If, white is so superior to others. Why is Japanese so superior to white at almost every fields?
Please answer my question. white racist.
If, white is so superior to others. Why is Japanese so superior to white at almost every fields?
Please answer my question. white racist.
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you the good engrish speaking now have. vergood, vergood!
I hate being Australian, Australia is the worst country in the world we oppress gays here and even killed over 10,000,000 aboriginals. I wish Japan colonised Australia
That's what makes us the best country in the world you fucking weeaboo faggot.
Because white people nowadays are mostly white slobs without discipline. Despite grass eaters, Japanese are still more disciplined. I value discipline above all else.
Japanese > White
American > Japanese
japanese people are prisoners of their own ego.
You suck at sports and sex.
They probably gonna die out cause they're fucking they're waifus and not actual people
superior in the "i can grind harder than you" ways which is respectable in of itself.
But for some reason you don't get the same respect as whites get.
Why do you think this is, tiny jap?
>at almost every fields
As he types in english, on a computer, using the internet, using a keyboard etc.
I like Japanese people desu, but Aryans have always been the top caste of humanity. You guys are second though, so that's not so bad is it.
Japanese people aren't brainwashed by jews and make anime.
No we are the worst country ever, we are oppressive to the boat people, and my mate always brags about he beats the Jimmys when he's on ice. It makes me sad, Australia is a country built on immigration, it's in our national anthem
Now separate whites from Jews.
Fuck that shit
Not shown in diagram: Most Japanese commit suicide after seeing a white man's dick and comparing it with their own.
Really annoying
9 seconds in and she's already pissing me off. Why do they think acting like retards is cute?
We are superior in some ways, inferior in others. Its not about being the best, its about being just US, and not anyone else.
Now hol’ up’ *smacks lips* you sayin’ we iz kangz n’ shiet
Have you even looked around at the absolute state of white America? Only the people you hate -- liberals -- are worth a shit. Everyone else is half-dead off heroin or farting in the garage with a Miller Light. Please.
>Jews are smart. They told me so.
They act like trannies even though they're already female. I.e. being overly, consciously feminine to the point of it feeling unnatural and also infantile.
>Hurr we were built on immigration so we should just let in everyone and anyone who wants to come
Fuck off we're full cunt
>Superior at being pedos
Japs are honorary aryans
If you're so superior, why can't you cum inside a woman and make her pregnant?
You know how I know your a nigger posting from an air force base? The fact we've had this thread 400 times before. And the general consensus is that the Japanese are literally the honorary Aryan, the white man of the east. Gleaming cities, high tech industry, etc.
That said, your business structures have locked you into an endless loop of stagnation, you have an unbelievable affinity for sucking your bosses cock to avoid losing your salary job, and your farming sector is ass fucking backwards yet somehow manages to be very politically powerful, and your entire social system puts your entire life worth into the fucking college admission exams so that if you blow the test you'll never get a position of authority or power anywhere and end up on a fishing boat. Straight up Confucian Exam System for the entire social strata. Zero mobility without that precious test score.
We love Japan, but there far from perfect. Neither are whites and Americans perfect. But we both got the potential for great things. Not you though, your obviously a fucking retard no matter who you actually are.
According to Jow Forumstards,
The master race White men are fooled by the Jews, and committing cultural suicide right?
How superior they are.
You Japanese manlets can't even breed properly, give me a break, you're a fucking nation full to the brim with autistic degenerates who can't copulate for shit. You will be extinct/mutted before 2050
You think Mechas are a good idea.
Fucking weebs
what happened in 1965?
*Nigger pops head up from crying position on seat.*
"whay, I'm american! N-Sheet"
You're being fucking racist cunt, this attitude doesn't fly here anymore mate you better fucking watch out with your hate speech mate
Not OP, but I can but don’t want to pay for her for the rest of my life, that’s why
>says the nip committing actual cultural suicide
Tanks are literally obsolete and you think mechas are a good idea.
How fucking dumb can you get... well I suppose your not as dumb as China atleast they are straight up injecting themselves with cancer and calling it A "super soldier" programme.
tell me asian friend, why does your higher IQ seems to be higher in theory, not really in practice?
Who said whites were superior? We are mostly white nationalists, white supremacy is just a meme.
i for one welcome our japanese overlords
>worth a fucking dead cat
I would rather live in China with the bugmen than submit to liberal whites.
Well done leaf, well done.
>As he types in english, on a computer, using the internet, using a keyboard etc.
Always this same crap. Ignoring the nuances of historical circumstances of why industrialization and thus most of technological innovation of the past two hundred years happened in the west, nah, it's because muh aryans are da best1!
Turtle against an Asian star craft player theyll get arrested before they win.
