A man's power is in what he does. A woman's power is in how she looks.
A man's power is in what he does. A woman's power is in how she looks.
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True. Not much else to say.
makes me rock hard
Is she fucking a rock?
whats to discuss?
lurk moar, faggot
>A man's power is in what he does. A woman's power is in who she does.
Yes. My penis is THAT hard.
I really, really, really like this image
I like it user. might use it in the future
Sounds like something Based Patrice would say. RIP big man, RIP.
She better understand that she's going to help it make it easier on herself if 50/50 isnt good enough. This love is more than just one chapter.
not anymore, women have more power now
While true in 99% of cases. How do you explain ugly cunts like Hilary Clinton and Angela Markel?
is she fucking that rock?
women should have no power
If a woman is truly beautiful on the inside it usually shines through to the outside.
Do not care if corny - drunk.
I don't think he'd survive in today's world. He was too based. That's why he had to die. He saw it coming.
Not needed.
What's there to discuss? Shouldn't this just be accepted basic fact?
If we can not get our youth to be self-sufficient and to maintain the vehicles that are society relies upon for daily life, how are we supposed to continue existing in any political system if the current economic system is disrupted?
Plus, people who rely on others to take care of their vehicles instead of relying on themselves only further enslave themselves to the capitalist machine that keeps us all from reaching our true potential.
So what say ye, fellow men? Shall we have a thread dedicated to asking questions and educating the youth on vehicle repair maintenance?
My captcha had me identify vehicles. This thread is truly blessed by God. God bless this board, and God bless America!
retards itt. ugly low iq dudes will face infinitely more challenges than their female counterparts in this post industrialized society. looks matter just as much for dudes as they do for girls, believe it or not being a 5'2 balding indian with a peanut frame in a western country pretty much eliminates any chance of a romantic relationship, you will elicit hostile reactions from pretty much everyone unless you act like a dog, unless your IQ is 140 your fate is pretty much sealed. looks permeate into every aspect of life, ugly guys are absolutely screwed. if you don't act how you look you will learn the hard way. quit being fucking delusional
Co-opting what said. It's in who they do, like Hilly with Bill.
Hell yeah
A man's power is what he does, a woman's power is her children
A Man's power and a Woman's power insignificant individually. A physically capable road worker could destroy a smaller woman but a girl with a nice ass can make 10,000x his life work with just her looks. It doesn't really matter who is better at what. What matters is how a Man and a Woman can combine their skill sets to raising a loving and productive family. This is why the West is breaking down. Traditional family values and gender roles cemented people's place in the modern natural world. Subverting this to make it a Man vs Woman mentality and pushing Women out of the house and into the work place has destroyed the moral and family fabric of America.
it's not what you do it's what you are, why isn't lookism accepted as a basic fact? you evolved from chimps & you will give preferential treatment to better looking, taller, bigger men if you admit it or not.
I disagree. Power is about manipulation. It's the same for men and women. They may manipulate in different ways, but ultimately it's the same.
>A woman's power is in how she looks.
There's plenty of old hags who have lost what ever looks they had and are more powerful than you or I.
was everybody on this board dropped on their head?
Good thread OP
reminder fight the devil and hell by not sining.
>women can make 10,000x
women cant make anything like that ammount of money without men holding her up somewhere
if shes a courtesan, she has a pimp,
if shes a model, she has men designing clothes and shooting photos,
if shes marrying into status she has no right to choose unless men let her
you have completely undersold your own advantage in agency in order to buy into a fantasy world where women contribute meaningfully to your relationships by being anything other than docile and brainlessly complicit in everything you want them to do.
Girl has a rock in her butt