The absolute state of trump voters

The absolute state of trump voters

>Russia Tried To Help Trump Win 2016 Election, Senate Intelligence Committee Reaffirms

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I like Russia though, so whats the problem?


Wow a couple Russians memed on Facebook. Impeach now!

I don't get the use of the word "tried". They did. Multiple groups have confirmed they did. Does "tried" just imply that we don't know how well it worked? Because even that seems like it's been explained.

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Why are liberals so dumb and brainwashed. Democrats lost because Hillary was a horrible candidate and a lying criminal

And yet in Trump's eyes, Putin can still do no evil...

what has that to do with trump you literal moron?
omg europe liked hillary more omg
i mean you people are truly retarded.
You have to prove a connection.

Jow Forums would lick the cum out of Putin’s cock if they could.

>multiple groups have confirmed that they did
Post those sources.

But still no evidence of collusion.

Also lmao @ you, you hypocritical shitstain, Obama advised the British public to vote for Remain so don't try and tell me the left suddenly things sovreignity is sacrosanct.

PizzaGate! All pedos die.

Multiple groups confirmed.
They confirmed that Saddam has WMD as well.

By guise, remember, the Russia investigation is still going on... Remember?? - Democrat “Intelligence Comittee” members

now its confirmed they tried why dont you suddenly accept this shit anymore when you did before?

I mean i dont care i never believed anything in huffingpaint after they been exposed telling half truths several times.. but you sound like you believed them when they told you what you wanted to hear and now that changed and suddenly...
I mean really people stop being partisan hacks and easily manipulated retards its getting old by now.



fuck off stupid extremist leftist communists

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Nice try Vlad.

then why waz RT news 100% in the tank for Hillery?
Just the fact a news company owned by the russian govt shilled for Clinton proves Russia backed Hillery.

the amount of money the russians spent trying to influence the election was completely inconsequential. Both republicans and democrats outspent them literally a 1000/1.

If people are so easily influenced by a few facebook ads then you might as well call democracy a failure and return to an autocracy

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Hillary was gonna start a war with them. Makes sense they’d prefer trump who wasn’t talking shit

I love when two sides of a political system that the majority of the people refuse to participate in fight amongst themselves to see who can delegitimize the entire system faster. God I can't wait for the collapse.

wtf i feel bad i for voting trump now
oh wait, i don't

so she sold them our uranium because she wanted to start a nuclear war. stupid.

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I love how conservatards went from
>they didnt do shit they never interfered with our election, muhhh russia libruls lmao wheres your proofs?
>okay so they made some facebook ads lmao that doesnt mean shit
>a-alright it may have been more than a couple ads
and now finally
>s-so what? america d-does it all the time

How do you call yourself patriots? Do you even realize you're being used as puppets or what? Is this what JFK spent agonizing hours saving the US from nuclear annihilation for, just to see his country sold out to the same people that wanted (and still do) to nuke us?

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Yeah Russia is based. I wish we were culturally closer to them. I fucking hate that they keep pushing war with Russia.
Honestly, fuck Europe. I'm not European, I'm a white American. We're genetically and culturally miles apart from them.
Us Russian alliance could rule the world.

Why do you support a false narrative to cover for baby rapers and cannibals? Nigger, no one believes the Russians narrative, not even the Left.

>Multiple groups have confirmed they did.
There is quite literally no way of confirming if it was Russia, Israel, China, someone else pretending to be Russia. It could be anyone.

At the end of the day, it's a small handful of ads on facebook that had zero influence on anything. Big deal. Nations and their "NGOs" regularly do worse all the time.

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I never cared if there was collusion in the first place.

Classic deep state ‘entrapment’... supply your “enemies” with the weapons to cause continental or global crisis. Reminds me of Fast and Furious

So what exactly is illegal or corrupt about buying advertisements?

Internet shills and russian donations.
Hillary had even more russian donations, spent much more on internet propaganda and had the official president use his power to support her

The situation always makes me imagine nietzsche trying to educate religious imbeciles on the corruption of the church and consequences it will bring

Do you really think this works?

Was Russia trying to help Trump get elected or trying to keep Hillary from getting elected? There's a difference.
If Russia's overall goal was to get Trump elected then why was all the "Russian Hack" Hillary dirt released at the START of the Democratic Convention? That timing seems to indicate they were trying to keep her from getting the party nomination and cause a Trump vs Bernie situation.
Several polls show Bernie would have won against Trump so it could just as easily be argued that they were pro Bernie.
Wouldn't it have been better to watch her secure the nomination and wait till the last minute to release the emails and secure Trump's victory that way?

>They confirmed that Saddam has WMD as well.
People keep giving me the stink eye when I point that out as evidence of blatantly lying media. Like Obama fucking solved it or something.

Start with all of the sources listed here, maybe?

Between who? Donald J. Trump and Russia? No, and I don't think there ever will be. Despite my distaste for the man, I assume he was too busy to actually meet with any Russian individual. However, several people under Trump did meet with Russians to discuss how Russia or Russian organizations could assist them. See my link above.

