Ladies and gentlemen, the next president of the United States

Ladies and gentlemen, the next president of the United States

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She's got the green light from Israel, she'll have to fight for it against Nutty Nikky Haley, another Kosher certified candidate.

How DARE that fucking KIKE compare the greatest men who ever lived, PIONEERS and FOUNDERS of our beautiful country who believed in it 100% to these fucking third world trash parasites that come here and cannot even BOTHER TO LEARN ENGLISH


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8 slave owners.

the little jew popped up

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No, it wasn’t. Thankfully this whore will never be president, someone stupid enough to think that America was founded by immigrants wouldn’t be smart enough to win anyhow.

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Knowing the difference could save your society from collapse.

slavery wasn't invented until the Democrats came to power after the war of 1812. learn history.

And those 8 immigrants didn't start collecting government assistance and smuggle 100 children in with them to sell for trafficking.

>trump is totally pro legal immigration
>libs act like he wants white ethnostate

these people are completely beyond braindead, they are drones, nothing more

I hate these slimey jews.

bots, man.

Don’t be so sure. This country elected a Muslim nigger twice. Then it elected Trump. Nothing is impossible anymore

>be under the crown
>relocate to another province under the crown
>decide the province does not belong to crown anymore

She a genius, hold it, they were born in the colonies. Stupid bitch

By white people and for white people.

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Still blows my mind King nigger won TWICE

>mixing up immigration and military conquest
when will these faggots ever learn

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When you hit them in the knees with a baseball bat for being such fucking traitors

Yeah and look how well that turned out for the natives

No, it was 8 conquerors.

This surely wont be useful ammo in a few more years when people bury her out for implying Washington and the lot weren't 1st-gen americans. Kinda hard to be an immigrant to a nation that literally didn't exist til the day after.

>A reminder this Fourth of July: There were eight immigrants who signed the Declaration of Independence.
>Happy Independence

Her grammar is wrong, but she's right. However drawing a comparison to legal aliens and illegal aliens is dumb, and drawing a comparison to immigrants now and immigrants then is dumb. She's dumb, she is loud and she is black, but she is the left's best hope for 2020.

A reminder for retards:
>It is by definition impossible to be an immigrant to the country you founded

More like settlers. The land they stablished in didn't belong to anybody.

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His opponents were old and retarded. They kept trying to platform off being Bush 3.0 and people were just sick of Bush by that point. Trump won because people saw Obama 2.0, but with tits, was probably not going to be very good after 8 years of doing essentially nothing. Trump platformed as himself, not bush so he retained a lot of peoples intrigue through the circus.

but they were there with the legal permission of the governing body

white immigrants who didnt care for jews and taxes

there's a difference between a land and a fucking nation that whites created themselves which everyone wants to leech on.

The moral is the native americans didnt have a wall.


don't forget the
>18 naked cowboys

I still think it’s funny they complain about how terrible America is, or that they constantly complain about the people who founded it despite it being “horrible”, but then still want to control it

You’d have to be an idiot to not see what’s going on

What a dishonest skank

>implying they're at all the same thing
one of them builds a civilization from nothing, the other leeches established civilizations into nothing, good day you ignorant nigger

>it was 8 immigrants who signed the Declaration of Independence
>56 people signed it
>all were citizens of the British Empire
Remember when the Left used to talk about valuing academics and knowledge and science and information? You remember that? Now they're just making shit up that's convenient for what they want to be the truth. They're liars. They're liars that deserve to be punished for their hypocrisy.

And a Muslim too

>Moving from one part of the British Empire to another makes you an immigrant

Leftists don't know what words mean.

The way she words it makes it sound like only 8 people signed the Declaration and they were all immigrants. I don't know if that's because she's an idiot who can't speak properly or if it's due to political motivation.

Either way, of the 56 signors of the Declaration, all technically were British subjects prior to the signing, so the notion that 8 are "immigrants" is unfounded, since 6 of those 8 were British, the other two were Dutch.

No one has a problem with British or Dutch immigrants, no one ever has had a problem with British or Dutch immigrants.

God damn kike how dare he pop up where he's not wanted and speak the truth.

>immigrants signed the declaration

wait, which one of them wasn't born in the USA?

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>Ladies and gentlemen, the next president of the United States
No fucking way. No fucking way, op.

>Still blows my mind King nigger won TWICE
The jew media was still very effective. Romney was predicted to win, so they organized a massive attack campaign against him that actually worked; his statements about how half the country don't pay taxes (ie. the truth) and that incident with his dog literally lost him the election.

The kikes have been lying for far longer than just the last two years with Trump.

Settlers are not immigrants.

Some immigrants are great and even white from Europe, or highly skilled from Asia. But to put Muslim and Mexican trash in the same sentence as the founding fathers is disgusting.

