in europe that are already not muslim majority like Albania or Bosnia, Kosovo etc.!!!

You have betrayed your country, everything you forefathers stood for, and you have betrayed Jesus. Deus vult you absolute degenerate fucking faggot.

no thank you I do not eat pig it is forbidden in islam but you probably don't know this because you are ignorant and need to be educated in Islam! once you are you will come to your senses! Please visit a mosque and get educated!

no my country has betrayed itself, with alcoholism, low birth rates, gambling, corruption, all things that the west also has! Islam is against all of these things and is the only way!

Reality is hate good for you , in some way I do care because Islam support every degeneracy in France , gay mariage have been légalised tanks to Islam , Islamist in France are the worst kind of scum , but whatever if you proud of being like that good for you, in some way when you will explode yourself in a church to fight «crusader» like they like to say you will be happy

>no my country has betrayed itself, with alcoholism, low birth rates, gambling, corruption

This is what I'm trying to say. Don't forget about how our governments are trying so hard to encourage cuckoldry and to destroy the family unit, which is the very foundation of societal culture. Fuck that. I used to be so pissed and bitter about it. But I realized that we can't really do anything about it. So whatever. All that matters to me is to fulfill my dreams. I am already studying in STEM and am likely to get a high paying job. Which means I could afford to have a lot of kids (I'll have 7 or so :D ). Once I get a job my focus would be on marriage.

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You will soon be on your knees before Christ. Muhammad is a servant of the devil and Islam is the worship of baphomet. Lithuania will jot benefit from your degenerate religion of subhumans.

>believing in a false prophet

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You realise a religion doesn’t ‘provide’ you with anything? The notion that all Muslim women are tradwives who just want to breed is just a meme. Likewise, the notion that all Christians are either amoral or spineless is also a meme. The Islamists are very clever in how they market themselves. They appeal to certain wants and desires that they know people have, but once they’ve got you hooked you’ll be singing their tune, and you can say goodbye to your previous identity. Just look at Mr. Cuckomir here.

Luckily, I don’t have a local mosque. Shitskins wouldn’t dare step in my city.

>Saged for faggotry
Good, good user good job noticing the bait
>Saged for trolling
Yes! Finally a user who doesn't reply to stupid bait
>Saged for betraying civilizations

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fastest growing because birth rates not converts. anywhere where ex-muslims/other religions arent murdered or persecuted the muslims leave your disgusting degenerate religion in droves

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I’m studying to be an engineer mate and have exactly the same goals as you. Like you, I went through a phase where I considered Islam as an alternative to western degeneracy, and even dated a hijab-wearing Muslim girl for two years. I picked up some Arabic, and learnt about the Quran and the Hadith, and in that time I realised the Islamic world is just like one of those North Korean propaganda villages which look amazing from afar, but are totally hollow and devoid of people. Islam offers no solution to degeneracy. In fact, it celebrates it, so long as it is directed against non-Muslims.

Because it's the thing we are fighting against.

Billions of flies eat shit, why aren't you eating shit yet?

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anyone who is dumb enough to fall for the Islam is based meme deserves to be part of that backward death cult. hopefully he off himself for his 40 virgins soon

lol fake news 2 million do not leave islam per year in indonesia that is the fakest news i have heard in a while

hitler was pro islam

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sweet pic

Notice ‘and/or’ in case he was being sincere. The point of saging is that you can reply and dispense redpills without giving the thread oxygen.

it is 72 virgins you are showing your ignorance

I've converted SO many people to Islam since 9/11. If you go around preaching to people they will ignore you, but if you slowly inject ideas and relate them to their current beliefs they almost always want to know more. Islam is basically the same as Christianity, so it's super easy to convert them.

That doesn't mean he wanted shitskins overrunning germany

Fuck off sandnigger.

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this flyer is real and was made by a muslim group. indonesia will be a majority christian country by 2030 and guess what? when we force the ME to persecuting Christians and allow free practice of religion, it too will will begin to serve Christ

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>basically the same as Christianity
Islam and Christianity are as different as night and day once you scratch beyond the surface. Only a knuckle dragging dullard who knows nothing of either faith would declare otherwise.

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its actually zero virgins. The quran was accidentally mistranslated. They meant to say "fruit of the vine" which was a phrase taken from christianity. it was accidentally mistranslated to say virgins. This was recently discovered. Its funny to think how many muslims off themselves thinking they would get virgins tho

your religion tends to grow fast when you rape everything in sight and kill non-believers

Nah, plus 99% of Christians are only Christian in name. I'd bet money you included. Most don't know anything about their religion beyond God is a cool guy and I don't want to go to hell. NONE of them act like Christ. Not one.

>Stop, Western Europe already have been destroyed by the ape plauge of the Muzzies.
>Don't let eastern Europe to be destroyed.

If jews are AIDS Muslims are Ebola.
>Don't fall for this "Islam will save western Civilization" meme.

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I have a dog, I consume lots of bacon, and I enjoy alcohol. Therefore I am everything that Islam is not compatible with.

>Worshipping a false idol that came 600 years after Christ

Lol nice try

literally not one productive hate comment nothing but ignorance and only makes my connection to islam grow stronger!

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>Islam is basically the same as Christianity
Christianity teaches love and peace. Islam teaches rape and murder but theyre the same i promise. kek.

:slight_smile: Where did the grapes come from? I thought that muslim ‘jihad’ suicide bombers were promised 72 virgins. :slight_smile:

Q. - Let´s come to the misunderstandings. One of the most glaring errors you cite is that of the virgins promised, in the Islamic paradise, to the suicide bombers.

A. - “We begin from the term ´huri,´ for which the Arabic commentators could not find any meaning other than those heavenly virgins. But if one keeps in mind the derivations from Syro-Aramaic, that expression indicated ´white grapes,´ which is one of the symbolic elements of the Christian paradise, recalled in the Last Supper of Jesus. There´s another Koranic expression, falsely interpreted as ´the children´ or ´the youths´ of paradise: in Aramaic: it designates the fruit of the vine, which in the Koran is compared to pearls. As for the symbols of paradise, these interpretive errors are probably connected to the male monopoly in Koranic commentary and interpretation.”

childless losers hating islam while we continue to love each other as brothers and sisters and grow stronger by the day! we will conquer europe and the world without a single shot fired. we will win with the war of the womb of our muslim sisters! meanwhile your women have no kids are lesbians or other degenerate behaviours!

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Muhammad was a kike.

actually he went to war with many jewish tribes and won!