What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
Jew on Jew violence
Wtf I love Ben now
Hegelian Dialectic
>right wing babies
>still whining about the holocaust
Here we go
Paint kike shapiro and juden peterstein as the furthest right wing voices in the public discourse. Even though they're both as good as leftist faggots stupid goyim will eat it up and think that ben's actually offering something different
Probably some sort of Jewish boy scout like pic related.
What's that even mean?
Shapiro confirmed as vat grown bodily vessel for Soros when Soros transcends this realm.
Transhumanist deniers BTFO
The train he is speaking of would be the train to the concentration camps.
The train from the concentration camp to the extermination center, actually.
Hans, why did you have to fail? Look at the fucking mess you made in the world now. Whites have a serious possiblility of going extinct in the next 100 years
I think he meant George Soros
gotta love it when a jew isn't subversive and anti-white enough for the taste of other jews
also there is no such thing as "good" jews
Typical Jewish tricks, trying to create the perception they are not on the same side.
I thought that was Soros. He's the one ginning up for a new Holocaust, and found the first one to be the best time of his life.
Ding ding ding
For Australia maybe. I don’t want no President Jew. No Zekes for me
Normiel jews have been brainwashed by Marxist Jew leaders that anything right of center will lead directly back to another holocaust.
You mean Soros?
Soros was unironically a nazi collaborator.
invoking the holohoax is how jews keep other jews inline
Well, even though he's wrong, he's selling Jow Forums on Shapiro with quotes like that.
How can people not figure this out? They've literally tricked a bunch of red-pilled dudes into being blue-pilled again.
It's masterful, really.
he just exposed the jewish weakness, theyre so jewish that they will jew eachother creating a humongous cycle of jew, until the end of the earth.
There's basically 2 types of public relations Jews. The ones that use the media to trick the white right into attacking their enemies worldwide, and the ones who use the media to perpetually vilify and genocide the white right at home.
Shapiro is to jews as jews are to whites.
Jews are always jewing other jews.
Nothing new under the sun.
Soros LITERALLY sold other jews.
Is that where women squeeze their pussy muscles to make them stronger?
Ben is extremely pro jew. So Topolsky is either lying or being paranoid.
I wish.
should have said into the oven