Gotta Love Democratic Voters

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So by extension, that also means she carries the weight and guilt of every atrocity that every Muslim every committed...correct?

Good to know.

Nice to see people pushing back on the victimhood

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Amazing how every species of nigger can claim that they're traumatized by what happened to someone else 1000 years go, but I can't take pride in what my father did.

Yes join the fucking crowd everyone's a fucking victim of whitey you lying piece of shit.

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you snowniggers are just mad you didn't think to castrate your nigger slaves too


NO we were never in Spain! The Reconquista is a lie!

You know how a Muslim is lying? Their lips are moving.

>gotta KILL democratic voters


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

daily reminder

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If we Whites "will never understand", why don't the PoS just accept we'll never understand, that we are, dare I say, different.

Crusades only lasted a few hundred years. They are indistinguishable from any other war for conquest of which there are literally hundreds through recorded history.

The Crusades were defensive. As per usual, the shitskins started it.

The ONLY thing that makes her heart heavy is Fried Chicken

Everyone who thinks like her should be put in a Camp

>White people stop beating everyone up
>non-Whites go into butthurt overload
>get so annoying that Whites stop feeling sorry for them

I 100% don't care about these retarded little hypocritical rats any more. I just want them all to fucking die.

Japan is next. Israel needs multiculturalism.

Good meme.

The invented vaccines point is incorrect.
The first vaccine was for chicken pox and was invented at the same time independent of each other about 2000 years ago in India and China

Be like me; keep a huge file of memes. That's what this place is all about. Make sure to rename them so you can access them at opportune moments.

Here's a good on; Henri Toulouse-Lautrec taking a dump on the beach

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Weird. With that beard you can't tell Henri is Indian

Now this is an awesome meme. Straight into my meme files

Are we blaming people for their color now? Cause ive got some statistics to show this bitch. Also some info on how Muslims behaved in their golden age.

But, Muslims enslaved Whites. So I guess I have trauma too. Why doesn't she understand I'm born with trauma?

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Funny, I don't bitch about the Barbary Slave Trade every fucking time I see a Turk.
Maybe I should?

Then fuck off out of white areas then. Stop living with them. Moron.

Can we just start calling all "people of color" niggers now, because they all seem to have similar IQs

As annoying as the constant whinging may be, it's honestly for the best. As long as they feel sorry for themselves they'll never win anything or influence society in a meaningful way because that's a loser mentality.

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doesn't POC = piece of crap?

why would anyone call themselves that?

>castrating blacks and enslaving them is a bad thing
>let's slide with the based apes against muslims
uhh, fuck both of them. I don't even give a shit about arabs if they are in their own shitholes, everyone should just fuck off. And you can convert a muslim and have a borderline nonwhite inbred levantine, meanwhile a nigger will always be nothing more than a nigger.

Wouldn't "colored people" be more efficient

or just "coloreds"

Someone tweet this video at her

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actually, that's a bit clunky.
well, they're all generally on the "darker" part of the skin tone spectrum....maybe we could go with "negro"? it's like french or'll make it sound more multicultural, highlight the diversity and sheeeit

Dear Jannah,

You are attempting to express your personal experience in poetic prose.


Niggers can't write prose. You should stay in your lane pretty lady. Click your tongue and squawk. Wear preposterous press on nails and fake hair. Gyrate and clap your obese brown butt cheeks.

This is the only valid expression of Nigger experiences.


Well no see it doesn't work like that. The crimes of our ancestors live on within us. That... that is the true white man's burden.

Why would you blame other ethnicities for the rape of your ancestors?

Where's the reperation for white people for fighting their own kind for the sake of jewish slave owners?

Would caked on clown makeup also be considered a valid form of expression

THIS IS 100% A Mossad Twitter.

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You're thinking of Variolation, it is the predecessor but ultimately distinct from vaccination.

Yes, but only if a minimum wage employee is forced to retrieve the makeup from behind a counter or security device. Nigger makeup has to have a security tag



who is a POC? are Arabs POC? Turks? Caucasians? Greeks? Italians? there's blonde-haired blue-eyed people in Afghanistan. are they white or POC?

>white person
>person of colour
>Israeli holidays

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I fall for this shit way too often. Guess that's why they do it.....

white people dealt with slavery before africa was discovered and we still have white people in slavery.
Everyone else got off easy.

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Yeah Arabs were totally not pillagers, rapers and slavers. Only the white man is bad, now give me reparations or I'll call you names!

>Wouldn't "colored people" be more efficient
>brown hair
>brown eyes
>brown skin
>brown nipples
I fail to see the "color" here
>white skin
>yellow hair
>green eyes
>pink nipples
Whites are the only real colored people.

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yep - they don't seem to realize they are causing hatred they will not be able to avoid

>we dont want you here anyways
Short, simple, and direct. This is the best possible response to this type of bullshit, since they would then have to acknowledge that their presence is intrusive.