
>National Socialist sympathizer

How the fuck was David Bowie so redpilled? I’m surprised he managed to hide that shit from the public. Is there more about him we don’t know?

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gigantic pedo

Shut up Ohio

t.fooming mouth boomer who believes alex jonestein

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He didn't last after they sent him to (((get clean)))

He hated boomers and their values despite being a boomer himself, that was a big part of why he was so redpilled

Where's that quote from?

From his tour in Germany

“Changing Tune” probably refers to kikes drugging him so they wouldn’t be exposed. Whenever Bowie had his mental state in tact, he would go full redpill.

he loved little girls tho

In 1976, speaking as The Thin White Duke, Bowie's persona at the time, and "at least partially tongue-in-cheek", he made statements that expressed support for fascism and perceived admiration for Adolf Hitler in interviews with Playboy, NME, and a Swedish publication. Bowie was quoted as saying: "Britain is ready for a fascist leader... I think Britain could benefit from a fascist leader. After all, fascism is really nationalism... I believe very strongly in fascism, people have always responded with greater efficiency under a regimental leadership." He was also quoted as saying: "Adolf Hitler was one of the first rock stars" and "You've got to have an extreme right front come up and sweep everything off its feet and tidy everything up."[291][292] Bowie later retracted these comments in an interview with Melody Maker in October 1977, blaming them on mental instability caused by his drug problems at the time, saying: "I was out of my mind, totally, completely crazed."

Everybody was fucking groupees in the 70s. Even Ted Nuget fucked little girls.

That just makes him even more based and redpilled tho

>says Ohio

In the 1980s and 1990s, Bowie's public statements shifted sharply towards anti-racism and anti-fascism. In an interview with MTV in 1983, Bowie criticised the channel for not providing enough coverage of black musicians,[294][295] and the music videos for "China Girl" and "Let's Dance" were described by Bowie as a "very simple, very direct" statement against racism.[296] The album Tin Machine took a more direct stance against fascism and Neo-Nazism, and was criticised for being too preachy.

Pretty much everyone in America fucked 'little girls' until it started becoming super-taboo in the late 90's/early 00's.

>shifted sharply
Gee I wonder why this could’s not like Jews drug people for calling them out or anything.

How a man changes when controlled.

tikkun olam kikery isn't redpilled

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Yeah so redpilled he married a low IQ Somalian nigger and had a kid with her .

what happened to this file

he married a soamalian lady

“Look at some of the films and see how he moved. I think he was quite as good as Jagger…[Hitler] used politics and theatrics and created this thing that governed and controlled the show for those twelve years. The world will never see his like again. He staged a country.” In the following year, rather bizarrely considering his own androgynous image, he ranted against decadence and called for an extreme right-wing solution to the problem: “I think that morals should be straightened up for a start. They’re disgusting. There will be a political figure in the not too distant future who’ll sweep through this part of the world like early rock ’n’ roll did. You probably hope I’m not right but I am…. You’ve got to have an extreme right front come up and sweep everything off its feet and tidy everything up. Then you can get a new form of liberalism.” It is easy to imagine that the choice of the phrase “extreme right front” would have been seen as a veiled reference to the National Front, which was definitely in the ascendant in 1975 when these words were spoken.

worm food

>Implying that wasn’t just his British genes kicking in because of colonialism

opinion discared

How’s the commie president?

In April 1976, Bowie was detained by customs officials on the Russian/Polish border after they discovered a cache of Nazi memorabilia in his luggage. In the same month, after a concert in the Swedish capital, Stockholm, Bowie was more forthright than ever in his candid expression of fascist sympathies: “I believe Britain could benefit from a Fascist leader. After all, Fascism is really nationalism.” Six days after the pro-fascist remarks in Sweden, Bowie returned to England and allegedly gave a Nazi salute from the back of an open-top limo to the crowd of fans assembled at Victoria station to greet him. It is also widely believed that Bowie visited Hitler’s bunker in Berlin and had photographer, Andy Kent, photograph him with his arm outstretched in a Nazi salute. Kent was made to swear that he would never release the photograph to the press; a promise that the photographer has dutifully kept.

i dunno, but i wouldn't be surprised if you yourself turned full wizard if you spent a couple years sustaining yourself on nothing but red chili peppers, skim milk and really pure cocaine

in 92. After his (((radical shift)))


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Transhumanists are as blue-pilled as they come, what are you talking about op ?

how's the fluoridated water?

I d like Bowie for years, this just makes me like him more.


>Bowie's bodyguard answered a knock on the door and called for David who went to the door and returned a few minutes later, 'white as a sheet'.
>'He was visibly shocked. Someone had just turned up and offered him a warm, dead body for David to have sex with.'
>That was the perception of David Bowie and Ziggy, the alter ego he created and wrote about in song lyrics.
>'He obviously looked like such a freak that some sick people thought he might be into necrophilia.'
>'Who on Earth do they think I am? Why would they think I'd be interested in something like that?' a disturbed Bowie told her.
>Why would I be interested in f***ing a dead body?

His daughter looks like Alyx Vance from HL2.

Still better than being in a third world shithole

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WTF I love Somalis now?

Bearing in mind my admiration for Bowie’s music, it is hardly surprising that I rejoiced in the news that he had given a Nazi salute to his fans. I wrote in Bulldog a few years later that Bowie was “the Big Daddy of Futurism” who, on his early album Hunky Dory, “started the anti-Communist musical tradition which we now see flourishing amidst the new wave of Futurist bands.” It is customary for music journalists to dismiss Bowie’s dallying with fascism as a brief flirtation caused by drug-induced manic depression, in other words by a temporary madness, but it is curious, as I mentioned in the Bulldog article, that the much earlier Hunky Dory album, recorded in 1971, contains several tracks that are suggestive of Nietzschean philosophy and Nazi sympathy.

