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Hey Rabbi

Why is it that when the flag is a Nazi flag the post is absolutely shit?

WTF I love twitter now

He does not seem to have any trouble with Jewish supremacists either though, does he, Seth?

Jack literally takes any excuse he can find to perma-ban verified people who appear rightwing and are not established politicians.

How can Seth Rogan seriously complain.

>he has a bizarre need to do this
>he is apathetic

Attached: web-mental-gymnastics.jpg (600x450, 63K)

Because it's actually cover, trying to make Jack seem neutral.

How can this not be obvious to you?

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What's that, a type of sandnigger?

Attached: Pubehead Sandnigger II.png (569x511, 466K)

>oy vey, why can't we have total control over they goyim's public discourse?!

Attached: scared Jew.jpg (544x613, 97K)

Is twitter actually a platform of free speech?

David Duke and Richard Spencer are still on, last time I checked, but he banned Jared Taylor for some reason (I suspect because he was so convincing and had a bunch of hard data on genetics).

Jared Taylor was in the process of suing Twitter, from what I heard he is winning.

No. If you're not a famous person, you have a high chance of getting banned for being to the right of Jeb.

But I love Jeb!

Attached: jeb!.webm (1280x720, 1.17M)

Reminder that this drugged up fuck boy literally sucked Justin Trudeau's dick, and sealed a joint together with his spooge before smoking it via his anus

Not a jew

Taylor didn't suffer from the same kind of social stigma / programming implanted into the minds of the public. The mere names of Duke and Spencer do cause a lot of people to turn off their brains and absorb nothing they hear. Thus he is much more likely to break the conditioning whenever he gets someone to listen or read his arguments.

That and "huwite" is universally charming. Weeb appeal from speaking fluent Nip.

lol WTF this thread

they go from "he doesn't care" to "he's a nazi sympathizer" in about a dozen tweets, one-upping each other with implications


Nationalism for me but not for thee, goy

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rogan is a nazi jew supremacist who hates white people

Why do fat manlet Jews get all the pussy and why are Jews so FREAKING HILLARIOUS XD
Stink dick am I right guys XD


That's memeflags for you. Filter the shit and you'll notice only shills use them and what threads attract the shit out of them.

So let's get this straight the plan is to ban all right wing accounts so next election liberals totally control what served as the major platform for public discourse during the last election

News flash kikes Trump doesn't need Twitter followers to win this time

Why am I laughing at this?

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who'd have thought that once you become a billionaire you don't give a fuck?