The Porn Industry

Is the Porn Industry a cancer that needs removing, or is it an okay indulgence if practiced in moderation?

I personally feel the industry is exploitative, a lot of naive girls sign up when they are 18 and fuck up their lives forever. I think attitudes towards it need to change. Porn is seen as casual and normal these days, why?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Because it is. Narrowminded edgelords like to sperg out about all kinds of dopamine triggers. Dont be a beta and do what you want, just Accept the consequences

It's not normal sex though. Is it normal to watch a 19 year old get blow-banged by a bunch of balding guys and then bukkaked? Because that shit is popular, so is incest etc.

There is so many different actresses now I can't imagine spotting one irl.

degenerate DOTR candidates

>I think attitudes towards it need to change.
I agree. I keep running into stories or comments on various porn sites where the models end up in a bad place. Lots of them come from damaged homes. Can't say as I'd outright ban it but would like to see them monitored closely. As an example, lots of businesses drug test their employees regularly. This might be a good idea because a person who is high on drugs really can't give consent(see what I did there?). Also more disease screening because for them thats basically an on the job injury. OH! We could make the porn industry pay for disease treatments and let the whor... er I mean actresses sue their employers for catching a disease on the job. I'm not a lawyer. This just me spit balling.

>Is the Porn Industry a cancer that needs removing
Yes. People should fap to drawings. That way no one was exploited. And at least some actual talent went into this.

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Hannah Hays is the postergirl for everything fucked up about porn

>Literally got into porn to pay for her sister's life-saving heart medication
>Moves from Georgia to LA, porn execs treat her like shit and exploit her low mental-aptitude
>wants to desperately move back home, but can't hold a normal job due to mental-impairment so is stuck in interracial porn

Never thought I'd say this, but I hope she finds a rich beta to mooch of of and get out of porn.

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I really hate what porn does to young women. They are too young and too stupid to make sound decisions at that age and they should not be allowed to enter porn at 18. Age for participating in porn should be raised to 21 AT LEAST

A quick stroll through /gif/ will give you the answer.
There's currently :
12 gay/trap/lesbian threads
13 Blacked (or variation) threads
1 Cuckold thread
1 thread celebrating the Blacking of Sweden
1 thread attacking Jow Forums

The industry and those pushing it seek out destruction and porn is the newest front in their war on us.

>low mental-aptitude

wait what

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Porn should be banned from the supply side but people should not be fined for having or viewing it.

People who agree with this post need to get the fuck off of Jow Forums.

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without porn and vidya I would probably just start shooting people

who gives a fuck about women what about young boys who are suppose to become MEN pic related is just the tip of the iceberg of how much that shit can fuck a person's life up

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i think porn as industry should be banned but other than that leave it as a social issue not a legal one

grow the fuck up

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Since when is normal "good"?
On one hand this board(myself included) hates normalfaggotry.
On the otherhand, half the board goes on a shit-fit about abnormality.

Look, what do you want? Normalfaggotry, or weirdness?

I'll take the nutcases, fucked-up shit, and weirdness. Because tame is boring and useless.

Make me you degenerate piece of shit.

She is also a 4channer and once got into a fight with Jow Forums, she typed up a whole page just to tell them off. She felt her intelligence was insulted by them, but as shitty as Jow Forums is, most were simply stating she was being exploited and were on her side.

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t. roastie

>newest front
is you mean new as in the last 50 years then i can agree
if not then you are new

more like judaism needs to get the fuck off the planet.

Yeah me too but I'd start with myself out of principle.

>1 thread celebrating the Blacking of Sweden
proof? I find it hard to believe even /gif/ is that retarded.

>dumb bitch chooses to be a whore instead of learning a trade or skill and getting a real job

>hurr durr I feel bad she should find a beta and continue to be a useless race mixing slut

I don't. Women who get into this would not have done anything of value. Anyone who focuses on physical appearance will not do anything of value.

>how is really retard

please tell me that was a typo

lmao like I give a shit what women want

The only porn you are allowed to watch is amateur stuff. So that you don't fuck your brain too bad with super stimuli. You still shouldn't watch it but no one is perfect.