>ugh, like, fuck the constitution, it's like, so old, and a bunch of white slave owners wrote it so we should get rid of it
*turns around*
>sweetie, did you know that like, everyone who signed the declaration of independence was like, an immigrant? heh, checkmate

women's suffrage was a mistake

>Be me
>Founding Father
>Found a new nation for my people
>Get called an immigrant

So if we let in immigrants, they will refude to adopt our customs, pay taxes, and they will take up arms against our government and form their own country?

Joe Biden also said Romney wanted to put black people back in chains.

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>Ladies and gentlemen, the next president of the United States
she's gonna have to beat Pence in 2024

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This is the only jew I can approve of. He speaks only truth and seems to want to further the Jow Forums cause in many ways.

im not a big shapiro supporter but i love when he does this stuff

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how stupid are you?

Nah we got the sex tapes

President of the High Yellow Whore Club, maybe.

I hate this stupid whore

>>Founded Country
>>Also, is Immigrant to Country

Really makes you think doesn't it. How are they immigrants to a country they founded?

BTFO. Mine salt, post here.

Doesn’t know the difference between immigrants and settlers. Yeah, we need another idiot for potus.

the people who found a country are now immigrants. fuck words and language lmao

What part do you not agree with?

First she is a she, and she is black. Females speak in feelings not exact facts, blacks don't regard basic grammar. So you have a poorly written tweet that in essence is true but is literally incorrect based how the sentence is constructed.

I don't care for Kamala at all, but she is in the same position Obama was in before he ran. A "Literal Who?" populist candidate, however this time she is Obama+ because she has a vagina and is sassy. She's been on my radar since 2017 when she berated Sessions.


>white anglo intellectuals are the same as third world brown mud goblins, so abolish all borders

/ourjew/ at it again.

Aside from Hamilton, whom was born on in a British territory in the tropics, all of the founding fathers were born in the US.

They were not immigrants.

>They were immigrants!
>They were evil imperial colonizers!

Which is it?

They didn't find it. Almost all of them were born in South Carolina, Massachusettes, Virgina, and New York.

Does this bitch not know George Washington's birth home is in Virginia?

It's not true in essence either. It's factually incorrect. We've never called a person born on US soil an immigrant. All but 1 founding father was born on US soil.

Yet another Liberal comparing Immigration with Illegal Immigration! Her voter base is too stupid comprehend the difference and scream we are all immigrants.

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>Gwinnett Button and Robert Morris were born in England, Francis Lewis was born in Wales, James Wilson and John Witherspoon were born in Scotland, George Taylor and Matthew Thornton were born in Ireland and James Smith hailed from Northern Ireland.

Is this incorrect?

> KTLA reports: Three people, including an aide to California Attorney General Kamala Harris, were arrested after allegedly creating and running a "fictitious" police force, complete with fake badges, weapons, uniforms and police-type vehicles, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department announced Tuesday. An investigation of the group began in late January when various law enforcement agencies across Southern California received mailed letters from the "Masonic Fraternal Police Department" advising that David Henry had been elected the MFPD's chief, according to a Sheriff's Department's news release.

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My favourite was people saying that Romney just invested his money instead of building anything so he didn't really earn anything.

Four years later Trump got attacked by the same people as an idiot for not just investing all his money in the stock market where it would have got a better return than his habit of building shitloads of stuff with his name on it.

There one where Barry and Michael Obongo double-team her?


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Oh I hope they run her, she’s an even bigger nigger than Obama. She fucked he way into politics.

>Susan Collins
It’s she the republican vote obama needed to pass the Obamacare?

More like refugees.
Those refugees created a nation for themselves.
>How again?
I'm sure she would be quick to "educate" me.
Why don't contemporary refugees create their own nation?
>Oh right.
They are.

>Ladies and gentlemen, the next president of the United States

Ent Lawyer over at CDAN did a recent blind item that was obviously KH. Back in the '90s when she was moving up the ladder on her back she would go to sex parties with her "mentor", Willie Brown. Apparently (((they))) have got footage of the now Senator in all manner of congressional positions.

Maybe that's why she married a Jew in a Jewish ceremony several years ago.

>Why don't contemporary refugees create their own nation?
I heard anartica is nice during our winter months and Greenland is beautiful this time of the year.

Yeah and 48 people who were born in the colonies, all 56 of whom were British subjects of equal legal footing when they decided to found a new nation, none of whom wandered into another country and started plundering their social programs.

If the British government had thought to flood America with English immigrants there wouldn’t have been any war of independence in the first place

>aide connected to Kamala Harris busted for running a fake cop ring in Los Angeles, even went as far as calling it the Masonic Fraternal Police Department. If you didn't think Democrats were part of evil secret socieities in Washington...Well here is one of your major clues. People connected to Democrats in Washington operating fake police rings...Are there more than one?
>Kamala Harris Aide, 2 Others Arrested After Allegedly Running Fake Police Force in Santa Clarita

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>she would go to sex parties with her "mentor", Willie Brown. Apparently (((they))) have got footage
>Maybe that's why she married a Jew
Deepstate found a controlled blackmailable canadate to run for office and she was assigned a handler.

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fuck the trash - Death to gibs

You're kidding, right

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Holy shit proof?