Finally someone who can take down this nazi, putin loving cheeto-head.

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Dem primaries are gonna be a goldmine.

Saudi Arabia

DiD SoMeOnE SaY ChEeTo ?

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Did we ever find out who is footing the bill for this sleazebag to run around the country and leap in front of cameras?

Run where?

I can't wait, their division is our strength

smart enough to become a lawyer

stupid enough to represent a porn star against the president and not knowing when his 15 minutes are up

what a human tragedy

As if anyone actually believes anything that bald faggot says

That's the joke, lad.


Lol fucking do it you Italamerican lawyer. He would get destroyed before he even made it to Trump.

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Literally, who the fuck?

It's absolutely hilarious how badly the Stormy "scandal" failed and how little everyone cared.

The best part was when she all of the sudden seemed to drop off the face of the Earth as soon as autists found and pointed out her NXIVM cattle brand.

Careful, Brothers. This is exactly the attitude the libtards had when the God Emperor was running. We should take any threat as legitimate regardless of absurdity, and ensure the God Emperor's supporters do not grow complacent and skip voting.

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oh man, remember stormy daniels?
wasn't she going to be the end of trump, what happened cnn? I haven't seen her in a few weeks

>being this delusional

Jews, most probably.

Yeah, I'm still waiting for that alleged storm.

Why is it now "if" he runs in 2020? Didn't Trump already register for his 2020 campaign?

yea, except Tump had been a household name for 35 years, he wasnt some no name ambulance chasing wannabe celeb lawyer

Maybe he's implying Trump will be impeached or forced out before then? Who knows or cares about what this shyster thinks.

Doubt the Dems will nominate a White Male.

>overabundance of candidates run in 2015
>trump elected in 2016
>overabundance of candidates run in 2019

Trump has the full power of Satan behind him, engage at your peril, Satan's mission to destroy America with Trump will not be stopped by any ordinary human

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He is

He doesn't give a hoot about Trump or Stormy. Everything is about giving himself more public exposure

Trump could literally look like this and not lose one single vote from his Christian base. Even if he proclaimed Satan a good person. Christians all over would start to agree that Satan was actually pretty cool.

We really should get the most wildcard candidates in there to make it a bigger shitfest

when you run for office you get to keep the money win or lose.
he's just broke and using all the unwarranted media coverage he's had to scam some sweet campaign donies.

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Why is everybody a lolcow now?

Presumably his former law partner he stole 10 mil from

I thought he was supposed to make Trump resign any moment now.

Please let the creepy porn lawyer run, he will get destroyed by trump