Stop watching porn.

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>propagandized whites wouldn't have done anything of value had they not been propagandized by kikes into being degenerate whores.

Fuck off. We all know women don't have their own independent minds anyways. The trouble was in letting jews let you think they they could think for themselves to begin with.

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what the fuck am i reading again

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no one gives a shit about what women want use that bulllshit to be the better man the better you you know you are porn and vidya takes away everything you could be and more

but whatever it's your life

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Visit her twitter, most of her tweets are unreadable. Her writing is at a 4th-grade level, maybe. That's the point I'm making, she is simply not smart enough to make the right choices and evade exploitation. She posts shit like this to Twitter. It's so sad.

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I like you

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>help get me home to my family

what kinda gay jew mafia shit is this? Doesn't her paycheck cover her getting back home and leaving that cesspool once and for all, and I thought the gays getting that porn actress to hang herself was bad

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Zero feelings for that slut

You're a soft male

Imagine being a faggot cuck. Kys you shitty shill gunt.

dont underestimate how shitty /gif/ has become. used to be multiple god-tier pron threads everyday. now it's just shemale and scat threads

And where else are they going to learn about the evils of big government? CNN? MSNBC? Hell, Even FOX sucks the big government cock once in awhile.Probably more often than I notice.

In the old day girls used to last many years in porn. They'd shoot films then use their exposure in the industry to get stripper gigs.
Nowadays girls come and go so fast I can't even keep up.

Porn is the foundation of adio/visual technological innovation. The internet was built because of it. VCRs became popular because it made it possible to watch porn at home, on your own TV. Cable TV was exapnded because consumers could watch titty movies on 'Skinamax' Before that, porn inspired innovations in movie production equipment: smaller, cheaper, in a format easier to edit.
Porn has been with humanity since the Ancients carved little stone idols of naked chubby chiks. To attack porn is to deney the drivng force of human innovation. As the Great Poet Limp Bizkit said, "I did it all for the nookie."

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>Doesn't her paycheck cover her getting back home and leaving that cesspool once and for all,
She claims her agent skims way more than he should, and she can't afford to move all her property back at this point.

She begged fans for money and one told her to do more anal. This was her response, kek

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I hope you wore a tyvek suit for your stroll.

>claims her agent skims way more than he should, and she can't afford to move all her property back at this point.
>fucking jews

o man that sentence structure ....fuck man

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>Is the Porn Industry a cancer that needs removing

Porn lowers male testosterone, turns men into basedboys and ruins marriages. Without porn, there'd be no 'sexless marriage' today.

>scat threads
I've only had one super long-term GF, but one day she started asking if she could watch me poop and wipe my ass for me. It never got messy, she just liked to do that all the time. It was really nice, I never even needed to wipe my own ass. She'd make out with me while she did it, but it never turned me on... did she have some kind of weird fetish she was hiding from me?

so did her sister live or what

Gay porn is the red pill

>anal must be the solution

typical krauts

Needs gassed out of existence. Those sluts are bad examples for young women who try to find a husband , they will think that men will only give them attention if they will lower themselves like the sluts.I seen girls before complaining about this type of shit, it's a trap for them they don't know what awaits them and they fall for it out of desperation to integrate with the rest of their group or other women that they see that are "respected" and are doing this shit.

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I agree it is sad, but the demand for porn is so large not even the government would want to mess with it. I think the solution is just a change in society's attitude. Maybe porn just needs to be more stigmatized. The young girls who fall prey should also be offered help out and a second chance. We all make mistakes.

>Caring about roasties and not just jerking off and calling them whores after you're finished

>calling them whores after you're finished
If we consume their product, how does that make us better than them?

Only 3DPD porn should be stigmatized.

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What do you guys do when you get bored of the porn? It's like I watch it but it no longer has entertainment value.

porn is degenrate on multiple levels, imaginative fapping is not.

Varg warned me about people like you

>being a drug addict is worse than being a drug dealer
I mean, you're right.

