Is Virginity the single most important thing to look for in a woman?

I really don't want to think it is because it narrows down the selection of women a shit load. I was just starting to get out of the redpill that virginity is the most important thing to look for in a girl but recently I heard a compelling case for it and it kind of depressed me.
There aren't enough virgin girls for every guy these days.
So, is it worth waiting until you find a virgin girl to marry? What differences are you likely to find in your relationship with a virgin girl, vs non-virgin girls?

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Obviously not the only thing but surely a very important one.
For me it would have to be
>same race
>at least 6/10
>iq of at least 100

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I met an ugly chubby no ass white girl who is a virgin. Should i pop her cherry and get her pregnant?

virgins were rare in the 1950s user, don't fall for the "traditional values" meme your great grandfather proudly strapped on that cowhide condom when he banged your grandmother on the 5th date.

Health history first for genetic potential then values, beauty, intellect

daily reminder

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That's a lot of convincing data there user.

what does it matter if shes an actual virgin as long as shes not a slut. would it really be that big of a deal if she was with a guy for a few years and slept with him but it didn't work out? this virginity stuff sounds autistic to be quite honest

Lack of a penis is the most important thing to look for. You have to be careful these days.

Yes. It's crucial. Women are never the same after words, and would be willing to say that after this event, they go on a downward spiral of depression, alcoholism, promiscuity, self-hate, mistrust of men, and recklessness. They are NEVER the same. The trick is to PRETEND that you don't care about the past, and that you encourage exploration. She might not tell you what she has actually done, but if she has a history, you need to discard her IMMEDIATELY. Remember, if a woman likes you enough, they will shape themselves to what they think YOU want. This is where you get the born-again virgins, the neo-cons, the anti-feminists. Fuck all of them. Get yourself a young woman (18-21, depending on age of consent) and shape her. They need to be trained and told what to do, not like a boss, but similar to a father. And don't take shit from any of them. Good luck, comrade.

Yes. A woman doesn't have value if she's an unmarried non-virgin. They deserve to be shamed and beaten and killed. The only exception being widows.


>They deserve to be shamed and beaten and killed
This is to signal to other women that that behavior is not ok. It might seem cruel, but it's really not. It will help women in the long term.

>Is Virginity the single most important thing to look for in a woman?
No. Being traditional and old fashioned is much more important, along with having a nice feminine benis.

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Not an option really. All women are molested growing up or get nailed by the first high school chad they date when they are 13. Fact.

That's what I was thinking, they'll always remember their first love more than their second and they'll always even subconsciously compare you to he who came before. Age of consent here is 16 so that's what I'm aiming for anyway.

>t. Muhammad

(But seriously we need to change this culture of fornication)

i'm gonna need a name buddy

For marriage this is an absolute and civilization was built upon this premise.

have fun getting cucked dummy

I got her on Jow Forums. Would waifu and make babbies with.

its about principles
virginity on itslef means nothing, its the will to keep it, the will to maintain herself pure that counts
more important than that tho, is the will to raise a family, and in that family it includes the father of the kids, not a single thot mother kind of family we see nowadays
the will to have a family, the will to educate her kids properly, so they can keep your family values, your name and your traditions alive

virginity on a girl is a consequence of having the right values and a proper education

What did you hear, Kiwianon?

>and make babbies with

Ummm, I've got some news for you

Being traditional and wanting a family is most important.
Virginity is good if you can find one but now that's unlikely, so you'll probably have to settle for a girl with a low count. Sluts are easy to spot and you should avoid them.


t. Single father with a bitch of an ex because I wasn't her first and she didn't stick with me through everything like she would with her douche ex

she didnt stick with her ex either if she married and had a child with you

>all it takes is 2 partners and a woman's loyalty to you is 50%
>you only get one shot at pair bonding

Yes but she had a different perspective and what she wanted in a man to fit her first. This is how it is with all women. She saw I wasn't and didn't stick with me and left me quickly.

This, basically.

Does it count as a past sexual partner if she was raped?

My theory is, that women have different pair bonding amounts. Some women can be with 5 men and stick with the ome they select, others can only pair bond once and then never again because of relationship issues and what not. I see this a lot.

you are right
Im just saying that she wasnt wife material at all, not just your wife material

that behavior of "sticking with you but looking to find something better" dont disappears
if a woman have that kind of behavior, she'll never be happy with anyone, she'll always be wondering if there is something better and most important, willing to try

You’re not gonna find a virgin bride. Like not even close to realistic. Just have a bigger dick then her ex it’s not that hard

Yes. She secretly loves her rapist.

What counts is the intent.

What's it like to fall for leftist gaslighting you absolute brainlet?

Your daily reminder: "Sexuality in the Human Male," "Sexuality in the Human Female," and "The Kinsey Reports" caught public attention starting in the late 40s because of their 'scandalous' findings on the sex habits of average Americans. Even if we take that data at face value, society has become far more sexually degenerate (inb4 you link me the meme study "Millennials are having less sex than ever!" without actually reading it).

