Can someone explain what these fucking christcucks are doing in bed with the refugee movement?

I am totally in the dark, why are these fucking traitors ushering black hoards into our western countries... It's painfully obvious now to anyone who gives a damn that its not a good policy. Pushing harder is clearly malicious intent against the native population.

These christcucks are supposedly some of the wisest people on earth according to them. They cannot be that stupid, this is willful action on their parts, purposeful, what is the purpose?

Are they conspiring with the heebs to finish us off?

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Other urls found in this thread:

suicidal altruism

I've never been more comfortably non-Christian than at any point in my life. Legitimately.

Isolation from reality. Hyperreality, essentially.

You're extrapolating the actions of infiltrators subverting the church to Christianity.

Trust me, buddy. True Christianity would scare the shit out of the world. If this country became Christianity overnight, you'd hear screams from the wicked running for their lives knowing their time would be at an end.

Jews, fags, feminists, atheists, degenerates, the illuminati, and all the rest of the the wicked of all kinds all team up to shit on Christianity. Why? Because they're frightened of it and they know that Christianity is the only thing that can stop them.

That's why they constantly have to keep watering it down and propagandizing against it 24/7 all day, every day.

Attached: Christianity's positive effect on civilization.png (762x1024, 223K)

No fucking way, look at that top mother fuckers face, he is so happy. What could he possibly have told himself to be so disconnected from reality? These are intelligent learned men, these actions cannot and should not be attributed to anything but malice

That image is pretty powerful. So these are infiltrators? Who sent them?

Infiltrators tend to be either Jews or homosexuals.

I've heard of Jesuits being infiltrators, but I know very little of Jesuits.

They’re not Christians.
“Howbeit these mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.”
Luke 19:27

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But for there to be an infiltration tolerated surely the top must be the infiltrated position. No true religion would allow this sort of aggression against it so openly.

Sorry, i meant to say that the infiltrators tend to become people in positions of power like pastors.
Once they infiltrate, they tend to get more naive people who don't know the bible well to be manipulated much easier.

Attached: Cuckservative-Christianity-infidelitous-RINO-Quisling-SJW-GOP-neoconservative-open-borders-cuckoldry (1024x801, 320K)


Attached: Isaiah 1;4-7.jpg (675x431, 105K)

So we are on agreement they are infiltrators/aggressors. The question is from who? And why?

These folks are not christians. They are fakers.

In the Catholic Church’s case it was Vatican 2
For many Protestant sects it was the scotesfield bible
Either way it’s the same thing: Christianity is dead and it’s corpse is being used by groups to push refugees

Christcucks are the fucking worst.

Attached: 0237498263974623874.jpg (3000x3367, 3.54M)

>Vatican 2
Can I get a quick rundown? Some Catholic Jow Forumsacks reject the current pope.

What in the mother fuck....


I made both the pic you used in OP and that one. I will be making more. Many parts Christianity are not as conservative as many make it out to be.

Leadership is in it for the money. the flock listens to the fucking sold out faggot motherfucking demonic leadership and does it because they are brainwashed.

t. accountant for large Virginia religious group

I agree.

They aren't Christians.

So the devil is responsible for this? Literally good vs evil?

it's sad to watch
Pic related just one example of the many christian organizations using naive white's good will against them. This is not the church's only "specialty", fyi. In the US perhaps these things are not so obvious because you've been stable for a while, but here for example the church actively sheltered commie terrorists during the dictatorship. And I'm not exaggerating either, there were domestic terrorists bombing banks and all, they even kidnapped an American ambassador at one point. Most of the leaders of those movements are important politicians these days, and the church helped them frequently.
Also, I'm from a german colonized region, and BY FAR the church was the one who did the most to bring niggers from outside. They're also giving shelter to haitians and africans arriving these days.
I just see them as enemies at this point, I tried being friends time and time again, but it's clear the church works against Europeans.

Attached: christian immigrants south dakota.gif (3236x1580, 1.72M)

Sold out or not, whats in it for them to be inviting refugees, they can get that money doing literally anything else as well, all they gotta do is lead and they will be rewarded, why would they lead in this direction?

Why did you edit the original image? It was a great pic, now it looks like some facebook tier shit

Commonwealth Catholic Charities?