And you think I'm going to defend Obama after his policies on "anyone near a terrorist is also a terrorist so it's okay to bomb them" BS? There were times I really wish he was the extreme left wing socialist tyrant Jow Forums makes him out to be so that he could have actually gotten things done for the US instead of bombing folks and passing a weak version of the healthcare reform we need.

I mean it's the same as climate change is real, you just need to link that Russia and Trump had some form of tangible collaboration and not that Russia would naturally nudge its propaganda arm to support the less anti-Russia presidential candidate.

Saudi Arabia tried to help Clinton win

A ton of spics and kikes voted for Hillary for their own and their country's interests. And yet we don't bitch about that foreign meddling. It's all muh Russia because Donald Trump won and gave white Americans a glimmer of hope.

They certainly did, but Trump didn't collude. At first i didn't buy the muh russia narrative but now i'm seeing the same 2016 trolls on social media but instead of MAGA it's the Rose emoji and commie symbols. Divide and conquer...

Mutts are living in their subconscious echo chamber. They try to make any information fit into their closed-minded ideological world view and if it doesnt fit then its regarded as propaganda

See the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002

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Know the best part?

This is the year Democrats win fucking everything.




Asshole will attack Syria, kill Assad, and leave the bald headed Russian cunt spitting mad.

Then Mueller will have Asshole and Vice Asshole arrested by summer.

Then President Nancy Pelosi (uhhhnnng fuck YAS) gets to declare national emergency right before the big blue tsunami in November.

Hey, don't forget the Russian cunt!

He'll do something incredibly stupid. Or we'll just tell you he did. ;)

Are you guys with me?



President Nancy Pelosi. Democratic supermajority. War and emergency powers.


We're literally literally going to be dragging far right pantshitters into FEMA camps this time next year. We'll literally be giving their big houses to refugees and undocumented immigrants. We'll LITERALLY be doing whatever the fuck we want and there's exactly FUCK ALL Skinhead cunts can do about it.

Congrats, babydicks.

You beat your chests and thrust your little dicks thinking you'd won the entire world when Asshole beat Her.

Now, you get to find out what a big, brutal bloodthirsty bitch Hillary "Payback" Clinton is. And how much delicious mischief we'll do with no rules, no limits, and no more regressive shitfucks standing in our way.

I know, but what are you going to do? Jow Forums is always going to be Jow Forums

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>President Nancy Pelosi

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You're slightly smarter than the rest...

You're as delusional and the trump supporters.

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And the media of the entire world tried helping Clinton. the whole thing is ridiculous. and people who are against trump just don't get it...they don't yet understand the reality of SJW milieu control and ponerology. ANYTHING is worth stopping them, the game has changed.

This is the best they can do. LOLOLOL!!!! Trump 2020, neck lynch all libs!

ctrl f collusion not found

People who end posts with ellipses are universally faggots

Don't ask them why "Radio Free Europe" is still being broadcast into Eastern Europe and Russia with your tax dollars either.

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That's never been the argument, the argument has been about collusion.

Dr. Pong is that you?

> The absolute state of Liberal voters... Still crying over a democratically elected president 2 years on.

>Senate Intelligence Committee

You truly are optimistic huh.

Russia wants to see our country fall and they'll use any means of information warfare to do it. All we gotta do is just wake up and realize what they're doing, but there's so many goddamn USEFUL IDIOTS on this board who are willing to follow their plan, even if it goes against everything they love about America.

How does that act apply to Russians?

Make Lynching Great Again

>However, several people under Trump did meet with Russians to discuss how Russia or Russian organizations could assist them. See my link above.

Lmao, then no scandal that matters.

>And you think I'm going to defend Obama after his policies on "anyone near a terrorist is also a terrorist so it's okay to bomb them" BS?

Pick whoever you like, America has been interfering in sovreign foreign countries for nearly half a century politically, longer if we include all the ww2 shit. You can't hypocritically criticise Russia when you fuckers are the exact same.

This country will fall, because of the censorfag kikes and their BS amateur-hour narratives. I'm ready to take out the power and internet myself. Fuck Russia.

“Hacked the election” -> “colluded with Trump to get him elected” -> “meddled in the election” -> “interfered in the election and democratic process” -> “tried to sow discord in the public” (we are here)

OP is retarded af

JFK was a do nothing persident.
USA puts nukes in Turkey
then Soviets put nukes in Cuba.
omg they put nukes on our border!
like starting a fire and wanting to be called a hero for putting it out

That's funny because, over on my side, people are beginning to say the same thing. People who are for Trump just don't get it. They don't yet understand the reality of the wealthy elite's control and the lengths they'll go to so they can hold onto their obscene profits. They vote for the "America First" candidate and then pressure him to continue shipping jobs overseas for more profit. ANYTHING is worth stopping them but it's the same game it's always been - suppress, gerrymander, and misinform.

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>russia did
>russia didn't
>russia did
>russia didn't
>russia did
so which one is it?
also, russia didn't even profit from trump winning, it would be retarded to assume they supported any of the candidates, i would say in their interest was to make people crazy about the elections so that people will kill eachother because they voted the "bad" candidate
and if they did, it worked perfectly and works to this day

Openly lying. You are a complete maniac. The FBI has been proven to have worked against Trump during the election but you maniacs still stay ignorant.

