/sig/ - self improvement general - a thousand mile journey starts with a step

Brothers, always remember that the first and the nobles of victories is to conquer self. We shall not speak about defeating the Jews and other undesirables, unless we become Ubermenschen ourselves.

The movement will be better off without fat fucks and skinny retards. Muscle up gentlemen.

Stop eating sweets, softdrinks and fastfood. They are literally created to harm you and your well-being.

The movement needs smart people with broad knowledge and a head full of ideas related to our cause. It's also a good pasttime, better than lurking all day on an anime imageboard.

But not in the REEEEAD SEEEJ way. Join your local church community or a nationalist group / party. Or even start one yourself.

Higher T levels, better sex, confidence, energy, lack of depression and much more - if you fancy that, then get your hands off your dick. Also, pornography is an industry directly controlled by the Jews. Just saying.

ITT: we discuss everything that will help the individual become an Ubermensch. Brothers, this is our common struggle.

Share your:
>motivational pictures (related to our movement)
>NoFap experiences
>diet plans
>favourite exercises
>personal growth stories
>reading lists

And everything you deem worthy of being in such thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:


The kikes want you weak, indifferent, and dead. Don't let it happen

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Iodine is a necessary nutrient for your body.
> be 1930s
> put iodine in flour/bread
> all kids get smarter
> discover iodine boosts iq and brain function substantially
> can't have the goyim get smarter
> replace iodine with bromine, which is toxic to the brain and endocrine system
> good goyim, eat your wonder bread

Iodine detoxes bromine from your brain's receptor cites and lodges there. Intelligence and brain function improve

The Guide to Supplementing
with Iodine. jeffreydachmd.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/The-Guide-to-Supplementing-with-Iodine-Stephanie-Burst-ND.pdf

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Iodine is magical miracle - most underrated supplement! longecity.org/forum/topic/67063-iodine-is-magical-miracle-most-underrated-supplement/

Dr. David Brownstein talks about the importance of iodine. youtu.be/afZg2jzHuCs [Open]

Jow Forums IODINE Public Service Announcement archive.fo/BJQ9I
> pic related

How Adding Iodine To Salt Resulted In A Decade's Worth Of IQ Gains For The United States. businessinsider.com/iodization-effect-on-iq-2013-7?IR=T

IODINE Deficiency; Allowing Flouride, Bromide, and Chloride to Wreak Havok on our systems. archive.is/Eg7bI

Dr Group lecture on iodine
youtu.be/oDRd40VK5PY [Open]

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Blessed be the mods who don't shoa these threads. SIG is 100% political
> pic related

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>Christianity: a Religion for SHEEP

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No amount of self improvement will change the fact that I'm 5'5"

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>no fap
Actually bad for your balls. Everything in moderation

>algiz rune and christian cross on the same wall

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Hahaha penis

>believe wholly in self improvement
>believe in making my own destiny instead of going with the flow
>believe in working for myself instead of being a wage slave until retirement
>start multiple businesses
>all of them fail
>still at the very bottom of the barrel
I wish I never cared.

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Keep trying. Are you reading and learning or just banging your head against the wall?
You have to keep REALLY TRYING not just pretending you are trying and doing the same thing over and over.

Honestly even the people who work at Whole Foods know their iodine is not as good as the one from infowars. Buy that one just for quality alone. Also, Alex has dropped more redpills than anybody even he does avoid the question.

With every failure, I do indeed learn a valuable lesson, so in theory, I should succeed eventually, but holy fucking shit is it demoralizing.

Music for men.

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Only if you let it be.
You should look at successful people and how many times they failed and how much effort they put in.

Most only look at successful people and call them lucky because they have no concept of the grit and soul that went into it.
Every day is a battle. Pick the battles to win the war. Can't win them all.

maybe not, but getting fit is the great equalizer, why be a 6ft something giant when your a weak unfit piece of ugly trash? Better off being 5'5" of a pure, beautiful human masterpiece


i made it 21 days without bitting my nails, and now i dont feel the need to do it like i did.

Now i need a new healthy habit, any sugestions?

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Don't read Siege.

Read Pierce, Mosley, Rockwell, and of course the OG's and great Philosophers.

Reading books.
Drinking water.
Taking walks.
Learn about Cooking good meals.

Thanks, familio. Well said, and great video too.

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okay I'm getting my life in more order now.

>I've gone to Jow Forums to really research my diet etc, I've done a big shop of good wholesome food, and cut out all sugar. I'm staying as low on carbs as possible. Gone for higher fat and protein diet.
>Bought myself a new good water bottle to help me track drinking more water everyday.
>Taking nutrient supplement
>Fixed neck posture
>Paying attention to nature, doing my garden
>Haven't looked at any porn

yet to see body results of course but I'm already feeling alot better and focused. But theres still alot to tackle:
>Cleaning up my whole house
>doing more workouts
>more reading
>stop biting my fucking fingers

and I'm going to read a bit and go to bed to help have a good productive day tomorrow. Best of luck my fellow /sig/ heilers

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The greatest of generals

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This image seems highly fucking heretical

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I'm so sick of thinking everyone's better than me at everything I try to do. No matter how much I've improved, every single day I just feel like everyone else can do everything I do but better with barely even a cursory effort. I don't think it's even based in reality whatsoever at this point yet it's all I feel.

conquer yourself first brother, what others do is no matter in that battle.

Can I just get iodine from food?

It does though. Especially with the thing I try to improve at most which is playing instruments. It's very much a competition, you have to be the best person available for people to want to play with you, and especially if you want to play with good people. Even just seeing someone post a picture of a drumset they recently bought is now at the point of instantly making me think "fuck, they're probably much better than me". I'm even having dreams where I try to play something then immediately get shown up. I'm getting really tired of it, but I don't know how to fix the problem.

>Actually bad for your balls.

well in that context, yes it is a competition of skill. what l am telling you though is that you need to win that mental battle first. meditate on it.

I've been exercising for 1 to 2 hours every day for over month. I feel amazing and I wish did this when I was a teen (mid 20s now). But exercising makes me extremely horny which makes nofap almost impossible. I get the worst blueballs and its almost torturous because of how painful it is. I won't stop exercising but this is shitty

If you're 5'5 remember you can still be happy with a girl who is 5'0, just go to Vietnam

Yes, however it is in insufficient quantities to what is needed for your endocrine system and to detox the fluoride and bromide bonded to your brain's receptor sites.

I take 6 drops of nascent iodine a day. Nascent is more easily digestible and is more bioavailable than lugols.

Upon starting to take it you might experience some mild detox symptoms, but they don't last long.

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Well, I definitely agree there. I'm scared to work with other people because of how inferior I think I am, and I feel like it's just going to be pointless self-torture and embarrassment, so I don't do it. Do you have any methods for trying to "meditate" on it effectively?

Reminder that these threads ALLWAYS get moved to Jow Forums. Stop being retarded stop making these threads.

What if I want to start my journey with a bound?

Give examples of your exercises