What did he mean by this?


Attached: D70D6865-A7CE-4ADE-B2F5-021BDC345DB4.jpg (351x381, 38K)

He drinks antifa tears for breakfast. That's how he got big


Attached: rufio_LOL.webm (988x548, 2.84M)

Good knight sweet prince

Allways punch a commie especially if he has a baton in his hand.

that man takes his super male vitality daily

He's a big guy

for you.

The only true end result for drinking antifa tears.
Pic related
It's like drinking a onions concentrate.

Attached: Estroboy.jpg (654x1274, 95K)

i'd let him fuck my wife


is he natty

How do I unlock this mode?

Absolutely BTFO


For (you)

Attached: 20171015_100506.png (1423x827, 1.4M)

>Bends baton anxiously
>Rage mode activated
Game over man

Copious quantities of steroids.

Eat clen and tren hard

Liberal tears


What an absolute unit

Anyone having problems with opening pics? Did that faggot gook piss on the servers or something?

Attached: 1528364058121.webm (720x1276, 1.08M)

I have been having trouble with it all day.

>being this jealous


Yeah, something is bugged

The fuck? You cunts are dumb fucks if you think he got that big on patriotism and GOMAD. Not even jealous; he’s a huge cunt but he’ll need a quad bypass by 40.

holy shit destiny got arrested?

He's a big fucking guy

Sad but true.

Literally 100% of the LEO folks I have known that were swole as hell had their heart give out or go batshit on them in their 30s.

It ain't healthy having such a build and using it for extended stretches. Hell, the tubby fucks out live those bastards and that is sad.


I will never get bored of this webm. God bless the person who smacked down that faggot, and bless the person filming it. I wish good fortune on those who post this webm.


Don't go overboard on test or do shit like tren and you'll be fine. I've been on 250mg/weekly since I was 28 (boomer) and I've had zero health issues, not even bloating.

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read the fucking sticky

Did they give chadlet a bigger beat stick on purpose?

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Holy fuck he RAGDOLL'D him
Impressive punch. 10/10!

Tubby folk here, Soft af computer user and never do any real physical activity other than the bare minimum to avoid clots (i mean, manageable im not a land whale either) As long as i don't move too much ill probably outlive most body builders who over do it. Haven't left the house in over a year except when wify was giving birth.

You can tell he's ready af

Attached: twoscoops.webm (960x540, 2.94M)

Is use of steroids legal if you're in law enforcement?

Every time I watch it it gets better
>That subtle little adjustment to the right leg to sure up his position

I guess he got arrested for a small crime?

Old dude here. By age 50, every single fat person I knew died. Yes the muscle bound guys die in their 50's, however most of them had/have the self discipline to lose the weight. It is my experience that being fat is literally more deadly than smoking cigarettes.

That woman-like thing to the left is gushing by the sight kek.

Attached: 1530443554005.webm (800x450, 638K)

He must have rolled tank class.


>the guy in all black behind the antifa at the start
>hesitates between having his comrade's back vs chad thundercock or joining the dogpile on the right

that's the best time
because they have no means of legal recourse.
the guy that got hit got a brain hemorrhage
and the guy that hit him got off scot-free.

why is every fucking OP pic 404ing?

Since none of my fat is packed it only takes 3 months of hard work to make it all go away, How do i know? Because i've done it before.

Because Hiro's a stingy jew who won't pay for decent image servers.

>my fucking sides.

Clen and tren yup sounds about right

I use to buy testoprim-D when I traveled to Mexico

when will they learn?

What PCT?