>muh vatican 2
Wake the fuck up nigger, the church was converting slaves and natives to allow them to mix with Europeans as far as 300 years ago

Their "charities" for the illegal immigrants bring in a lot of money, Michael Savage has documented it in his recent books.

ORR (Office of Refugee Resettlement) pays them to subvert and destroy the nation

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.
-Romans 13:1

they obviously are not following scripture

So the point is to impose an alien voting block on whites?

They don’t read the Bible and just do what they are told. The do not seek Christ.


>STILL hasn’t figured out Christianity isn’t a kike plot to enslave the Gentiles with pathological altruism
get off my board, boomer

Fpbp. Christian Zionism is like a lobotomy on the brain

Catholics love Satan and codify mocking and insulting Christ. Then Vatican 2 came along and somehow things got even worse.

Do some research on what's being done in Nepal...
Quick rundown
>be nepal
>hindu monarchy for years
>any type of proselytising is illegal
>with the increase in tourists due to mountaineering the country gets some christians, government is cool with it
>90s, maoist guerilla starts civil war
>meanwhile, christian presence starts to grow
>about 10 years later the war is over, and the commies take over the government
>christianity's growth rises even more
>tensions with hindus rise as they say christians are taking advantage of the poor to convert them
>proselytising is still illegal though, so the missionaries are asked to stop
>they don't
>one or two of them spend a couple days in jail
>cry persecution
>keep up with proselytising
>shattering earthquake destroys an already poor country
>more tensions as hindus say christians are offering schooling and housing only to those who convert, taking advantage of their fragile situation
>christians keep it up to this day

I couldn't believe it when I first read about it

An alien PARASITIC voting bloc user.


hence why we need to call (((them))) out. pure unadulterated Christianity is not what we see today. it has become so polluted and watered down. if all Christians lived like Jesus said and did their would be no oppression and the jew would be extinct. Jesus spoke out against the "jew" more than anyone else at the time an called them the children of satan

Leftism is the best way to destroy a group from the inside out.

Christianity is a threat as a societal collapse would look horrible for Atheists or anyone lacking moral direction.
It's great for Christians as large numbers of Christians are held together with their ethical beliefs in Jesus Christ.

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>posts pics of Heretic Catholicucks
There's your problem right there.

How dare those dirty Christians improve the lives of and save the souls of the impoverished and damned.

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in most churches today it is sad. you speak out against the jew and you might as well speak against Christ himself. I am a Christian but it troubles me to see how far (((they))) have taken it from the truth.

any other Christians on here try to approach the jew problem with other Christian IRL?


Attached: JesusCleansingTemple.jpg (660x350, 78K)

I wish I was there

true Christianity at work

>Wake the fuck up nigger, the church was converting slaves and natives to allow them to mix with Europeans as far as 300 years ago
Jesus christ, thats exactly what they were doing wasnt it... it was conquest by rape and miscegenation, it was also the start of a mass mixing campaign under the guise of civilizing the savages.

Trust me, buddy. True Christianity would scare the shit out of the world.

the battle still goes on today. every day we have to drive (((them))) out

All the time.
Revelation 2 & 3 coupled with an understanding of how modern day Israel came to be is proof enough for most that the Jews we have today are false Jews.
They practice false teachings which blatantly go against our God.

Yes, parasites are well understood as far as behavior goes, do what ever in exchange for free blood.

Serious question, which books of the Bible does one follow to be a Christian?

Revelation 2:9 – “I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich), and the blasphemy by those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.”

3:9 – “Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie – I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and make them know that I have loved you.”

>some of my favorites

The overall decline in membership nationwide has cause many ( christian ) churches to do whatever they can for membership. Even if its self destructive. That being said the bible gives Christians strict instructions to remain politically neutral. These persons are all betraying there own faith and thus cant really be called Christians but Christian like.

No, a person is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a person's praise is not from other people, but from God.
-Romans 2:29

>another good one

This scares they heathens and heretics.

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This. They churches who supposedly back bringing in refugees are only doing so because the government gives them a shit ton of money for doing it. It’s pure and unadulterated greed. Anti Christian to its core.

