Fatty is mad!



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Jews and their eternal war on free speech.

I wonder why (((he))) cares so much.

He's just trying to retard his slide into irrelevancy.

This guy is so unlikable

But hes a celebrity in lots of juddenstien apatowberg (((films)))!...

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Actual terrorist networks use Twitter. This guys is concerned with edgy LARPers though, fucking kike

Yet (((Seth Rogan))) doesn't say anything about all the Jewish supremacy on Twitter

Every single time

Why do Jews make it so hard for me to not hate them?

While we're on the subject, how do I answer my buddy's question here?

He linked me an article about russians doing destabilizing things.

I wanna be like...

Its not the russians I'm worried about....

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Some pot head high school drop out that made it rich through being jewish rather than actual talent or brains has an opinion?

Fuck this guy. I hated him before he started sticking his hands in politics.
His movies all suck, too.

>Reeee it's our echo chamber! Fuck off drumpf!

Jews don't own everyone, yet they act like they do, which is why it's hilarious to watch them pretend to be baffled about why people hate them.

There is nothing wrong with white supremacy.
There is nothing wrong with verifying that someone is who they claim to be on twitter.

Why are jews so neurotic? Why shouldn't superior big brain white nationalists be verified? How the fuck are you going to tell if BASED David Duke is real or a fake?

There's zero evidence Russians are pushing societal disintegration and Antifa in America. There's overwhelming evidence Jews are, though.

a professional actor said something ! Wowwwwwwwww

Why does this weedkike think he has so much power?

I don't know why, but I hate this kike more than most

Hubris. Their religious/cultural mindset tells them they're superhumans and better than everyone else, and that everyone is their slaves because their desert barbarian dread god told them so. So when anyone, ie: white people, are superior to them, it causes them eternal cosmic butthurt. A good easy example of this is Jewish groups pushing for nuclear disarmament in Europe and everywhere else in their sphere, while Israel has 500 nukes. Why the duplicity? Why the hypocrisy? Because Jews want power over you and can't stand the idea of you having power over them.

There is no evidence that the country of Russia is pushing antifa so that America would collapse, but there are rich Russian donors who are funding antifa and groups like that.
The problem is that liberals assume motives when it's convenient for them. When an Israeli guy sends antifa 1 million dollars they go ''this guy is amazing! he is funding out guys! FUCK YEA!'' then when some rich Russian guy does the same exact thing they go ''reeee, foreign interference! They're trying to destroy America!'' as if it is completely impossible for someone to be a globalist leftist in Russia.

>There's overwhelming evidence Jews are, though.

I know. I just used the word 'elites' instead.

For now.

seth rogan is a kike just like joe rogan.

Dude screw all this political shit. Why is a blue check considered an endorsement? Isn't a verified account just supposed to mean that the person's account is actually that person. It's to distinguish a person who is in the public eye from fake troll and parody accounts.

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I stopped because Jews attack white Americans and Europeans on the basis of their religion and skin color, explicitly and openly. When a Jew does this, I call them a Jew. Their immediate recoiling horror tells me everything I need to know. "I've been found out."

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>Blakc Supremacists are allowed but white ones are not.

Could the (((Agenda))) be any more obvious?

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No, they are clever Machiavellian rats who cry out persecution when they want to to persecute others.

Never under-estimate them. They must be dealt with.

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The zionist supremacist cries out in pain as it chokes you.

Seth is still upset that Mike Cernovich cucked his wife on Twitter. Sad!

Is that a real Tucker segment?

Is he actually woke?

>wahhh these mean people said things I don’t like, please ban them

Fuck this fat kike.

Lol. Kys.

Well Seth maybe you should stop giving a fuck. Enjoy your life live it to the fullest.

This pot smoking tub of lard should just stick to making shitty movies and shut the fuck up.

twitter is twisted. its like in old forum days where people would mock you for not having a post counter in the ten thousands.
now its about blue checkmarks, tweets, retweets and followers.

They also want to see those people get banned. Basically they go "you acknowledge that they are the real deal but dont do anything about it?"