Assalam Alaikam pol

I'm Muslim. I feel there are lots of misconceptions about Muslims on this forum, so please AMA. I will answer all serious questions.

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based terroni

I've always wanted to see a woman stoned to death for driving a car. Is it as thrilling as it sounds?

Many mooslims i know say that drinking camel piss. how can you defend this?

This is 100% a Saudi extremist bullshit. Nothing to do with Islam. Everything to do with Saudi scum.

do you want all infidels to die?

If you're Muslim when do they plan to throw you from a rooftop?

how's my arabic
beddi a'bourak walla ya ibn al-maniouka

That's a salafi website, and therefore bullshit. Everything to do with Saudi is bullshit extremism.

When you go back?
Serious question.

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How many goats have you fucked?

Muslims invade and congregate in specific areas, usually the most powerful cities. They don't come to the UK or other nations to simply live there, they come here to invade and take power.

They do this because the nationals very rarely vote, while they always do vote and vote in an organized way.

it's a saheeh hadeeth macaroni

No. Only the nasally-endowned ones.

The west is so insecure of its culture that any changes are seen as acts of terrorism. Same can be said of the east.

btw, it's not exclusive to salafis

Why does the Quran reference terroism and victory through slaughter of innocence to push your “religion of peace”?

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Must be because they have small dicks that they don't want ANY Muslims in their country EVER under any pretexts whatsoever.

>I'm Muslim. I feel there are lots of misconceptions about Muslims on this forum, so please AMA. I will answer all serious questions.


You will regret having entered our soil

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Can you refute this?

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Not gonna lie, i'm basically an Arab and that appeals to my warrior nature even though i know it's all bullshit.

Dunno man, seems to be working out pretty well for them so far.

As a Germanic yourself you can't tell me that perpetual warfare doesn't sound appealing, what are you a thrall?

Are you sunni or shia?

Don't need to watch it to know Muhammad was full of shit.



Why do muslim "refugees" always pick qestern christian countrys to move to?
Why would you not move to a culturaly compatible country?

If your answer is that islam is compatible with western democracy, then why do muslims try their best to change our countrys, traditions and our cultures.


Urragh! They drink camel piss now? Just when you think it couldn't get worse.
I like most people prefer Africans.

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Religion is shit. Especially islam

Then fuckoff I only want to speak with based Saudis.

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lmao, trust me Africans are worse, even the Arabs look down on them as savages.

Are those Japs?

you do not see that clearly, it works well for them because the left protects them
as soon as the left fall, the muslims will experience a miracle, all nationalist parties are anti islam, and once they come to power in europe it's over with this bullshit

>Are those Japs?
more like retards

Third kid from the left looks like a kid i went to school with, we used to call him "chino" (Chinese, or chink).

>I'm Muslim

I'm sorry you're mentally ill and follow a false pedophile god.

Don't you sometimes feel sorry for your sister or mother that they're owned like property and can't make their own decisions about their life?

What is your honest opinion of Trump?




Genuinely curious.

Go back where you belong
Hint: not europe

Tell me about the Jew, brother.

Why not? because you say so?

>as the Pastor diddles the altar boy

>as the Rabbi sucks the circumcised bleeding penis

lmao, what a cuck.

Did the prophet (pbuh) kissed little boy dicks ?

c'est pas les gaulois qui vont nous bouger en tout cas.

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They look like soldiers to me, soldiers feel the need to fight, the cause may be retarded but the need is still there.

Reading comprehension does wonders, Ahmed.

All religion is mental illness and I said their god, not their priests etc, which are just idiots/other pedophiles. At least Jesus wasn't a pig fucker.

Hadith Number 16245, Volume Title: “The Sayings of the Syrians,” Chapter Title: “Hadith of Mu’awiya Ibn Abu Sufyan”:

“I saw the prophet – pbuh – sucking on the tongue or the lips of Al-Hassan son of Ali, may the prayers of Allah be upon him. For no tongue or lips that the prophet sucked on will be tormented (by hell fire)

He (the Prophet) lift up his (al Hassan’s) shirt and kissed his (little) penis..”
روى أنه صلى الله عليه و سلم قبل زبيبة الحسن أو الحسين
He (the prophet) kissed the (little) penis of al Hassan or al Husein
رأيت النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم فرج ما بين فخذي الحسين و قبل زبيبته
He (the prophet) put Husein’s legs apart and kissed his (little) penis

Gilles de Rais did too and i don't see you talking shit about him.

