That comment is fucking scary. Tell say there is no room for debate, and will “show up at your house” for not following along. It literally is fascism, and it’s terrifying. If we wait, they will literally KILL us
How do you know what they're talking about on Plebbit, user?
Go back there and stay there.
Anthony Young
Me and him will mark my words
Jose Cooper
R/politics is probably the most Shilled place I've ever seen. There was a two week gap after the election and shills weren't getting paid and it became 50-50 pro trump anti trump. Then you could see the shills starting up again and it's absolutely flooded by fuck drumpf and white people tier posts. Word is the mods even got paid to allow it during the election
Ryder Lopez
taxing people and expanding the welfare state isn't radical. dismantling banking is radical not that it matters. we're fast approaching an age in which automation will displace swaths of unskilled labor, making them utterly superfluous, and turning their "demographics" into goo will be cheaper than paying them to live
Alexander Garcia
>and here's why that's a good thing
Ian Jones
did you just assume its gender?
Adrian Rogers
>It literally is fascism, and it’s terrifying. If we wait, they will literally KILL us >USA flag >frames everything in terms of fear was there ever a time when you guys had it all worked out, before becoming the biggest wankers ever?
Kayden Mitchell
>some literal nobody >recites UC Berkley political science lecture from last semester YOU BETTER BE READY DRUMPFT!!
You have moral highground over these people anyway, you could sink a lot lower and still retains it. Understand that the very premises underpinning the socialist left are all the grounds you could ever need to claim self-defense without them lifting a finger to act on their inhuman threats.
Gabriel Lewis
>Those who do not move do not notice their chains -Rosa Luxemburg >mfw
cant wait to blast commie brains out of the back of their skull at 300 yards
Carson Robinson
You ever notice how these faggots can’t point to a time in the history of the US that the federal government put up with a violent revolution from commies? The weather underground is as far as the left has ever gotten to a violent commie revolution and it was pretty unremarkable. What the right needs to remember is that these commies are our enemy but their enemy is the federal government and the constitution, they say as much, the government will crush them before we need to do a thing.
>It literally is fascism, It's communism, and the status quo is ticking against them, they won't do shit but social engineering that they can barely do anymore.
Nathan Fisher
>before becoming the biggest wankers ever? I thought your dad held that title
Josiah Wright
yep and she got shot to death having failed in her plan
we should help them become like her
Aaron Morris
She was thrown off a bridge by these fine gentlemen.
>go on reddit >read a dumb post fast i have to go make a thread on Jow Forums so i can feel part of a group and get some attention
Hunter Campbell
A lot of big talk, but I doubt this impotent little shit will ever accomplish anything significant towards their goal.
Because they are a coward. The modern leftist is a coward. They would be stomped by the left of yesteryear.
Aaron Barnes
no helicopters back then
Aaron Clark
Dylan Gray
Adrian Roberts
>glowing in the dark this much
Jordan Ramirez
Y’all faggots better remember that the government’s only gonna be on our side if the left starts murdering right wingers, politicians and conservative pundits first. We can take some roasties and tradthots dying. The left can’t take their organizers and funding sources being destroyed and killed in reaction to their bullshit.
Juan Roberts
can i get in on this? sounds kinky,
Zachary Scott
>The right sat on their hands for years thinking that when they got back into power, progressives would compromise the way they did...
Levi Edwards
LARPers gunna LARP. A real violent revolutionary wouldnt give a fuck about "demographics", if youre going to stage a coup you dont need more latinos in Texas to help you
Juan Johnson
>the revolution is coming >also can people help me avoid paying taxes i wish the revolution was coming
when your position is "abolish private property" everything kind of looks moderate. The trouble with all our revolutionary ideologies is nobody wants to do the work to actually try and live them out, theyd rather bullshit about a violent revolution because what theyre really fascinated by is violence and power. Im sorry anarchism sometimes gets used to justify this nonsense.
Landon Kelly
they literally already started with Steve Scalise. They just didnt get into any trouble because he didnt die
Jaxon Rogers
top kek, we want the glorious socialist revolution where big daddy government provides everything for 'free'. Wait what do you mean I gotta pay for it all with heavy taxes, hmmmm who can help me avoid paying these?
