I noticed something weird.
Check the date of this article : nydailynews.com/new-york/bronx/diverse-group-startups-thriving-city-sponsored-sunshine-bronx-business-incubator-hunts-point-article-1.1115489

Now check the date of her company's filing :

Does she glow in the dark ?

Attached: alexandria_ocasio-cortez.jpg (1842x1036, 61K)

Other urls found in this thread:



A roastie.

We won't know until she does something

I think it's possible she's a hardcore sleeper who's mission is to divide the left. Strange she gets appointed just in time for midterms.

The next stalin.

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>her diet consists of cardboard and electrical cable
You can't make this shit up.


A (((Satanist)))

>dems lose elections because can't get enough brown votes
>suddenly brown politician appears out of nowhere, promising all those things that white people think brown people want

Highly functional and rational people do not have eyes like that.

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>Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 22, who recently launched Brook Avenue Press, a publishing firm for books that portray the Bronx in a positive light.

this morning?

Deep state plant to torpedo the Democratic Party and eventually be killed to spark a civil war.

I wonder, maybe there was a rule that the business had to be legal, and up until then it wasn't, so she registered it knowing that the story would be coming out soon. Or she just registered it because before she wasn't ready and then she figured the article might generate some interest, so she should make it legal.

Cheni Yerushalmi might be her rabbi.
Or some guy she rented a co-working space from. Who knows? Commies are slimy.

She's my age basically

Like in Silicon valley lol

Yes she is CIA... she's also a dumb spic with no real ability.
>The CIA used to not be fucking retarded
It's sad and they're sad

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Commie mchorseface

Mr Ed in drag

WTF is with the crazyeyes? That is some creepy shit.

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it's the "fuck wypipo" gaze. she's thinking about white genocide and it's beautiful.

A lot of people here have dark brown eyes but her gaze "feels" different.
There's something really wrong with her and I'm not talking about something weird or simply uncommon, it's something ominous, nefarious.
Beware of her, for (You)r own good


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The girl's hot, smart, young, and driven. Also she's going to be the youngest President in 2024 after eight years of shitty Trump.

Trump is going to be the cause of a socialist USA, and you'll benefit from it.

So overall, thanks!


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It's a touched up picture, fools


Am I seriously going to have to look at this ugly bitch's face every day for the next ten years?

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Anyone yet managed to get any old social media photos?

Pretty sure she was a thot. She is still kind of cute though she is clearly hitting the wall - just a couple of years ago she looked a lot better. Bet there were some good pic s of her aged 19 that she loved uploading to myspace or whatever it was people like her used 10 years ago

Just wait until every major US city has a majority non-white population and we will find, just as the Rhodesians did and the South africans are finding today, you can't stop the non-whites voting them in.

She is almost certainly glow in the dark. The article was posted the very same day the company was filed. Also notice the description of what the company does is so vague, almost like they don't do anything, because they are a glow in the dark shell company. Some probably think the shell company idea is out there. But if you followed the money it would be done in a way as to conceal the fact that it is a shell company. The money would probably be funneled through some sort of grant organization, or chartiable foundation etc. But it is essentially the same.

So, does the start date thing hold true for the other businesses mentioned as well?

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Divide the democrats, or save the democrats by bringing out a socialist populist when people refuse to vote for #Her again and vote for a nationalist instead.

Ill bet that bitch has that smell of lava soap combined with chili powder.
Wetbacks in line at the store always smell like that.

i'm having a hard time figuring out what they company has actually published.
this. there is no way there's not some fucked up shit about her out there. i mean look at her.

This is the next soros plant. Just like obama. Her education records are probably sealed.

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That picture is legit creepy. I guess now we know how the eyes of Rosemary's Baby looked.


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