Japan is basically just a copy and paste of any western country with a little onions sauce on top. You're using our architecture, music, clothing, art, science, tech, etc. We're using your fwied wice. Get it, Yoshi?
get off the peruvian flute forum and make some babies
>there's actually an element called Nihonium
Top kek.
its not about who is best. claiming to be the best is nigger talk. its about who is the worst. who drives up crime on average? who drags down standardized test scores? who cant be trusted to do basic tasks?
im sure there are only 2 answers any american will give. the question is who needs to be removed first. blacks or mexicans? for other countries its also blacks typically but maybe the second answer is muslims
Whites are not superior to japs or the other way around. We are both evolved races that should have mutual respect for each other.
Germany and other Western countries have the fertility rates as low as Japan, while having Blacks and Muslims who breed like rats.
once we have all their recipes they will have outlived their usefulness.
East Asians create very few geniuses. You are not superior in any field, you are good at using the creativity of Whites and Jews and establish a good manufacturing base and a social-economic system because of your high average intelligence but you create very very few things that make Mankind advance.
I'm a foreigner as much as you are mate all Australians are foreigners unless you're an aboriginal this isn't your land
America is a terrible example. They are fully under the control of foreigners like jews and others. As well as have a sellout corrupt capitalist system.
Implying I think technology and muh science^tm is what makes a people better. There's other qualifiers, spiritual reasons, moral, cultural etc.
You're another narrow minded technocratic kike desu.
Stop with the fake English mistakes, David.
If you're so superior, why can you survive a nuclear explosion?
You celebrate our holidays and not the other way around goomba.
You've done a great job of making yourself out to be an outrageous faggot.
>uses "racist" unironically
>uses "hate speech" unironically
We did.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki are both prosperous now.
It seems like you couldn't survive a Nigger explosion though.
In civilised countries using words like this could land you in jail, but you wouldn't know a civilised country if it bit you in the arse mate, why don't you try being more like Canada? They took in 10,000 refugees, how many have you taken in?
Japan was in the middle age until mid 19th century you fucking brainlet
I would say you're just a troll, but there are really people who thing like this.
Don't change the subject Bruce, just admit it Australia is the worst country in the world. We should be more like New Zealand
Are you from that Japan thread 2 days ago?
Now separate "whites" from whites
>Loses FIFA's world cup like shit
Ok mate
they have some white genes (from the ainu, which may have indo-aryan roots if looking at folklore). It's not much, but it still helps them bfto the chink drones. This is why they are considered "honorary aryans"
Also they have remained racial homogeneous and support the patriarchal family unit, which produces strong authoritarian societies and governments.
>Standing on a certain piece of ground gives you magical invention powers.
>Whites are the only people to rule the majority of the world twice but it's just a coincidence.
The only reason Japan has been allowed to prosper and retain its culture is because the Jews have not focused their energy there. Jews are targeting Christian nations--particularly Protestant nations.
Not in birth rates. enjoy being a non-existent race faggot.
Nazis were retards and neo-nazis are even bigger retards.
>The Japanese Ambassador held an interview with German Foreign Minister Konstantin von Neurath, once again asking if the term "colored" applied to the Japanese too and if it prohibited Japanese-German marriages. According to foreign sources, von Neurath answered that the term "colored" did not apply to the Japanese.
>Johann von Leers, who was an active Nazi propagandist and would later become a university professor, stressed that Hungarians, Turks, Estonians and Finns were treated as Aryans despite their foreign origins. He thus recommended the application of the same policy towards the Japanese, who belonged to the same ethnic group of Asians as the abovementioned group, and suggested that the intermarriage ban, which only affected very few people to start with, should be lifted.
>He further stressed that many Japanese had a lighter skin color than many of the Mediterranean peoples which were counted among the Aryans. He was convinced that the Japanese race showed some Nordic characteristics--traces of blond hair, for instance--and had other striking similarities with the Aryans.
>The memorandum thus called for clear definitions in German race laws lest they insult the Japanese. According to the author, the laws should apply exclusively to "Jews and primitive races."
>Unlike other non-Whites like the Chinese, the Japanese received preferential treatment. The intermarriage with Germans was not legally prohibited.
Why couldn't we just be friends
Devastating. How will they recover?
> If, white is so superior to others
Who has said that? Most white people here are white nationalists not white supremacists.
We really need range bans for these idiots. Ooga sjw booga, kangz n sheit, wypepo.
In South Africa the apartheid laws didn't apply to Japanese
Not at reproducing
Please ban Australia we are learning too much from America in this website
Japan doesn’t have niggers dragging them down.
Second best.
Psst, they selected flags. Its the trolls and sjws.
Uh huh
>India ahead of Europe
Because Japanese are humble
I identify as an Abo.
What ya gunna do now?
Gimme yo shekels dawg.