Muslim American Assimilation

I work at a resturant and there's an early 30s trendy looking Muslim guy who always comes in and frequently and wears American flag clothing (He's been wearing it all year). He's really cool and nice, has a wife who wears the head thing, and a child who also comes in sometimes. They seem pretty happy. He said he's going to the fireworks today and wished me a happy 4th of July and everything when he left. He said he always loves to party on the 4th and seems pretty patriotic I guess, just a normal dude.

A lot of Middle Eastern people who are presumably Muslim come in to my work and have custom American flag credit cards or American eagle clothing too. They seem pretty well educated and happy to be here and can actually speak English pretty well, or at least they try unlike the beaners who LITERALLY can only speak like 3 words of English and ask "habla espanol¿?" despite the fact i'm white as fuck and live in a flyover state rust belt town.

What do you think of this? It seems pretty based.

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lel what a fag


They both have to go back.

there's going to be a fertiliser shortage in the future, they could start by helping us there

That's the thing, the ones that have the flag cards and wear the flag clothing and stuff are the ones who came legally and are fucking thankful for it. They're trying to give back and become American.
Unlike the mexicans who disregard our values and see the US as something to be exploited and they should be conformed to, not the other way around.

>legal immigration
now try importing a million of them without proper background check and see how long it takes before they outbreed you and replace your entire culture.

isis has literally bragged on many occasions about all the terrorists they are sending out in the migrant waves but whatever. i guess im just racist

>german rape stats
just ignore those
>muslim child rape gangs in england
shut up i said stop being racist!

He sounds like a good person. I have nothing against minorities who love America. I would be totally fine with an immigration system where we'd remain the majority but still allow people like him to immigrate. It's the freefall in demographics combined with a toxic "POC vs whitey" narrative in the media that is causing so much hostility and distrust.

they cant be Shiites in their home countries

>german rape stats
That would happen with any race of poor uneducated people flooding into a country unchecked. Seems like it's an immigration problem not a religion problem

exactly. but whites arent reminaing the minoroty so now we have to shut the borders for a while. thats all. slow down legal immigration to a crawl and stop letting in economic migrants or "refugees" as the media calls them.

That chick thinks she’s already assimilated, because all America means is ‘freedom’ so if she’s ‘free’ she’s 200% American.

If another American says otherwise, they are impinging on her freedom... so they are ‘unamerican’

George Washington could tell her to lose the burka.. and George would be a nasty un-American bigot.

This is the thinking that has been instilled in the young people

come on dude, get real. have you even looked at the middle east? gays get thrown from buildings. women who cheat get stoned to death. child marriage is the norm because moohawmad fucked an 8 year old in their holy book.

its partly the religion. look what happens every time someone insults islam. they go into a rage and slaughter people.

sure sure, socioecomic factors are a part of it. but so is their culture and religion.

>whites arent reminaing the minoroty
majority rather

Yes that’s ‘all’ we need to do.

Hard when the entire media and establishment are hell bent on MORE ...WAY MORE immigrants.

It may happen in the US, but not in CAnada

They need to get the fuck out. There is no such thing as an assimilated Muslim.

I think they're gonna get a bullet in their head and you are gonna join them

Oh I am so sorry Sir, you wandered into the wrong area. You'll be more at home here >>

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Oooooo tuff guy

Yeah, there are many cool based Muslims and middle easterners, the question is one of numbers. Despite media propaganda, white people are not choosing to share their countries with millions of people from different cultures and religion. It’s not a even a question of racism. People all over the world want to stick with their own, even white scots would rather live around lots of other white scots than around lots of white English

First generation immigrant Muslims came here to escape the same shit we hate about the middle east. The problem is when they are confronted by their jihadi cousins they don't do shit about it,

Right cause eastern europeans and indian immigrants have rape gangs and ties to Isis. Its only muslims. Research muslim mosques in europe and you will realize the type of shit that goes on

>eastern europeans and indian immigrants
Oh sorry I didn't realize that germany was importing millions of Eastern Europeans and Indians in unchecked masses

I think the halving the level of immigration to the US together with drawing 2/3 of immigrants from Europe makes the most sense. There's tons of poorfags in eastern Europe that want to come here and there's also quite a few who are just sick of living in western Europe. The problem is that the current immigration system has no quotas and basically operates on which immigrant group has the most family members already here. Unfortunately almost no politician has the willpower to come out and say the truth that the US is historically a white-majority nation and should remain so.

