Can we meme that women can’t consent to sex?

Can we meme that women can’t consent to sex?

Is it possible?

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yeah say something like "sex is heteronormative cis privilege"

Kind of my point.

Not too long ago “all sex is rape” almost picked up steam.

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if consent was required, rape wouldnt exist
consent is your choice
t. rapist

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you'd have to start with black women can't consent because of systemic oppression and misogyny creating power imbalances whenever a white man tries to have sex with them. then expand from there.

We can meme anything we fucking want
>grills can't consent because the man is lying to her emotionally


That would mean that women can't have sex at all.

All sex outside of marriage should be considered rape and the man should be at fault 100% of the time.
In the case of homo men they are both at fault.
In the case of homo women their fathers are at fault.

Why tho?

First off if you have sex outside of marriage you're going to cum harder than you ever have before because it's illegal.
Second is it's black and white, there's no cunny trap where some guy gets accused of regret rape. He knew it was rape by default.
Third is it encourages marriage.

Late to the party I see, this is a feminist oldmeme going back at least to the 1960s

>implying marriage isn't rape


>implying women can't withdraw consent faster than you can withdraw your penis making every man at least potentially a rapist

Fuck you you cisprivileged white male piece of shit


What do you mean implying that? My system is crafted with that in mind. All of it is rape except in marriage. Martial rape doesn't exist.

Watch where you put your dick. Lust destroys the lives of countless millions. It creates bastards and whores. And all because you needed that pussy

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Gib me muh pussy!

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This is unironically an landwhale SJW dream come true.

They'll just be using insemination and artificial wombs in time.

isnt that our wet dream as well?

Artificial wombs already exist. They're called Indians.
All you have to do is find some 7+ white college student whose parents fucked up, buy her eggs, get your sperm in them and put them in an Indian who carries it to term and breast feeds it.
You can pay a non-white to lay on her back for the entire pregnancy and eat an optimal diet. You'll never get that level of control with a white girl.