Zachary Stewart
>nationalizing the FED at least they're aware it's private, this could be a good redpilling angle
Jonathan Cruz
Anarchism is violent nonsense. Always was, always will be.
Camden Carter
>That comment is fucking scary. lel, quit being a faggot
James Howard
Colton Bennett
>Rosa Luxemburg
Haha I live in Portland and I welcome antifa and social democrats to form an November Revolution style uprising. They won't last a day if Trump centered groups formed a Freikorps style coalition.
Michael Sanders
>That comment is fucking scary. Tell say there is no room for debate, and will “show up at your house” for not following along. It literally is fascism, and it’s terrifying. Relax, little fellah, Jow Forums will protect you from the mean redit communists.
Gavin Robinson
The jew is riling up his golems. Too bad they are weak and pathetic unlike the communists of old.
Xavier Hall
>It literally is fascism, and it’s terrifying. If we wait, they will literally KILL us It's not fascism, it's totalitarianism. Fascism would want the businesses to stay private but regulated. Totalitarian communism demands complete obedience.
I hope they seize control of of some geographic area or a county and a militia of patriots seiges it and lynches all the instigators. I won’t be left out of that happening.
Jace Green
what does [score hidden] mean
Levi Harris
If some lefty faggot shows up at my house I'll bury an axe in his skull, I keep one by my bed for just such an occasion. Enough axes get buried in enough skulls and they'll stop showing up at our houses. Then maybe we start showing up at theirs?
no one has ever known too little about how reddit works
Thomas Wood
how many upvotes/downvotes they have and the mod has hidden the score to make it seem that that user doesnt have lots of downvotes
Jacob Powell
its because they are cowards, they just want to wait until "1 more decade and America will turn communist just by demographics alone" they dont want to fight, they want to sit back and watch it happen
Connor Cooper
(checked) Trips of truth. Precisely. They have to launch a successful attack and kill personal friends of legislators and military personnel in order to redpill those very people. Anyone who fires a single shot before some s*yboy Bolshevik blows his lid is a CIA nigger.
Justin Moore
Anarchism, properly defined, is the attempt to live without a government. That crazed individualists inspired by Stirner murdered people in cold blood, that Bakunin and others attempted violent revolution, I don't deny, but if were going to discard every political system because supporters used it as a justification for violence then basically every political system currently considered is out, and anarchists killed far fewer than Marxism, Fascism, and Liberalism. I guess nobody has killed anyone in the name of NRX yet.
If you think anarchism is nonsense because you think the state is eternal or inevitable, thats a different argument and probably not the thread for it. To say it shortly, a real anarchist community is a family, and the family is the basic unit of a race, tribe, nation, whatever. Proudhon understood it that way, and to some extent so did Kropotkin, though both were ultimately internationalists which I think was a mistake.
Ryan Wilson
Lol, they get btfo while armed, and facing unarmed right wingers on a regular basis. Dafuq do they think they're going to do with right wingers armed with firearms?
Reddit hides the score of new comment for some time to make it difficult for bots to manipulate it since it can't tell how score and rank are related
Also so that people don't get inflenced by early voters and start circlejerking because reddotors are incapable of independent thought
Ian Robinson
This is just standard leftism. They are violent totalitarians. The only scary thing I guess is they're done hiding it. This is basically mainstream leftist thought thought make no mistake. This is who the Democrats are and always have been.
Christian Gray
this part of plebbit is roughly: 45% paid shills 45% political sycophants ("unpaid" shills, usually in DC) 10% useful idiots (usually in California)
truly it's a hidden gem for grinding - i leveled up two salt miners in mere hours after Trump won
Jose Watson
it's funny to watch these people radicalize over such a short time frame because Blumpf is a racist, our values are under attack, etc.
Jaxon Ward
Was the proud boy arrested? Is there a gofundme for his legal costs?
Ayden Clark
reminder to purge communists. don't even let them talk to you. don't waste your time thinking any of them can be saved.
to the best of my knowledge, he was released without charges, which is good, since he was clearly acting in self-defense
Brody Reyes
when someone is swinging a metal bar at your head, you're allowed to defend yourself
Justin Clark
> no room for debate there never was you fucking cuck numale anyone who " debates " politics is a low IQ idiot
Jaxon Rivera
He was released that day. It was obviously self defense.