Now, here's the thing about Kinsey's work, it was entirely bullshit. Every single anecdote and statistic from Kinsey is unreliable and slanted to show an America that is far more promiscuous than it actually was. In Kinsey's "research" he made the following errors:
>Oversampled populations which are more promiscuous than average (Homosexuals, convicted sex criminals, self-identified sexual abuse victims)
>Redefined 'marriage' to mean "Has lived with a member of the opposite gender for over a year" (This led to a few prostitutes living with their pimps being passed off as Middle American housewives
>relied solely on volunteers, no probability sampling (A later Stanford study found that volunteers for sex studies are ~2-4 times more promiscuous than average. Beyond that, the lack of probability sampling sinks any attempt to "clean" Kinsey's data)

Alfred C. Kinsey scraped the bottom of the barrel to sample the sex lives of rapists, prostitutes and fags. A sample including degenerates like that is STILL more sexually modest than a properly sampled "average" today.

tl;dr: You've read literally nothing on the subject. Fuck off with the basic-bitch "people have always had sex, get over it" takes.

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tl;dr: Pretty much. It might not happen, but virginity is an excellent predictor for marital happiness, loyalty, relationship satisfaction, likelihood to stay married, etc. Additionally there's some data coming in (take this with a grain of salt at this point), which suggests promiscuity in monogamous mammals erodes the ability to pair bond at the neurochemical level.

Someone already posted muh graphs so have the following links:
>Feldman SS, Cauffman E. Your cheatin’ heart: Attitudes, behaviors, and correlates of sexual betrayal in late adolescents. Journal of Research on Adolescence. 1999;9:227–252

>Treas J, Giesen D. Sexual infidelity among married and cohabiting Americans. Journal of Marriage & the Family. 2000;62:48–60.!po=11.1386
>"Having more prior sex partners predicted a higher likelihood of future ESI"
>Teachman study correlating number of sexual/cohabitational partners with divorce, using 1995 National Survey of Family Growth
>"Both structural equation and group comparison analyses demonstrated that sexual restraint was associated with better relationship outcomes, even when controlling for education, the number of sexual partners, religiosity, and relationship length."
>Sexual restraint in relationship correlated with better relationship quality

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Nice. :) You wrecked that degenerate, T.B.H., lad.

op if you can land a virgin and manage to lock her down for life. then that would be like winning the lottery.

consider yourself very lucky

Guys I don'tknow what to do.

>have gf 5 years younger than me
>took her virginity
>politically neutral but accepts my political beliefs
>willing to be a stay-at-home mom
>wants a big family
>green eyes
>we get along well
>loves me
>recovering anorexic/bulemic, anxiety disorder
>allergic to all sorts of shit, and mild scoliosis
>her family is all libs
>her dad force fed her as a child (explains the eating disorders) and her mom is a cunt
>kinda lazy
>only a 5/10
>very basic (watches generic youtube shit, buzzfeed, etc.)
>had a friend from california come over recently and unironically said they could go to a male strip club or take a pole-dancing lesson (didn't do it, but they did consider it)
>has been regularly going on the dating app we met on to see if I've been on (trust issue)
>my (traditional right-wing) family doesn't approve
What do? Part of me thinks I should marry her and have lots of kids, sooner the better for the white race...but my gut says no.

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This is the most retarded thing I have ever read on this site.


How's the weather over in Tel Aviv?

Redpill her. If it works, marry her.
Also, why are you dating a 5?

Virginity is probably the single most important thing to look for in a woman but it's not the only thing to look for in a woman.

All sluts were virgins once, just having an intact cherry doesn't automatically make a girl a good person.

>So, is it worth waiting until you find a virgin girl to marry?
Yes, marrying the wrong woman is by far the #1 cause of unhappiness in most men's lives.

>What differences are you likely to find in your relationship with a virgin girl, vs non-virgin girls?

Virgins tend to be very clingy, especially if you cum inside of them. This is a desirable quality if you're looking for a wife but pretty annoying if you're only looking for a fucktoy.

Lots of roastie-apologists say they don't like virgins because they're 'bad at sex' but it's actually the exact opposite, sexually experienced women tend to be very picky about what they like and dislike sexually and this limits what they're willing to do in the bedroom, in contrast virgins are very sexually curious and are usually willing to try almost anything, Ironically it's actually way more difficult to convince most slutty women to try different positions or do things like fuck them in the ass or cum on their faces

This. Most women secretly enjoy it and want more.

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Ah I understand now. based Brazilbro

your daughters will look to their mother for modeling their behavior. Choose wisely.

I really don't know what else she could offer.

Yes. That's why you need to teach your sons and daughters to date purely and marry young.
For you now, you need to try and identify the attributes that make a girl loyal and long-term without being a virgin. It's a task, but one that will reward you.

Jow Forums needs a debate for the attributes of those women. I generally follow the logic that if she shows remorse that the relationship she had the sex in didn't become marriage, it's fine to continue with her. Or that she felt pressured by cultural pressures to lose her virginity. Any admittance of out of relationship recreational sex is a key factor is showing pair-bonding is broken.

Make her your practice gf or whatever you wanna call that and consider again, I'm in the exact same situation