Every major drug bust (>25 lbs) of heroin, coke, meth, and fent has been an illegal from mexico
Other urls found in this thread:
>Midwestern states
>not addicted to alcohol
Impressive that Arizona and New Mexico have no drug problems. Well done. But great shame should be felt by anyone living in a marijuana green state.
>addicted to pot
Marijuana isn't addictive.
Figures. Stimulants drive people insane and look at Cali.
>I've never actually checked the CDC data on this drug.
>trusting the government
now tell me jet fuel can melt steel beams and israel is our greatest ally. dumb faggot.
I've smoked pounds of the shit and quit multiple times, no withdrawal and no jones. People smoke it because they like it, not because of a physical addiction.
Only thing that could make me quit was the hardest drug of all. Money.
I hate shitskins as much as anyone but two country guys just got caught in Clarksville with 50+ pounds of meth.
I suspect you are a Jew attempting to make us look retarded
i don't get the alcohol addiction. do you need to drink a bottle a day to feel a physical thing?
That's why I quit over a year ago. My company starting working on a factory that requires everyone that goes inside to take random tests. Kinda sucks but we all got raises and that place is super dangerous, I'm glad everyone is sober.
This is what happens when you relocate chiraq chimpanzees into the suburbs. Thanks Obama.
thats what high school stoners tell themselves
Alcohol is dangerously addictive. Some people actually die if they quit cold turkey.
And that's what self righteous faggots think.
I've smoked several pounds a year through my twenties and just quit no problem.
You're probally just a bitch that gets addicted to dumb shit like jacking off and believes you have a mental illness for playing video games instead of being a trap.
You pretty much just have to be drunk all day or drink heavily everyday for a somewhat long period of time. People that are killing a fifth a night often have multiple seizures from the withdrawals. It's a terrible experience but you really do have to drink like a fish to get bad withdrawals.
>putting the link in the title
gas chamber yourself
>not addicted to meth
Easy to ween down with a beer or two.
Benzo withdrawal is what's scary.
Opiates suck bad but go away in a couple weeks, lifting weights helps immensely.
Weed is laughable, even after smoking shitload the worst I had was a little moody and no appetite for 3-5 days.
Weed also fucks by lifts up by a few pounds, if I'm repping 200 I'll get like 190 or 185 for a set when I'm in stoner mode.
Opiates completely destroy testosterone and I can go from a 300lb bench to 135 in under a year. There seems to be a rebound effect as well because I can go from 155 to 200lbs in 6 months and get acne all over me when I come off.
I've lifted weights/done cardio through all these habits as well. Always makes me laugh when fat fucks say weed makes you lazy when they don't know I smoke and could run Laps around them.
*155lbs to 200lbs body weight lean. Not lifts.
I can get my bench back up to 250+ within a few months of coming off opiates which bring me back down to repping 135, went lower actually when I went on a couple year roxy binge.
NM here, we are thoroughly infested with drugs. our state has two major freeway intersections in the middle of our state making us a hotbed for drug trafficking. The results can be seen everywhere from our horrifying crime problems, drug abuse, and violent crimes. if your bored one day, Google NM crime data and you will be shocked to realize how fucked this place is.
>not benching 275 on Vicodin
small time
>no alcohol
You can't talk about drug addiction without including the legal one.
Utah here
We have a meth and opioid problem.
More people die from the effects of alcohol withdrawals than any other drugs respective withdrawal.
who knew California, Nevada, Utah, Nebraska, and Georgia were full of patricians?
" Fuck off with your illegal drugs, we don't want any fuckin drug dealers here "
>Proceeds to buy drugs
>Proceeds to make degenerate (((pop))) music garbage shit that promotes the use of drugs
Are you natty?
It makes my lifts plummet. Granted if I'm on lortabs I can bench a good 25 pounds more easily, better cardio boxing as well but the next time I hit the gym I am instantly weaker.
Within 6 months I'm skinny junky mode.
Granted I never do a Vicodin or two, more like 4 or 5 roxys at a time and two or three bars.
Why wouldn't they just go buy a beer? Is this in jail? Curious as to how someone could manage this.
Should make Tennessee
Meth as well.
The Florida pills mills made a boom then the opiates dried up, everyone jumped to meth and are tweaking now, whoever made this is behind the curve.