Jayden Howard
It's funny because we all know its the exact opposite. Those ebil far right nazis and fascists like drumpf and the GOP are nothing more than cuckservatives. If any revolution or civil war comes either, it's always going to go in favor of those who have the ability to win it, and it's the left that's severely lacking in firepower.
Mason Gray
Communism is always enforced by the state down. Once you have the state what do you care about the demographics, youre about to fuck society in the ass anyways so what does it matter. You guys think you know how dumb Marxists are, and you probably have an okay idea of it, but try being inside the left and pushing for philosophical discussions about government. Its a joke, it really is, theyre so ignorant they think Gramsci is a type of pasta sauce. I would rather talk with literal Nazis, at least Nazis basically know what Nazism is about.
Colton Adams
>Nationalizing the federal reserve I can get behind that.
John Jenkins
>implying leftists don't dictate moral highground by holding all educational institutions
Ryan Rodriguez
Glad to hear.
Elijah Bell
>If we wait, they will literally KILL us They can try :^)
Carson Brooks
I am not necessarily against private property. Its a bit complicated. Proudhon didn't do us any favors with his ridiculous declaration, property is obviously different from theft and his attempt to justify that statement is a bit rough to read at times.
Joshua Moore
they do, because the left-wing coalition is upper-class + lumpens.
Jason Stewart
>turbo-jew marxist >sees that Germany's economy is in shambles after WW1 >tries to take advantage of that and stage a revolution after seeing the commies successfully destroy Russia >her and all her marxist jew friends get obliterated for slaughtering tons of Germans >the threat of the Commies is what propels the Nazis into power
Sounds about right for that group. remember how all the bernie bros balked at bernies tax plan because it increased everyones taxes 10%?
Alexander Phillips
left-wing theories of property are broadly nonsense. Either you have brute ownership (posession) or you de-facto have a state entity which delegates it to you, or you are living in a nigger-tier tribal society.
Elijah Anderson
>We're getting poorer. And we're hungry
these cunts dont know what real poor and hungry places look like. spoiled cunts probably never left the comfort of their section 8 funded apartment
What about the so-boy who got knocked tfo? I heard he was in the hospital with chances to have permanent damage
Camden Powell
>it literally is fascism It's Communism/Bolshevism you stupid brainwashed boomer. Fascism is not a synonym for "bad people doing bad things".
Christopher Murphy
Haven't heard, but the way they talked about it, it seemed like he was likely going to die.
Carter Watson
>The demographics are on our side so we hold the power long term
Gee, why don't you guys work with them? They've been so lovely and moderate by holding your kind over a barrel.
Oliver Gomez
They have enough people right now to violently seize power. So does the radical right. Nobody has to wait for anything to change if theyre serious, but most people on the fringes are not. What the demographics comment tells you is they want to win electorally by waiting for old right wingers to die. They dont understand that everyone gets more conservative as they age (nor do they have any idea >>why
Carson Rivera
brain bleed, or hemorrhage if you prefer
Benjamin Garcia
Frankly I can’t wait for the onions to start their “Reeeeevolution” so we can start responding by mowing them down. They don’t have training, guns, the military/LEO support or testosterone. Frankly they will be put down so quick it will be hilarious.
Daniel Campbell
i've only heard rumors about him. i've been too busy to look into reliable sources of information, but i really should
Isaac Watson
It’s 100% true, they’re describing a capitalist future where people will look fondly on California’s level of income inequality
Kayden Davis
Latinos also don't vote.
Jose Rogers
The idea of the state is that it is a monopoly on violence. If you don't believe in the state then you believe that violence should not be a monopoly. This is why antifa is so violent, they believe they have right to be violent since there is no legitimate entity that can stop them. All the various types of anarchism are simply attempts to stop everything from descending into chaos by getting everyone to live by agreed upon rules. The NAP being just one version of these rules.
The main issue i see with anarchism is all the various different types of anarchism will never agree to when its okay to be violent. Ancoms will think that not letting them take all your stuff is literally genocide so they will become violent to take the stuff, while NAPers will respond to this agression with self defense violence, so you wouldd have constant disputes between different anarchist who don't agree to live by the same rules