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watched it 4 times already. sat down and talked to the guy many years before. Anderson is pretty based when it comes to the jews and the corruption of the church

a lot of really good info and history in there

was able to show my stepfather and expose the jew to him. He had been Zionist for years

he couldn't believe how many of the church forefathers warned of us the jews and why he never heard any of this

search google for "case against the jews in the bible"

all that comes up is anti semite crap. (((they))) hide this stuff well.

this is how scared they are of the truth.

Attached: Jewgle.png (1764x1832, 320K)

>what these fucking christcucks are doing in bed with the refugee movement
Christians are bigger loving race-traitors. This isnt a new thing, Christian's have always been self-hating scum.
>all real churches are wrong
>me on the internet is the only one who is right
Fuck off and die.
>That image is pretty powerful
Are you actually retarded?
>So these are infiltrators?
No, these race-traitors are the real Christians. Who are you going to believe about what christianity is: every single church operating in the real world or some regard in the internet?

The Churches get money for resettling refugees. That, and misguided moralism derived from the collapse of anything resembling proper Christianity.

>Trust me, buddy. True Christianity would scare the shit out of the world. If this country became Christianity overnight, you'd hear screams from the wicked running for their lives knowing their time would be at an end.

You couldn't be more wrong, and it's clear you've never read the Bible. Much of the suicidal altruism that's happening in the west right now is explicitly sanctioned by Christianity.

>b-but muh Old Testament!

Jesus specifically says, in the New Testament, that not one piece of the law has been changed, or will change, until all has come to pass. Plus, all the anti-fag stuff is in the Old Testament as well. You can't pick and choose what's convinent to your argument.

Christianity is essentially cucked Judaism. It adds a new book with a new, nicer deity that's far more malleable to sane people and makes the religion easier to swallow.

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>making them follow laws is mistreating them

please tell me more

even you fuck up the interpretation and can't read what is in front of you, so I imagine much of the church is like you.

these guys make the amazing atheist look smart.

The Christians are good at converting the lower caste members. If you were an untouchable in one religion, wouldn’t you convert to a religion that said you were equal with others?

Christianity is garbage. Asatru jihad (spiritual) is necessary.

its a reaction to knowing they are too chicken-shit to question WHY there are these "refugees" in the first place.

They secretly all know doing so will quickly lead them to become "anti-semitic".

Its like the Creationist bible beaters. They don't believe their own shit, but they also know they are forced to go along with Jewish lies about "all races equal" so they pretend to believe Earth only 6k years old to fuck with (((system))).

Only way into heaven is legally through Jesus.
Only way into a country is legally through customs.

>based leaf

Jow Forums must raise awareness.

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Searched for "why did the jews kill jesus" and this was the top result.

Attached: JewishLearning.png (671x620, 138K)

Is it wrong for me (Catholic) to wish the Church would stop caring so much about refugees and illegals? It really irks me that so many bishops and cardinals have swung so far left. They should be fighting for a freer market, less government-run programs, greater support of private charities, cracking down on immigration, greater rights to self-defense, and libertarian policies in general.

They’re infiltrators. They know what they’re doing perfectly well.

They are doing what the lord commanded , what they do not realize is that refugee's are a curse of God and they destroy them self

They're just fucking stupid.

>Old Testament
Based Jews

Yes, most are stupid. Liberalism infects the church's. Christ taught to help family-neighbours-town-country in that order. It's like an expanding circle.
These people skip to 'importing Africans from the other side of the planet' to my street because they are sick and misled.

The same goes for the people feeding them and creating dependant populations (teach an man to fish vs feed for a day)

>Is it wrong for me (Catholic) to wish the Church would stop caring so much about refugees and illegals?
Yes, you want the church to be unChristian. They aren't going to stop doing Christian things just because they're bad things.
>cracking down on immigration, greater rights to self-defense
Why would the church support things Christ was against? Fucking retard.
>Christ taught to help family-neighbours-town-country in that order
>in that order
Can you quote that to me?

I would also like to see this quote or evidence. I was thinking about becoming a christian but I cannot be part of this bullshit. It makes me rage just thinking about it. Traitors are the fucking worst.

>The pope encourages this
>The highest authority of the church of god himself
>He's not the real pope that's not real christianity

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