Grand solar Minimum and the coming food Collapse

Ok listen up faggots let's talk about some real for a second something that Will effect every one of you fuckers in the coming Months years

How many of you are aware of of the extreme weather we are having around the world. Biblical floods Intense heat waves Volcanic activity snowing where it has never snowed before.

How many of you are aware of the massive Crop losses happening around the world. Ohh the like controlled news is never gonna report on this shit till you have Obeast fighting over the last Box of Twinkies. And the stores are empty

Already we are seeing shortages of iceberg lettuce in Europe China has lost over 60% of their entire peach yeild this year and don't even get me started on U.S wheat and corn production.

In short get fucking prepared Now. Stop what you fucking doing and learn to grow your own food.

Those who prepare now may survive the coming years but the masses of ignorant consumer sheep will surely perish in the greatest famine mankind has ever seen.

You've been warned

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Its already affecting my gardening. Lost about half what i grow, never been this bad before.

Rock on OP

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Mind if I asked what damaged your garden was it hail or intense UV.

The intense UV is fucking brutal to the plants.

intense uv, most of them burned. plenty of water, good soil.

i don't grow food, but a ton of my flowers look like someone took a match to them. It's fucking unreal how bad they look.

I'm also noticing a lot of my neighbors flowers are beginning to brown.


I'm really looking forward to the GSM.

My veg are doing very well this year we've had the hottest June in 80 years and lots of sunshine and warm weather since May. The country is in drought now though because of lack of rainfall which is very unusual.

>snowing where it has never snowed before.
this is a new one. any sauce?

I'm surrounded by academics obsessed with global warming and they think I'm an idiot when I talk about the GSM.

The great thing about a minimum is things can only get better from there.

As long as the US can produce enough food internally and maintain its military things will be fine. Now variety might take a hit but GSM should be a great thing for US power.
All those countries that are forced to import more and more food will eventually go to war and we can sell them weapons.

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Yah they're having snow in South Africa and Namibia where there has never been a recorded snowfall.

>Ohh the like controlled news is never gonna report on this shit
read the commodities reports, the spring red rye totally failed, also milk is no longer profitable meaning many will leave the industry which is already propped up with federal money,

you suckers better know how to produce your own food, 10 days of no gasoline or no food will turn most major cities into zombie apocalypse in about 10 days

my flowers look great this year don't know what the fuck you're talking about, my flowers do get sprayed with chemtrails every week because I live under the flight path of an air force base

>All those countries that are forced to import more and more food will eventually go to war
Russia and China are dependent on the US for food

Maybe it's the soil or something else. I was planning to build another garden in another spot on my place but I guess I'll make it a primary and use the old spot for something else. (coy pond?)

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i was unaware, thanks for the info, user.

(((Academia))) is totally controlled by the kikes they don't want you to be prepare and die.

Sun Cycles have been a proven fact for decades now and the elites know all about this shit.

Yup it is perfect timing. Russia will invade Europe for the fertile land which will no longer be under US protection because they will fail to pay the bribes to Trump. China will need both oil, more then Russia can provide, and food and go to war for both.
Why do you think the Nips have already bribed Trump for protection they know what is going to come.

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I don't see how China will do this but probably opium has something to do with it

Recent hailstorms and flooding have decimated crop production in the upper Midwest

agriculture is pretty simple stuff once you understand all the chemistry you need for the modern gardening environment, agriculture etc

try a different plant, try a different spot, what is growing there now that looks good

Don't you know they are already flooding the US with fentanyl. The reverse opium wars have already begun.

most dairy farmers are quitting, they will need to take loans to operate so they're jumping ship, buy powdered milk that shit will be like gold next year

Niggers are gonna be so fucked

I expect 25-50% of Africa to die in the coming years

and carfentanyl

in Ohio 70% of the deaths are from fentanyl, this is a genocide, and they are mostly white people dying

Thanks friend.

Unusual, not fantastical.
Once it snows outside my door I'll let you know.

Yeah. But they’re whites that turn to fentanyl. They were trash to begin with.

Was a bad planting year for me. We were in the 40s through April then into the 90s in May. Had been a great deer season though, so freezers are full.

I live near some small dairy operations so I should be okay unless they eat the cows.

Aus wheat production up 11.69% on.last year was down -29% however

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Nothing will happen.
Two cycles only, SC25 and SC25.
Same as Dalton.

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25-50% of Africa will be in Europe in the coming years

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A common phrase in Indiana is if your corn is “knee high by Fourth of July” you’ll have a good harvest that year.

Literally every corn field I’ve seen has been chest height by mid June.

OP confirmed faggot

Indiana best state

Except most corn isn't even used for food it's turned into ethonol cow feed or used to make hamplanets fat.

Not everywhere will be effected as bad and see me places may do better than expected.

Ask how your neighbors to the west are doing though.

Wheat production in Kansas and nebraska is abysmmal I've heard.

My tomatoes have had a hell of a yield this year but I have noticed more of them being lost to rot. I just chalked it up to the fact that there were more fruits to rot but now you faggots have me paranoid.

>Oh no, the iceberg lettuce!
In my town a lot of farmers have lost rye crops to the incredible floods created by the snow and the late coming of the warm weather.
Last year was some other type of crop. Every year someone gets fucked, that's why most people don't have just one thing.
This year peppers looked like shit. Nectarine was great.

>Happy birthday kid, no take this you little piece of shit
Poor Kido :(

This year is much kinder to my garden than last year

Carfentanil is a straight up chemical weapon, it'll be used in attacks sooner or later. I think Russia used it in a hostage situation once.

I wish I bought it when it was still legal.

>intense UV
Total bullshit. Photosynthesis functions well under UV light.

Photosynthesis is irrelevant when the plant matter itself is being burned and killed by radiation.

I have 7 hightunnels and they're all doing well

T. Alaska

who the fuck does this

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>Solar minimum is affecting my garden
>UV radiation is too high.

clear spaceweather = more of sun's radiation gets concentrated on earth's surface.

>Photosynthesis is irrelevant
Apparently education is irrelevant in finland; do you realize that visible light is also radiation?

Leaves are not skin. Leaves can process UV into energy, they don't get sun burn.

Actually crops looking pretty good here mild hail and tornado year mild temps but pleanty of degree days. Wheat is looking primo soon to be harvested the corn is nice and lush. Beans slightly sluggish but very healthy.

t Nebraska potato farmer

Blossom end rot? Up your calcium in the soil. Grind up a few tums and till them in next year.

Appearentlyyouneed to go back to school faggot.

UV from the sun has 3 bands UVA UVB and UVC plant photosynthesis with UVA but because of the weakened magnetosphere and stronger UV output from the sun do to no sunspots your seeing more of the higher bands of UV hit the surface that would otherwise be filtered out.

Fucking God! We need to exterminate those animals.. This webm ruined my fucking day

Solar minimum will result in coronal expansion. After which we will get contact from ayys.

This may or may not happen, it could just be a huge spook, but if you haven't noticed there has been a bit of an "energy shift". If this is true expect to see more crazy social events happen, the deep state pedophile torturer types panicking more and more, and eventually disclosure about all the degeneracy they've committed.

So do you. The magnetosphere doesn't absorb or reflect UVB or UVC. Ozone does that. And the ozone layer is in better shape than it has been for years.

Post links to proof of what you're saying. Text, not youtube.

I'm not an indoctrinated liberal faggot that eats out the anus of (((Academia))) oven yourself kike

In any real agriculture collapse Africa would get the brunt of it, and I can guarantee you any whites left would feel the brunt of Africa's anger