Are you an atheist?

So what do you think about kissing little boy penis ? S E R I O U S Q U E S T I O N

are you aware that your god is from the moon?

lmao, what a creep.

Be specific then, toad licker. I'm no mudslime. Abrahamic religions are trash.

If you call a specific religion's god false it implies you have a true one you believe in.

Also what would you do if allah was actually a demon and not the living God?

I hear it's gonna be legalized in France soon.

Anyone who accepts Islam is a retard in my eyes
what normal-thinking person of the 21st century can read this heap of bullshit and then think "wow that's the way to the future"

Give me a break, someone who believes such a trash is either stupid, criminal or a pervert

thats jew and christians territory

I unironically believe that Allah is a demon of some sort.


>Gilles de Rais
It's a thread about the prophet Muhammad (pbuh), not Gilles de Rais. You can create one about Gilles the pedo if you want.

Fuck off you disgusting ugly subhuman sand nigger. Everyone hates your ugly asses and you will be dealt with very soon

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Or all three.

says the kike who believes a man can be a god, that is heresey

This is what our ancestors thought of your shit religion

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I see i triggered you.

Voltaire on Islam. BTFOs turkroaches

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allah is the antichrist himself I have no doubt about it

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>victory through slaughter of innocence

only advocates so in war. enemy soldiers are not innocent. prophet muhammad (pbuh) was a leader, not a cuck like jesus.

God's son.

Not really.


Toad licker, that's a new one. Think up that one yourself?

I'm sorry you're mentally ill also then. The one true god is yourself, no one else.

I'm sure, but why you gotta be mean and call me ugly and stuff?

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>Why do muslim "refugees" always pick qestern christian countrys to move to?

most developed. and because it is white countries bombing Muslim countries, it is only fair.


Don't you mean Muhammed? and give me a break, the Antichrist will be some White-looking Jewish guy, let's be honest here.

Gd has no sexual nature.

Why do Arab Muslims migrate to Europe and Canada and not act thankful to white people that allowed you in? Why don't you discipline your youth not to rape?


I marginally triggered you. I could have done better.

When are you leaving Italy, goat fucker?


Could you please tell me what you think about the kissing penis thing ? And what do you think about Aicha ? Married at 7 and fucked at 10. Have you no problem with that ? Seriously.

How do you feel about wahhabi and salafi denominations? Are you typical in that compared to other muslims from where you live?

Do all muslims practice all the religious tenets? Or are there denominations that allow you to not pray 5 times per day or not refuse pork at all?

Do you prefer to be beheaded drawn and quartered or burned alive because those your choices

Here's a question for you: How do you want to die?

Gurl, do you want to stay here where it's always shia, or do you want to go live where it's always sunni?

Trump is better than Obama. Obama was devious, Trump is straightforward.


I like Christians except evangelicals who i see as kike puppets basically.

Democrats will be the end of the USA.

Republicans are on the right track. They might even be good if they stop sucking that Jew Adelson's cock.

>this thread again
We should honestly have a pasta for these types of threads.

Islam spread in its origins up to the present day by war. This is undeniable. It's historical fact. Not defensive war, but offensive invasions. Then by subjugating women and threatening by death to convert, it spread in the conquered areas. How do you square these facts with trying to convince me that Islam is peaceful and we have nothing to worry about?

>White-looking Jewish guy,

Bullshit, God is the highest masculine you fucking faggot.

Ass-soloom welfarecoon
Welcome to /PissIslam/! This thread is dedicated to discussion of the religion of the pedophile.

Islam is more than just a religion, however, it’s a way of pedophilia; one which guides the penis, vagina and sexual actions of pedophiles. PissIslam even has its own pedophilia code.

This thread’s topic is the new 'terms' pedophilia. Is it solid? It's pretty barebones, what else should be added? 6 year old girls.


>The Basics of Islam

>Islamic Terms

Coming Soon! Need to wait till my inbred IQ recovers

>Jow Forumsack Convert Testimonies


Essential Links:

>The Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad

>Read and listen to the Quran online

>Biography of the Prophet Muhammad

>Islamic site with everything you need

>Find a mosque and convert today!

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Because they don't see their sons raping White whores as a bad thing.