Chimpout in France!

Dindu is shot in France and there are riots.

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I don't see any date on this.



all you have to do is have an all women riot

then by law theres nothing the police can do

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I saw it on the stormer. The media is trying to hide it.

Any live feeds?
>The young man, in his early 20s, hit a policeman as he reversed his car away from the control point. Another officer to opened fire, fatally wounding the driver, according to a police source speaking to the Reuters news agency on Wednesday.

The French burn cars a lot when rioting. It’s thier thing.

That never really caught on over here. People respect cars.

thx, good video.
wish i could read french, see what the comments are saying.

>ooga boogas invade france
>burn shit down
>one of them gets shot
>french go and burn shit down in protest

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Look at the URL sped


use your brain, user


why do france threads never get bumped?
i like france

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Stream required or it didn't happen

where exactly in france? its gotta be a city since nigs love to live in hive like areas.

I don't know anything about this but I'm just glad it's not here.

What the fuck is wrong with France? Do they like violence for the sake of violence or some shit?

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Those doctors and engineers spreading their vibrant culture.

Frenchies get 12 hours of sleep so they are all in bed still

Vive le France

Is HWNDU still in Nantes?
could these riots offer some frenchfag cover to... deal with the situation?

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Just fucking great, my sister, BIL and 10 yeard nephew are there right now visiting the BIL's family.

>where exactly in france?
Says right in the pic.

forgive burgers, for they only recognize mcdonald's signs and crosses, so names like "nantes" just look like every other word they don't understand

the torygraph sure is conservative

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Also the mayor (female), Johanna Rolland comes out and starts going on about how she wants the death strictly investigated and whatnot.
Makes no single mention of the niggers burning cars and buildings.

Shooting a nigger in the carotid after he rams cops: racism, big investigation is needed, the evil white man will pay for this outrage!
Niggers burn a bunch of cars and buildings: *sound of crickets*

go back to sleep

Worldwide extermination of niggers needed.

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Here's to you France; Through revolution we are brothers.

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I'll describe my experience visiting France for a week on my vacation.

>Gypsies were all around Paris begging for money, gypsy kids wait in front of ATM's to steal your money.
>Tons of homeless black people sleeping on the streets of Paris
>Non white street hustlers constantly harassing people to force you to buy their shitty merchandise.
>Mosque on every corner, more Arabic and African shops than French ones.
>Occasionally Muslims will decide to pray in the middle of street and block traffic for hours.
>Literally like everyday there was some kind of protest in France which usually ended in violence with protesters attacking police and vandalizing everything around them.
>One thing you'll always see in France is someones car on fire.
>France is under state emergency for two years now so you'll see a lot of armed military patrolling the streets.
>Every single day more incidents of Islamic extremism keeps happening.
>France voted to ban pictures of Muslim extremists in news to not generate more Islamophobia.
>Dangerous no go zone district all around Paris where ambulance and police are attacked.
>Paris is one of the most dirty cities in the world, trash is everywhere, streets smell of shit and piss. Don't even bother taking pictures of anything in Paris, everything is vandalized and covered in graffiti due to violent protests and rioting.
>The most common belief among the French is that French national identity, culture and ethnicity don't exist.

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity does not exist in France anymore, it's all virtue signaling now

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You went to Paris.

Also, nothing to see here, move along. Only dindus doing their job. Now allow me to ease myself to sleep while thinking about how quiet my city is. Poor Nantais.

French police have guns!?!?

>As long as it doesn't come to my little sphere and upset my way of life I don't care :^)
Weak men such as yourself are the reason why this is happening.

>putting Jordan Davis in with those actual thieving niggers

I'm sorry for you frogs, is there no one wanting to change the situation there?

France unironically destroyed the West with its egalitarianism and socialist gibbs, which then spread.

>délinquant multirécidiviste
literal dindu. This really is the best thing that can happen to Europe, it redpills the normies. Since europeans have been exposed to less racial propaganda I think the redpill is easier to swallow. No wonder Austria, Italy elected the far right. Germany and soon France will follow. I don't hold much hope for the UK, they're probably last.

I went to Normandy for a weekend and all I saw was Amerifats dabbing (I shit you not) and doing Fortnite dances on top of old bombed out bunkers whilst generally being loud and obnoxious. Also, the whole "I'm 1/8 Irish/Scottish/whatever" meme is completely true, and you were the ones buying the overpriced trash merchandise to boot.

>wish i could read french, see what the comments are saying.

if your using chrome right click and hit translate to english jewgle will do the rest

How comes it's not happening in my city then and how is me being tired relevant and humorous related to your LARP?
I just came home from work, work 40h/week for a good salary, all my money goes in training, sports, I'm saving for a gun licence(for self-defense obviously). Signed up with Action Française. We're making this country great again. Maybe. Someday.

there is a video, like what the fuck else do you want?

>not understanding that I'm adressing the "weak vs strong" emu-man is trying to attack me with
Is my english level that bad?

seems like a nice lad

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Remember the "last" riots we had over an arrest with "police brutality"?
Nothing will come out of this sadly

when the bean counters try to assert that importing all of africa into france is an economic win do they take into account the cost of burning everything down when one of them gets held responsible for using a car as a weapon

Just need to bomb the fuck out of the migrant fleets. The niggers cant swim so they die quick enough of their boats deflate.

You should be concerned that it's even happening in your country in the first place. Having the mindset of "at least it isn't happening in my area!" is not conducive to removing the undesirables. It's nihilistic. It will be encroaching on your city before you know it. Good to see that you're preparing and doing the right thing and aren't pathetic like some of your country men, though.

Diversity has no price! They'll never learn. Maybe when they're at the doors of the Élysée, trying to break in?

That said, me sleepy, been working all night as said, night shifts are comfy but I need my 6 hours of sleep

I'm 1/65th French. It pains me to see my ancestral homeland in such disarray

I was mostly throwing shit back at you for the hell of it, no worries straya, you're good in my book! Just kill all of the giant fauna and I'll move there with pleasure

You clearly never went there.

Yeah no worries mate, I can handle the bants. I was throwing a jab because I'm tired of people burying their heads in the sand, but was happy to see that you're proactive in restoring your (once) great country to glory. Hopefully there are many other Frenchmen that share your spirit.

Also it's not only the fauna that we need to get under control to make Aus comfortable for other Europeans, but the other """undesirables""", too.

sounds like a hell of a shot by the officer