Most of the women in the porn industry are psychopaths. They have no empathy or Morales. They have no shame, and no ambition for education or real work.

>>being a drug addict is worse than being a drug dealer.

Most drugs are illegal but porn is legal. A better comparison would be drinking whiskey then complaining that Jack Daniels (the company) is responsible for fucking over your life.

nevermind the actresses, it has a horrible cumulative effect on millions of people

>bored of the porn
>entertainment value
I don't think of porn as entertaining at all desu. It either helps me get off or it doesn't. Porn might be exciting but once I've gotten off it's pretty much gone for me and there's no reason to keep watching it.

How about cigarettes? Has anyone ever blamed the tobacco industry for smoking and cancer? Or guns for shootings?

I don't know I feel like I'm past that point altogether, there is no getting off because it doesn't feel like anything. I've been rewatching alot of the 90s and 00s action movies trying to find something to fend off the boredom. The more I watch the more I think about how shooting bullets looks more enjoyable than shooting cum.

These whores get paid for looking good. How is this different from any other industry. Don’t like it, don’t watch. If she is retarded but doesn’t look it, she can get get top pay. You white knights protecting bitches who don’t want to be protected. Everyday is the same shit. Waaaaaa porn. There is a market. These women made their choice. Naive and broke or smart and working with their natural gifts. It’s not your decision, bitchs can choose to do whatever they want. Wanna be captain save a hoe after they are no longer fresh? Be my guest. But they don’t want you’re help, and are getting well paid for their service in front of the camera.

Well there needs to be found a solution ,so both male's and female's lives would no longer be affected by it.It's sad seeing people falling for that crap and later crying their life's bad decisions because they didn't wanted to be outcasted by the ones they had around themselves.

>who don’t want to be protected.
She wants to go home but seems unable to afford it.

Tell me this picture doesn't break your heart.

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its none of your business what concenting adults do

and the consumers of it are just more consenting adults


>1 thread attacking Jow Forums
Only one?

She could've just set up a webcam and cut out the middleman. Hell, she wouldn't even need to get naked she could just become a twitch whore. That's how easy it is

nice reading comprehension
oxygen thief

wonderful compassion

I can't relate with that desu.
Being bored sounds like one of the worst reasons to watch porn to me.
Do something else. Play vidyas. Read. Anything.
Because porn is boring I think. It's boring as shit.
The reason I watch porn is mostly to make the urges go away when I get horny. Sometimes I do it preemptively because I know it's coming too.
I try to avoid porn now though because it makes you hornier overall I think. And that's annoying.

Poor kid.

My goodness where is her parents in all this??

Why don't her parents buy the sister remedy and pay for them to come back home,instead of letting her doing this with her life???

>boo hoo the girls sign up and have sex for money
What about the countless millions of men that are sheered like sheep to fuel all this?
What about the the fucked up sexual lives of all those males that now have fucked up ideas of how sex works and what girls are like?
What about the countless marriages ruined and the destroyed self esteem of so many lonely bastards?

Profesional Porn doesn't do it for me anymore. It is so stale, fake and lifeless. It's either the real deal, amateur videos of people I personally know or albino Nigerian midgets cutting themselves with scissors while a horse cums in their wounds.

As much as I hate saying it, but it's current year. If you are stupid enough to get in to studio porn then I don't feel sorry for you at all. There are more than enough better and safer options to make money even when it comes to sex selling.

>wahhhh! I want a REAL man!
And what makes you think you deserve one?
I put down my video games and instead work hard at the gym and at my job to gain what? All this hard work and what's in it for me?
A flabby bitch that complains all the time, sandbags me with kids, and then gets old and fat and ugly or else just straight up divorces me and steals everything I worked for and wastes my time?
Why golly fucking gee whiz, that's just what I always fucking wanted!

