How come the LGBTQ+ mafia doesn't try to get anuses recognized as a type of vagina...

How come the LGBTQ+ mafia doesn't try to get anuses recognized as a type of vagina. I feel like if they believe in retarded shit like trans clits or neovaginas than this isn't really much of a stretch for them to push.

Attached: No Homo.png (417x413, 185K)

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Mafia? don't stoop that low my lord

Faggots are full of demons.

You and all these degenerates you speak of should be shot for their crimes against God.

shot? gassed!

Op even if buttstuff wasnt always not okay I bet you would be more happy than upset that you get to make threads talking about how the fags have made boipussy into legal reality.

>trans clits

Dude, I don't speak faggotese. English, please.

Why are they still LG"B"T when Bisexual implies only 2 genders?

Imagine a trap so powerful his asshole is legally recognized as a vagina in all fifty states.

>fag so overt, people recognize his anus in 50 states

They already claim in Wikipedia that the vagina is a recent development, therefore anal sex came first, yadayada.

What is the source of this image my friend?

their argument is that "bilingual" doesn't imply two languages therefore "bisexual" shouldn't imply two genders even though the number of languages in the world are a definite number, so do genders (2). This prompts them to add more letters to the lgbteiugbelrjkgdhnvsrhgi acronym and create new words and definitions to add to the textbook for gender studies.

They don't like talking about their mentally ill faggot sex in public it would make them look bad.

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I doubt they're that stupid. If they were to say that an anus is actually a vagina, transphobes would immediately exploit it by saying:
>transmen will always have vaginas, therefore they are still women
>transwoman don't need SRS, they already have vaginas

There have been LGBT conferences over whether or not the B should be removed because it oppresses non-binary genders.

They are retarded but they aren't Japanese retarded.

Technically so does the LG part.

"Daddy, please fuck my Shitcunt"

Attached: IMG_20180703_012116.jpg (750x1557, 90K)

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what is boipussy?
piss off with your fagottry

oooh fuck i want to die like this
sweet sweet chocolat suffocational death...
i dreamed about this some times in my suicidal depression moments..


u cheeky fuck