
What's Jow Forums opinion on a technocracy?

I personally think it would literally solve all problems in the world, till an AGI finishes us

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whats a technocracy?
that pictures pretty good haha

What the hell ka a technocracy?

pretty bad idea especially when you consider how many academic fields have been transformed into leftist echo chambers

>government controlled by technical experts
LMAOOO John from tech support in Bombay is gonna be prime minister? Fuck off rice nigger

Rule by the technological/intelligent, equivalent and usually synonymous with the meritocracy, usually attributed as the most pure interpretation of Plato's philosopher kings idea but can usually be implemented more simply.

Wrong technocracy.

They're "experts" not experts.

More like democratically elected politicians defer decision making to commissions and committees formed by industry experts rather than whoever pays them the most money.

With this in mind, literally the only thing you need to do to transition into this system is crackdown on how political donations work.

>I personally think it would literally solve all problems in the world
Technology has caused more meaningful problems than it has solved. Everybody is depressed because our lives feel meaningless as a direct result of technology.

Read Kazcinsky's manifesto, user.

>crackdown on how political donations work
i like it but wouldn't a pure technocracy, by definition, keep a step ahead of that?

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>LMAOOO John from tech support in Bombay is gonna be prime minister?

Ireland then?

>dumb Luddite
Please go starve in a field of your failing crops? Thank you!

The problems technology causes are either pollutants or trivial.

It's more that politicians don't actually know how to do their job, they have to be told how to do their job either by the media or by rich people who "donate" to them or to industry experts, which is already the case for most Western systems.

If you remove the rich people and lobbiers, you're left with the media (being deprecated by the alt media) and the technocrats. When I say "just crack down on political donations" I mean do that and wait a few decades, Australia has already done this, future technocrats are basically nationalistic, selfless people from "intelligent" families who have real skill.

thats a fair assesment, Id argue it has also benefited massively. we are many billions now, 200years ago we were hardly more than a billion. the virus is spreading.

may I politelly ask you to enlighten and illustrate me what do you mean with political donations? I like your ideas
inb4 all: ricenigguh etc, im travelling. calm down.

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i like this even more.

Go to China you'll see

You posted too soon because At the moment most laws are actually lobbied by rich people, this is shit because it's almost a guarantee they have ulterior motives (cheap labour, delusions of hierarchical societies, Satanism, whatever).

When you remove the rich people, the politicians will turn to the smart people to make most of the laws (and the media, but that's going away).

It's an improvement over an Irish Prime Minister

I think every single techie deserves a leadpill applied directly to the brain stem

Chinese is corrupt and is more a convergence between western style plutocracy and feudalism, since you have to be in the right family or right group to know who to bribe to get your law passed.

Technocracies are actually very rare because people don't actually like intelligent people and will only ever begrudgingly do what they say. The system has to simply tend to this.

This, technology has ruined us. I wish we could stick to driving in a horse and carriage instead of disgusting cars. I'm sick and tired of all the noise from these machines

fuck off chang

Fuck off