Muslims are like cockroaches. Fool! The muzzies who pretend to assimilate, especially 'former muzlims', they are the most dangerous. They'l have to atone for those many sins forbidden by the Koran. They atone by killing non-belivers. For real. The guy praing five times a day wearing his mizzie costume, ftihfully beating his child bride, he's okay. He's gontnothign to atone for. The Muzzie who dresses American and drinks whiskey and eats pork and frequetns stip clubs, thay guy has to atone in a big way. He's dangerous; Major Nidal Malik Hasan, remeber that guy? That's right.

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Muslim Americans tend come from the better educated, more intelligent, wealthier, and better socially adjusted classes of their homelands. This means your average Muslim immigrant is actually gonna be a lot better than your typical Central American immigrant, who came for the gibs.

Ask him if the rule of law should be replaced with Shar'ia (theocratic dictatorship). Ask him if non believers should be killed. Ask if apostates, blasphemers and atheists should be killed. Those are mainstream tenets for both Shia and Sunni orthodox Muslims and this guy may not push that shit but he will sure as fuck will not stand in the way of it being implemented.

Good ol' "moderate" Muslims.

if they're muslim than they're not "assimilated"

Could be a Syrian Christian.
Ask him if he's BBQing. If yes he's a Christian or bad Muslim. If no Deus Vult

The muslim faith is a pretty based ideology, misinterpereted by a bunch of retards with sandy buttholes.
They come over here and finally get the sand out of their crack, well some do.

he sounds like a sleeper. would watch out, OP. one day a fertilizer filled truck might show up.

That's called being polite. They only act like that when they're in the small minority. Everything changes when you reduce white people to califonia levels.

Fuck that. It always starts with these arguments and then a couple decades later you have Hart-Celler

>now try importing a million of them without proper background check
Nobody here is suggesting this you dipshit

They have to go back.

nice try Mohammad

That's why (for the most part) muslims here and in Canada are far better than all those Pakistanis in England & Turks in Germany.


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OP has just experienced either legal immigrants or people who worked for the US army in the middle east and got perma visa'd.

guess what, they came to america because it was america, not beanerstan

this too.

What exactly do you want the 49 year old muslim gas clerk to do?

I think I'm pretty much 100% assimilated. My Islam is all behind closed doors, I never speak with my friends about it. I take short breaks at work as a bricklayer for prayer somewhere out of sight, the boys take time to sit down for a cigarette (even though they constantly work with one) so I don't think it's a big deal.

Tf are they teaching you at school? He came legally and knows how rad America is /thread

yep, they can't be their own brand of shithead where they come from, so they come here and fag the place up worse.

Muslims aren’t the reasons you cut your cocks off and prance for lgbt rights

The ones around here speak in their stupid fucking languages and don't show any pride in the U.S.

we dont need their stupid shit to make it worse. theyre basically just knock off jews anyhow.

Yes. Actually. We do need islam.

you need to go back to your country. take the jews with you.

Na famalam. Na.

Probaly a based guy.
Things will get interesting when his daughter gets old enough to marry.

Will she marry a white (or 56%) American, or will they ship in her towelhead cousin from fuckistan to be her muzzie husband.

Yup. It's also why their terrorism is especially concerning because Muslims still disproportionaly commit terrorism in America despite the fact that they tend to be well-educated and wealthy (lotta doctors).

Also, despite their wealth and education they also tend towards the third world corruption and feel okay ripping off the system.