you heard it fellas, having to refrain from being a bigot is on the same level as getting shot
You heard it fellas, having to refrain from being a bigot is on the same level as getting shot
The last guy to shoot up a gay bar was a gay nigger
>someone brings up issue of why they're afraid of dying
>someone else equates being labeled an asshole as on the same level of fear
meme harder
>omg nobody is attacking you guys lol ur just assholes omg
nobody wants your fucking diseases fagget
How many gay bars have been shot up? Now how many left leaning colleges are there in America? Also daily reminder being pro Islam and pro LGBT is impossible.
>be a bug chasing fudge packer
>afraid of getting killed
maybe he should stop trying to import so many muslims
I wouldn't give a fuck how big someone was if they did that I'd make them beat me until I couldn't stand.
I love this kind of shit.
Weak beta nu-males so scared to even do anything.
>trying to out-intersection an intersectionalist
I have every right to kill gays as a Muslim
if you object you're a racist Islamophobic bigot
>t. I don't know how twitter quoting works
Those look like children, paco
The guy in question is 30 years old
Do you really think they're going to win?
>Being afraid of something is an argument
I'm afraid the Jews are going to enslave everyone
I bet he still shills for Islam and complains about Islamophobia.
that guys going to get shot someday
Anthony was responding to Michelle, not the other way around, boomer faggot.
I bet hes not afraid of rock concerts though
>meme flag
What the fuck are you even talking about. The guy is probably going to get a non-negligible amount of community service for this. Assaulting someone isn't something you can do and get away scot-free. He literally traded a significant portion of his actual life to throw pop in someones face to act big and bad for no one because he couldn't contain his inner savage. How is this in any way a win? Hope you enjoy picking up trash along the interstate for months Paco!
Funny. I invested the necessary time and money into learning how to legally carry a firearm and defend myself. I choose not to go to places where I'd be disarmed. I'm not scared something bad will happen to me. I've done everything I can to make sure it doesn't.
But no surprise, the people who aren't willing to defend themselves would be afraid. Yet not afraid enough to realize there's been a solution to that problem for hundreds of years...
Don't be a bitch, literally just don't let people kill you
>you're an asshole you deserve to be attacked
>meanwhile I like dicks in my butthole and I can't dance with other fags without being scared of an event that was never repeated
>not stabbing him in the neck with your fork
>tl;dr homos are deranged and should be treated as such
>This is considered secret knowledge in the 21st century
Fuck this gay earth
Make Gays Closeted Again
>The guy is probably going to get community service for this
He only needs to fear muslims.
he does good work on the fag / tranny agenda
Perhaps the faggots shouldn't be shilling for "refugees" to come here bringing their "enriching, cultural differences" with them then.
Why is this faggot being islamaphobic?
Shut up commie fag
I'm assuming you've never had to do community service. Despite your satirization, it's actually a legitimate punishment. Can't exactly throw him in prison for this magnitude of assault, but he, on camera, stole property and assaulted another individual that was likely a minor. Hope he enjoys wearing orange for the next few months on all of his off time. Seeing as he was fired for his behavior it's good to know he'll be free! :^)
you are the most naive person that I have seen in a while
goddamn you must be sheltered
>movies are real life
Tell me again that somehow I'm the sheltered one.
>Implying this wasn't set up for the views
why do you need a gun dude
i guarantee nothing happened to him
unless you get put into a coma or you're a rich kid the cops aren't going to track someone down for a minor infraction like throwing a drink in someone's face
you're so autistic it hurts
no shit you sperglord
Niggers always are violent.
If it was a hot coffee that counts as assault
if cold then less so because cold coffee doesnt have the damaging potential
well no shit scalding someone is different, that was soda doofus
I'm glad we agree, underage! Getting late now sport, should hit the hay since school resumes tomorrow.
let me guess it was some fucking 50kg fortnite player wearing the hat, imagine taking that and just sitting there.
Looked like a coffee cup to me desu senpai
>You can throw soda at people and steal property with impunity and nothing will happen.