Nukes aren't real user.

You’re a complete fool. Fuck off. You must die. When trump becomes kind you will be summarily executed for being a traitor to the Trumpenreich.

>Russia wants to see our country fall
It's not in either the USA or Russia's self interest to have the world's two largest nuclear weapons owners descend into absolute chaos. What they want to do is stir things up by creating the perception of interference, with the goal of relating doubt in people's minds, undermining confidence in election results etc...* All major nations do it.

*(something you're ironically helping them do by trying to make a mountain out of the mole-hill that is a few facebook ads)

>“tried to sow discord in the public” (we are here)
meaning they revealed blatant corruption, satanism and pedophilia being actively practiced by the deep state, how dare they.

Quit having a faggoty pro-immigrant pro-minority platform and we'd happily help you out.

Fascist economics is the way forward, socialism, with a nationalist edge.

>pressure him to continue shipping jobs overseas for more profit
a steel mill just reopened down the street you lie

That's why we will genocide the Jews and take their wealth and power back.

OK so now we declare war on Russia
We impeach Trump
We make Hillary President
>what did the Senate mean by this?

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You mean the folks that Trump appointed? How guilty must you be if even the guys you appoint find you guilty?


Fuck out of my country.

Of course they did, they have crippling sanctions on them and people are poor and starving, the democrats would love to destroy them.
>at least with trump there's hope
I don't see the problem here

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You are a brainwashed idiot, you eat up every bit of propaganda that the DNC's propaganda wing shits out.

Check flag you homosexual

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I also fail to see how that’s worse than what AJ+ does, it all of the dual citizens wiriting articles on the injustices of “POC” and womyns, whilst living in literally the most equal opportunity and one of the least racist countries in the world

I saw the flag you faggot yet here you are interfering in my countries affairs like the socialist government-dependent nigger you are.

>folks that Trump appointed
>Worked against Trump before the election
>Trump appointed
>Before the election
Why are liberals so fucking braindead?

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>Equal opportunity and least racist
Affirmative Action created systemic racism and sexism against white males. The entire country is built on oppressing white males. Fuck yourself.

>Talking on a forum is interfering in your countries affars

What? How? Why would you think this?

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>Jesus arm wrestling Satan on Facebook

thought crimes are not allowed under the peaceful kind one world government

Quit breathing my air you commie faggot!

You disingenuous monkey brain eater if Russia acted to influence American electoral politics it was not done with cooperation collusion or any coordination with the Trump campaign whatsoever that they preferred Donald Trump just shows there a good sense

All pedophiles die.

Can someone please help me understand, and use small words because I'm dumb as fuck:
>russia interfered in the elections
>russia meddled in the elections
First of, wtf does that mean? Are they saying the elections were RIGGED? If so, I presume you muricans have courts for that sort of things. Why is this shit in the newspapers and not in front of your SC?
Second, 13 Russians bought ads on social networks and influenced, what, 300 million people? Against billions of dollars worth of ads bought by millions of dems? Am I to conclude that the dems are that inept?
Third, seems like next level hypocritical to call Russia on "meddling" when they topple governments militarily and leave chaos and wasteland behind? What is going on in their heads? Are Americans that stupid to buy ANY of that?

This has been the most Jow Forums thread I've seen in a while.

> There was no collusion
> There was a little election interference
> There was election interference but it doesn't matter
> Democrats are worse
> It's a witch hunt because the people Trump picked are biased against Trump
> We should kill the Jews

Keep up the entertainment, user.

Only liberal sheep believe this.

Because the GREAT evidence is :

Facebook ads, mainly BlackLiesMatters ads on facebook for division, to tune of 30k immense funding.

And some twitter memes by 13 magical Russian twitter posters.

>Bernie memes like this to help Trump according to the "evidence"

OH, and the great evidence that "Putin wanted it of course"

And its hilarious. The committee is 5 hardcore Democrats. And 5 hardcore GOP cunts that either don't like Trump, are GOP/McCain cucks like Rubio, or are too dumb to understand the internet.

But yeah, these ads, memes, really did cause Hillary the election.

There was more evidence for Iraq WMD's proven fake narrative, and that was a complete proven lie of ALL intelligence agencies, all experts, all media, most politicians.

And they started a fake war on that.

Liberal sheep now want a fake NUCLEAR WW3 with Russia, just to get Trump.


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This low level bait
Its pathetic Brock needs better shills tan this

Foreign nations such as Israel, Saudis and corporations gib money and other support to the candidate - is ok not an influence haha
Someone with russian proxy shitpost a bit about election on FB - omg american eagle down

I honestly do not understand this mindset.

Fuck jfk, fuck him and his policies and his failure over cuba

Don't forget the classic

>b-but America interferes with elections all the time

This one is important, it's step 2 of demoralization. Question your own country, but believe in Russia

Trump is your President, and will be until at least the next Presidential election, possibly beyond.