I've heard that his mother was tight with Oswald Mosely and his followers. I don't doubt it. Kate Bush said some stuff about him after he died which felt dog whistle-ish to me, something about how he was just "so utterly English" and the perfect old school Englishman. Like that. Knowing that she is a Tory and best friends with very woke Terry Gilliam makes her remarks more relevant imho.

Check out Ziggy Stardust's lightning bolt emblem. Remind you of anything?

In “Quicksand” Bowie places himself into the mind of Hitler in the bunker as the Third Reich crumbles around him, contemplating suicide and condemning Churchill’s lies, and remaining defiantly unrepentant to the last. “Song for Bob Dylan,” for all its ambiguity and ambivalence, seems to climax with apparent disdain for Robert Zimmerman as “every nation’s refugee,” blaming Dylan’s leftist radicalism and iconoclasm for breaking up the unity of the family. Such a reading of the lyrics dovetails with Bowie’s later pro-fascist comments. In addition, Bowie’s stripping away of Dylan’s adopted stage name, his mask, to address him by his real name of Zimmerman could be seen, arguably at least, as veiled anti-Semitism, removing the gentile mask to expose the Jew behind it. “Andy Warhol” seems to mock the pretentiousness of its subject, which would explain why Warhol disapproved of it. “Oh! You Pretty Things” is a Nietzschean anthem exhibiting contempt for homo sapiens who “have outgrown their use” and who need to “make way for the Homo Superior.” Homo sapiens are the untermenschen who are superseded by the emergence of homo superior, the übermensch or Superman from which the Nazis derived their notions of the Master Race. Since the quazi-Nazi Nietzscheanism of the Hunky Dory album came five years before Bowie’s fascist declarations in 1976 and the Nazi kitsch of Heroes came a year after, it is a trifle naïve and simplistic to dismiss Bowie’s fascist flirtation as a mere fling or one-night-stand. It would be more accurate to see it as a tempestuous and sordid love affair lasting several years.

>amerimutt thinks he isn't in a third world shit-hole
well hey if it gives you any comfort transhumanism will render the concept of race useless so your feelings will be safe

LOL I bet you're from Cleveland.

Intersting, and here I was thinking that David Bowied was a communist faggot.

If we can not get our youth to be self-sufficient and to maintain the vehicles that are society relies upon for daily life, how are we supposed to continue existing in any political system if the current economic system is disrupted?

Plus, people who rely on others to take care of their vehicles instead of relying on themselves only further enslave themselves to the capitalist machine that keeps us all from reaching our true potential.

So what say ye, fellow men? Shall we have a thread dedicated to asking questions and educating the youth on vehicle repair maintenance?

My captcha had me identify vehicles. This thread is truly blessed by God. God bless this board, and God bless America!

stop callling me ohio guys

No wonder they are trying to say he was a pedo

Yeah, kinda like how Kanye is now "mentally ill". Remember when he went into the hospital the last time he got too publicly fond of Trump?

>Mexican having the audacity to criticise foreigners about their water quality

I swear my shits were 90% liquid for like three weeks after briefly visiting Mexico

Nah i think he's more Toledo.

our water might make the unaccustomed body shit its guts out but it doesn't contain sóy, a vital proponent leading to transhumanist philosophy and consequentially zog worship
I'll stop posting because I'm ruining your bowier thread, but I shit on every transhumanist

I love rogue elites. It's always sad to see the Jews crush them, though. Hoping Kanye can avoid this fate.

I wondered about the title of Bowie's last album. Blackstar reminds me of the Black Sun.

She's a member of the elites as well though; at that level, race is irrelevant to them and only used for its symbolic value to the masses. Question is, was she his keeper, or another rogue? I've always wondered.

wow wtf I just noticed what you noticed, Taby

LOL LOL LOL are the last person who should ever bring up water quality. Top fucking kek.

Another rouge, she’s criticized Israel in the past. However since she’s not famous, the kikes can easily just silence her.

Wow, he had strong genes. Usually the nog genes dominate heavily.

Are you saying there's something wrong with Ohio??

Shut up Ohio


Ah, interesting.

I'm pretty sure she was another rogue. Her and Bowie notoriously didn't get along well with other members of the elite class and preferred to hang out with normal people. Apparently they fucking despised Seal and Heidi Klum and hated being compared to them just because they were both interracial marriages

In his last post on his official forum he called out Google for being the (((illuminati)))

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Being RED PILLED, is useless if you betray your race.
That's his wife and daughter. (he does have a son who happens to be a decent film director and who's also of european origin..but still...)

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>race mixer
>he's not pro nat-soc, he's just anti his own people

>contains several tracks that are suggestive of Nietzschean philosophy and Nazi sympathy.

His song "Oh! You Pretty Things" literally contains the lyrics "You gotta make way for the homo superior"

At the beginning of I'm Afraid of Americans around the 0:25 mark, you can see a lady that looks like Trinity from the matrix. The next shot is Bowie chewing on his matrix streak. The video came out two years before the matrix.

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Without her, he would have died 25y ago. He found a trad muslim woman who drag him out of self destruction.

Thanks bro, I'm listening to hunky dory right know.


Leave Europe shitskin

This. She had him quit smoking, nurtured him after his heart attack in 2004, and generally gave him a pretty damn good life since their marriage. She was a damn good wife to him.

you have to go back ahmed

Yes, sure, a white Courtney Love tier wife would have been far better for him.

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How can one man be so based?

What a hideous creature. You still have to go back though.

>New Zealander can’t entertain complex enough thought to recognise the validity of both perspectives

I cannot find what's wrong with Transhumannism. It evolves the human beings.

Don't bother trying to understand the mind of a t*rk user, it's pointless