Fuck off (((Mgtow))) porn affects the mentality of women too not your precious men that you’re gay for. Fuck whores, but social media and porn is teaching women their only validation is by spreading their legs and men to stick their dick in things

That's degeneracy for you m8, in a society where degeneracy is put on a pedestal and where the ones that try to be wholesome are shamed or treated like outcasts unless they join the tornado of filth, is affecting everyone , young individuals broken and wandering to find happiness but they can't find it anymore because they felt prey to the degenerate ways that shamed them astray . The ones doing this to the young ones and luring them into this mess should be ashamed and beaten as a model for the other generations to not do what they did . Stories of the people that had to suffer out of this should be collected and kept as model for those to come to see what they shouldn't do if they want a happy life.

ill Take things that never happened for 500 please

Her mom is poor as far as I know, I think her dad abandoned her, and her grandma is poor (which is one reason she does porn, to help her grandma) and her grandpa literally just died.

This is the one case where I wanna a girl score a rich beta and mooch off of him. Like fucking Elon Muck. He could afford it.

Lol. I see a woman pandering to pedos and making some good money from it. Kill all parties involved.

she is a privileged white woman who will become a "design interior"

she has no issues

Brazzers is pretty great, it is largely self-parody.
Bangbros has a couple “reality” sites that are really more like creative casting couches or filming sex with hookers.

I watch too much porn, AMA. (But do it quick or I’ll get bored and go fap.

You deny that cunts get pregnant and have kids?
You deny that kids take up a huge amount of time and energy that could be spent having fun?
You deny that cunts age?
You deny that old cunts are unattractive?
You deny that 70% of divorces are initiated by cunts?
You deny that alimony and child support exist?
You deny that cunts almost always get the kids in the event of a divorce?

Are you two 15 year old girls or just faggots?

>aw dude normal is like so boring right?
>>omggggg i like you :3

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>hey guys I’m ultra chad here
>also women suck and MGTOW is the way to go!
Fuck off back to redddittt summerfag

White knighting for women just because shit's hard is ridiculous. It's literally the equivalent of 'oh no she is crying! Quickly burn the constitution!' in this type of moral issues

>tfw you never have sex with your qt virgin wife because if you do she’ll get an ugly roastie.

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It's awful I have to daydream and imagine things to get off, like for example:

user waits patiently in the neatly cut hedgerows, the neighbourhood is beautiful as the warm sun shines down between the palm trees moving in the breeze. user takes a deep breath of the air, the nearby salty ocean water fills anons lungs with refreshment. Waiting so patient, they'll arrive soon. The expensive SUV slowly makes its way down the long driveway. Mr. Noseberg Pornowitz comes to direct another one of his films with his star actor Tyrone in the passage seat, ready to plunge his penis into another white teenager. user grips the stock of his trusty MG 42, touching the wood he can almost feel the ghosts of his brothers beside him with a hand on his shoulder. The feeling unleashes something deep and primal within anons brain, before anons brain even has a chance to process the information delivered to it he squeezes the trigger. A stream of bullets fly straight through the windscreen straight into Tyrone exploding extraneous brain matter all over the interior of the vehicle. Mr. Pornowitz ducks down as the bullets clank and ricochet off the steel like the pattering of raindrops on a stormy day. The bullets continue to pour out from the end of the gun coming to an abrupt halt as the ammunition container is emptied. The gun barrel glows a dull red as a thin smoke rises from the inside components. The bullet riddled driver door of the SUV creeks open as Mr. Pornowitz flops out of the vehicle. His left leg blown completely off at the hip, he rolls over screaming in agony "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH" his intestines and guts splattered on the pavement beside him. He screams again "AAAAAAHHHHHH" this is what user has been waiting for, the screams fill the air causing an organic sensation in anons head. He feels something he hasn't felt in a long long time.

>what dude your not MGTOW and you don’t hate women? Fuck that must mean your a white knight then
Your logic.

Isn't it kind of gay if you're masturbating to drawings made by other men?

Women are made by other men too, retard.

Anyone got the redpill about MindGeek? I can't fucking find it in my Jew folder even though I know I have it somewhere

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Masturbating to drawings made by other men is like getting a hand-job from them under the table.