Why is western civilization centered around borrowing, credit, credit ratings and usury...

Why is western civilization centered around borrowing, credit, credit ratings and usury? Is there any way to escape such a thing?

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>borrowing, credit, credit ratings and usury
>any way to escape such a thing?

>use credit card to buy gun
>shoot debt collector

>Is there any way to escape such a thing?
Yeah, don't use it.

Maybe you're just NOT RELIABLE
why should I trust you with my money
how do I know if you'll pay me back

I take a risk when I lend you my money, and for that risk that I provide you, you need to pay me some interest

The muslims at my local corner store charge extra money for every good in their store and you can get them cheaper elsewhere.

Neck yourself.

never used credit. fuck paying 20% back on anything. they can fuck themselves. cheeky fuckin cunts.

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don't borrow money then
its up to you

You sound like a child.
You know you can pay your credit card off in full every month and not pay interest

I don't. I try as hard as possible to keep you reptiles out of my life. Fuck you heebs for driving up the cost of major goods like real estate and automobiles though.

Why? Now you understand why there is so much worship of Mien Fuhrer on this board. He moved away from a 'Debt-Based' society to make his people self-sufficient, self-sustaining.
>Fast forward to today; all western nations are debt-based beholden to a group of people that create value out of thin air, give it a give ink and paper face-lift, and use it to extract real value from the proletariat
>This same group which lives like a leech, parasitically sucking off its host is the reason fro wars which serve no benefit to those financing, fighting and dying in them

Because western economies would have tanked back in the 70s when manufacturing moved to the Far East so the credit card was created to post pone the downfall of the economy by a generation.

Thats where we are today and look what we have.


There's your answer.

You can leverage credit and credit scores to make a shit ton of money.

I can’t really think of another place on earth that so easily gives unsecured loans like Murrica.

They’ll even give you $100k to start a business based on nothing but a score

Loaning money gives people opportunities they otherwise would not have. Credit is linked to economic growth and efficiency in commerce.

Usury is forbidden by the Bible. It's literally impossible to be a Christian and a capitalist

Pay in full you stupid fuck.
If you need to take credit for an investment, make sure the investment will pay of the interest, money isn't fucking free.
Literally subuman if you accumulate credit card debt over consumer spending. Even more subhuman if you cannot manage that debt with 0% offers and balance transfers. Legal fees are not an excuse, read some fucking law and practice so you don't get sucked dry by parasitical law practitioners. If you're too dumb, learn to negotiate fixed rates. If it's student debt, research the fucking degree and most importantly go to a fucking renowned university before you commit. Yes most parents are shit, the mentality of kicking your dumb fucking kid out and not teaching him anything of the real world just for
>muh strong Independence
is shit, family should also be a long term investment structure not a boarding house for just 18 years. Unfortunately you have to deal with it and learn yourself.
>Pro tip: If your degree ends in 'studies' you will be studying your life choices, if you degree ends in -ology you will be in academia forever.
>Pro tip no2: Get your shit written down on a fucking contract, signed and authenticated by a legal authority. Don't take someone words at face value.

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gold that you actually possess

capitalism isn't usury you retard

>replace interest with upfront fees
>somehow better

fuck off

Live within your means.
You don't need all the latest status symbols the Jew offers you.
Realistically, the only borrowing you might reasonably need in your life is a mortgage, because otherwise you might be too old to start a family by the time you've saved enough to buy a house.
But even that can be circumvented - not everyone needs to own have a house.
>tl,dr: don't spend more than you earn.

Because it's more efficient to be able to borrow money to invest in productive things than it is to not invest in them until you become rich by other means (which most people never do). And owning your own home is generally a better strategy than renting.

Interest is charged to limit borrowing (as the main factor restricting how much banks can lend is the supply of profitable customers; reserves are irrelevant despite the FRB memes). However the age of usury is gradually drawing to a close - interest rates will probably always exist, but they will eventually remain low and be balanced out by inflation.

I know absolutely nothing about finances, I have no debt, parents never taught me a single thing about money or any of that shit

where do I go to learn about it?

Usury isn’t a real thing. As long as you know the interest rate before hand it’s your responsibility. Usury was a bullshit charge that they used in the Middle Ages to banish Jews and not pay their debts

Money in always needs to be > Money out

That's really all you need to know. Don't spend more than you have.

Don't make a huge fucking mistake like I did and get hooked on a mortgage and have to spend all your time and money doing house shit.