This is what you are saying.
again you are naive as fuck if you think cops will waste their time on this
the report will make it all the way to the trash bin
cops aren't going to do the paperwork for some kids who got his hat stolen had a drink poured on him
welcome to the real world
>being a godless commie
Hell is for ever!
I love how they show a whitened picture just to blame "white males" altogether
I'm almost at a loss for words for how fucking retarded you are. You must be a child, there's no other fucking way an individual can lack the facilities for such fundamental reasoning and discussion. We're not even having a complicated discussion, it is ILLEGAL to commit the acts shown in the video and therefore PROSECUTABLE. Do you need me to formalize this for you in order to process or would such an abstraction be lost on you?
What even is your fucking point dumbfuck? That police prioritize their time towards different crimes of varying scale? Fucking obviously. No shit. Do you think this is some grandiose elucidation on par with Socrates? You're nitpicking to ignore the fact that there have ALREADY been ramifications for this individual and there are assuredly more on the way. I strongly implore you to go around behaving the same way and see how far you get before you get the book thrown out you. Never breed.
Wasn't the last person that massacred a gay bar a Muslim Democrat?
Jesus Christ, how do you just sit there and take this shit? I can't even fathom this amount of faggotry. That's just fucking sad.
Well you must be arguing against "police brutality" then because they certainly can't have time to discriminate against minorities, for things like minor possession as an example, if they're efficiently using their time on only the most crucial of crimes. This would necessarily follow, no?
>having to refrain from being a bigot is on the same level as getting shot
Not being able to find a guy to fuck you in the ass is on the same level as being ostracized for your political leaning.
again, you are so autistic it hurts
nobody got into trouble for this, 100% fact, nobody got into trouble for this
nobody will waste their time investigating this, nobody will care anyways
they had their chance to regain their property and defend themselves and they didn't, that was the end of it. Nobody was injured and a 10 dollar hat was stolen, it is literally not worth police effort
i don't know why this is such an earth shattering revelation to you or why you think the police are your personal army, but the fact of the matter is your first line of defense is you
get it out of your head that the police are there to save you
You are fucking retarded
We live in a nanny state in the west where people arrested for BAD WORDS
Theft is ILLEGAL
You are factually wrong. I don't even know what to say since there have already been ramifications to the individual for the actions shown in the video. You're just wrong, there's not really any other way to phrase it. Maybe familiarize yourself with the situation before talking, yeah?
They were like 14. Probably their first encounter with a rabid nigger
>there have already been ramifications to the individual for the actions shown in the video
i can't live without worrying about dying. checkmate, faggots.
Omar mateen was neither gay not motivated by homosexual animus. He didnt even know it was a gay bar acc fbi.
ok so he got fired, cool beans man, I like it
he didn't go to jail or get in front of a judge for it, that's my main point
Considering conservatives get bike locked, fearing for their life is a legitimate concern.
Just compile these and post them whenever a faggot complains about a mean Trump supporter.
>Things take time
WOW! What a concept! Remember Eric Clanton, the guy who smashed someone's head with a bike lock? That was a little over a year ago, and we've only recently gotten to any major developments regarding that case. Granted, there is a nuance of scale (bike lock vs. cold soda) so it stands to reason a lesser case would be more quickly processed.
However, my point stands, and you are blatantly retarded if you think you can do those things and get away with it.
Keep it up and they'll become unemployable.
There's been one fag massacre in modern U.S. history (which was carried out by a Muslim) and he's afraid to go to gay bars? What a fucking liar.
>That was a little over a year ago, and we've only recently gotten to any major developments regarding that case.
Yes, that's exactly the problem he's complaining about. The justice system doesn't treat political allies the same as political opponents.
lol so after a year, two years, he'll get an itty bitty sentance
that's getting away with it
point is you should be defending yourself and not relying on the authorities, we're losing our country and freedom of speech and you're talking about whining to the police so they can (maybe, probably not) mete out some babby punishment
grow some fucking balls
Those intolerant Republicans, shooting up gay nightclubs
Oh wait...
