Civic Nationalism. Is it a meme or a dream

Lets get a civic nat thread going.
Can America be fixed if all the browns and blacks are based MAGA hat wearers?

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Is this okay if these "citizens" a love our constitution?

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No, they can’t ever become fully based. At best you’ll get maybe 20% of them redpilled and they’ll be able to match our ideals. But niggers will always tend towards an authoritarian and socialist government. Democracy can’t even function in African countries. They always end up installing dictatorships and then 10 years later that dictator is killed by an African warlord and the cycle starts over. You can’t help those people

hahaha exactly what I was thinking

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What about our best friends to the south, the mehicans?

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A meme. The true master race is the mexican, and its master is AMLO

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No and those that do live in White Areas most of the time. Funny also how they low-key say "I grew up around a black neighborhood once" to somehow say Civic Nationalism works.

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I know someone who claims to be a huge Trump supporter, a staunch conservative and all for the wall. BUT he is "in love" with an illegal bean and says he will marry her if in an instant to keep her from being deported. How would Jow Forums respond to this mental gymnastics?

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Since the angle on the newer street didn't map exactly to the older one I made another view just for autism sake.

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Thanks user!

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Tell him that the child will have a lower IQ did will forever be confused on their identity.

I have actually. He didnt respond to the IQ but his answer to identity was "No they will be American"

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>They will be American

Lol hahahaha! Of course. If he only knew about the 1790 naturalization act he would know it's for whites. I think a lot of Staunch conservatives are fucking RINOS or failures. Either we go full Nationalism or we go down in IQ and breed out entirely.

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so what? Mexican women can be fine as fuck, if's she's an upstanding member of society. Good on them for going the legal route and abiding by the law.

On a personal level, he's a cucked faggot for being so desperate that he's willing to get married to hang onto a girl. She has everything to gain and he has everything to lose. Race/ethnicity aside, tell your friend not to be a complete fucking idiot.

t. have latin girlfriends


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Racemixing is still stupid in this sense. Its breeding lower IQ into the gene pool.

Sure but they are not marriage material and definitely shouldnt be breed with. And in his gfs case her and her whole family are illegal living in a mini mexico ghetto.
What perplexes me is he says he is more for building a wall than I am, which is simply not true, and right after says he is for deportations just not his illegal waifu and her family.
Can one be anymore cucked than that?

Civic nationalism is globalist agenda and ideology by another name.

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Lol dude tell him to get a sexdoll. Honestly he probably wants to get laid and have a loyal wife. The problem is she is marrying him to get citizenship and to fuck him over. When that kid pops out and he is stuck paying child support and Alimony he will regret it. He needs to think of the long-term and risks involved.

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>*squeaky toy noise*

Sad thing is he would be the type to have a doll.
They just sit at his house all day and smoke weed and talk about MAGA kek


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Lauren southern only dates based blacks guys

Well she is a jew so idgaf

Aren't these things pretty expensive? If the dude is dating a spic I'm guessing he's poor as well.

probably. yeah he is a "conservative" who takes financial aide to further is liberal arts degree (english major) and has never had a stable job for more than a month or two kek

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So why is he a conservative? What does he exactly believe that aligns with conservatives ?