The internet.
What are mostly concerned about anyway?
>Pro tip no3: "just get a good job and save/ISA's you'll be wealthy and well off by the time you're 40 ;^)" Is a fucking lie. Real estate BUT make sure you fucking research first.

so just be one of those guys that lives in a trailer park and bury their gold somewhere in the desert?

IIRC the law of Moses forbids usury within the Jewish community, but they are still able to charge it to others.
Christians are not under the law of Moses, but should still be mindful of the reasons for that law. God wants us to help others rather than exploit them.

Capitalism is too ambiguous to be incompatible with Christianity, but keeping capital scarce to maximize usury is something that Christians should oppose.

How did you come to that conclusion?
You can keep your money in the bank like a civilized person, just don't spend more than you earn.
What's so hard to understand about that?

Dave Ramsey has a good personal finance video series. He talks about investments and all that. He has this thing where he says you never take out a loan ever not even to buy a house, but that's not something most people can do. Other than that, he's pretty good

>have a basic understanding of math
>enjoy debt free life
Only brainlets and sheeple get debt slaved. Literally no one need a loan for a car or phone, they are just too fucking lazy to wait a month.

>Is there any way to escape such a thing?

Don't spend money you don't have.

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>Is there any way to escape such a thing?
Jewish concentration camps. Seriously.

You can live your entire life without ever borrowing money

This is such a meme that an Economics professor literally wrote out pic related and said that's all 80% of the population needs to know about personal finance.

Literally the only thing I'd add is make sure you never go above 30% of your credit limit.

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Jews were banished for clipping coins, not for usury. Usury isn't not "a real thing" either you fucking melt.

>The practice of lending money at unreasonably high interest rates of interest

Yeah, Jews definitely don't do that because they aren't interested in profit. Literally fucking gas yourself you stupid kike.

Nope. The very currency is issued with interest to pay on top. We'd have to render all suck money worthless and start again if we wanted shot of this system. Of offer a 1 to 1 exchange or something.

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Because it is very, very, very, very profitable for a certain group.

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Why? Real wages have never gone up but the corporations wanted to keep growing AND the middle class are consumerist whores where enough isn't enough and so the middle class borrowed money and rich banks were more than happy to provide credit for USELESS CRAP.

Have enough savings that when shit happens you won't need to put an medical/legal bill on credit

Aristotle called usury haram a thousand years before Muhammad was even born. Though his teachings are lost on the present western world.

if you're dumb enough to take out a loan you can't afford, you deserve financial ruin. It's called natural selection.

It’s bullshit to say after the fact that an interest rate is unfair you yob. Usury is religious nonsense and was only put in religion to protect shit heads from taking on debts they couldn’t pay off. Also there are obviously more than one reason Jews were expelled in history, this is one


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there was an interesting documentary on the death of thrift after the baby boom. it amounted to "you've worked hard and saved all your life, why not buy all this neat stuff?" the boomers were raised in a prosperous era dominated by emerging consumerism

The problem is people are ending up dumb enough to do it. Sure you can milk the system and use it your advantage to gain some wealth, but eventually it's going to collapse. Unless you're a blue blood the rest of us plebs will be the ones to take the ass fucking that comes, as usual.

No, you jews always get your money back and more, thats why youll give it to anyone. And when you dont get it back, you extort it back. Its win-win for you kikes.

nothing wrong with lending at interest in a business. Just don't do it to friends and family.

credit cards didn't become a thing until the early 70s when Jews were assuming cultural control from the WASPs.
You can get rid of credit cards without being a sandnigger.

>don't spend more than you earn


Man, he was so close. All he had to add was "stay completely out of debt."

What, did I say something "unamerican"?
Oh I forgot, it's your civic duty to spend all you make and then some, because it keeps the great American economy going and contributes to the well-being of the entire nation.

The taxpayers take the assfucking. Obama’s TARP bailout was grounds for civil war in America.

Privatized gains, socialized losses.

I throw all my money in my savings aside from what I have to spend. I might be an American but I'm no Amerigoy. At this point, I wouldn't even invest because it's up in the air if the existing financial institutions and their money making schemes will be viable in 20 or so years. Keep your hard earned money and try to hand over as little to the (((bankers and corporations))) as possible.

Except, you don't actually HAVE the money you are lending, you just create it out of thin air while holding 10% of the principle as "reserve." This unethical practice is protected by the police power of your government.

I keked

Best way to escape such a system is never use it in the first place. It is possible, but not easily in the US as it is today.