>40 years in prison is an itty bitty sentence
Ok, sure dude. Whatever. You're a fucking retard. I implore you to do the same thing since you're so confident in your position of being able to act with impunity regarding simplistic social interactions. Please do. Prove me wrong. Show everyone what a big tough man you are.
omar mateen wasn't gay he was ja mudslime with a lifetime history of behavioral problems
The majority of the victims were spics
Taking loads in the face
But this time not from dicks
>He didnt even know it was a gay bar acc fbi.
He cased the place and had his wife drive him there. He knows he's gay, she knows he's gay, everyone knows he's gay.
>this autist actually thinks somebody is going to jail for fourty fucking years over a soda and a ten dollar hat
>Kino Jimenez
this sounds like the punchline to a joke
Well, he could easily get shot there
>I have zero reading comprehension and am unable to simultaneously process two distinct, yet similar, cases without having them merge together
>oh so there were consequences and he lost his job
>but he didn’t get the death penalty so who is the real winner of this argument?
What a blown out cunt you are
wait, you're a friend of Gerardo Cazares too?
Let me look at Gerardo's friends list and see if I know you
I wasn't the one who reported him, for the record. You'd have to check one of the other threads today on the subject if you want to track down the real MVP - that's where I pulled the pic from.
kid, you need to see a therapist that specializes in severe autism because if you go out into the world like this you're going to be in for a fucking trip
Shit man Trayvon got shot and killed dead for the rest of his LIFE for a $2 bottle of Arizona watermelon ice tea and a $1 bag of skittles THAT HE PAID FOR
Wrong. More than that, retarded. He's obviously referencing Pulse, and then you replied with a strawman so you could post this gay ass thread. Also, saged.
That's OK Ernesto, I won't tell anyone you're a beaner nazi
trayvon got shot because he decided to jump on and attempt to beat someone who had a gun
>Paranoia is the same as real feelings
Sure is leftism in here.
>everyone thinks it's so funny and original to pretend to read the twitter thread backwards
he didn't get in trouble with the law, that was the autistic poster's main point
I lecture at a local university, I think I'm just fine. I just don't tolerate retardation, of which you suffer from a major case. If you're not going to think before opening your stupid fucking mouth then you should be ready to be raked over the coals, and rightfully so. Why should anyone take anything you say seriously when you are unable to form even the most simplistic of positions? You were resoundingly BTFO and made a complete fool out of yourself. You should take this as a learning experience for when it's not anonymous next time.
Trayvon is DEAD for the REST OF HIS LIFE for SKITTLES
I had to worry about being murdered every day for 19 years because I was born in a predominately black area.
I've been robbed at gun point twice.
Had guns flashed at me on several other occasions.
A previous work place was robbed at gun point )while I was on my break fortunately).
Lots of threats.
Lots of fights.
Never had a white person try to hurt me other than a few coal burners trying to make a big deal out of nothing and stick their drug dealers on me.
I've seen so much crazy and evil shit in my life.
When I try to relate my life experience to people in my office place, they cant even comprehend. Most of them think it all has to be lies.
Blacks are evil.
And the ones that seem nice, will look the other way and not say shit after their gangbanger cousin tries to stab your ass.
They show you just how racist they are once there's 3+ of them and you're the only white guy in sight.
>Moving the goalposts, the post
He proved you wrong faggot, slink off already.
Blame the niggers then. I live near Oak Lawn here in Dallas (the gayborhood) and it's fine except for the other day there was a shooting. Guess what? It wasn't the KKK shooting up the houses...
the goalposts were "he's going to be in front of a judge for what he did" and I said no, that's not going to happen. I'm glad he got fired but not every single incident is going to have a Jow Forums mob getting justice
my main point is self defense, get it out of your head that the authorities are going to get involved in minor infractions like these or even simple assaults and batteries
especially corrupt left wing controlled major cities where most of these left wing animals reside
Throwing soda on someone is assault.