Fix it! Fix it right now! I'm the KING and I say that you fix it NOW!!!

>Fix it! Fix it right now! I'm the KING and I say that you fix it NOW!!!
>No, I don't have any suggestions, FIX IT NOW!!!!!
The master negotiator at work.

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simple solution:
deport the fucking kids too.
fixed it.

I hope your butthurt never gets better.

Ridiculing a moron for being pathetic isn't the same as being butthurt, friend.

Because OP is a faggot.

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So you want him to be a dictator then? Because we would be very glad if that happened.

Why don't we just order the military to set up a ferry system to dump people back in Mexico?

Hey nigger, that's the point of a LEGISLATIVE BRANCH

Republicans who are not Trump want more immigration so good luck with that route. Please, let's just have a military coup already.

His "suggestion" is to scream "OUT!" at the people at make them leave. I know that seems well thought out to you, but in reality it's a little simple.

He certainly does.

So why can't he, the best negotiator in the entire universe, get the legislative branch to do anything?

"Jews in Congress, stop being giant pieces of shit and pass legislation that doesn't hurt white people." Signed, Your President. saged faggot

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I agree with OP. Trump should just declare martial law and get this shit over with.

>that pic
it's almost like white people are racist pieces of shit

Compare how much money Donald Trump has to how much the immigration lobby spends.

Actually, maybe the Trump organization should start donating to campaigns of anti-immigration Congressmen to get them into power.

By telling them to do something about it via public scrutiny, he is suggesting they change the law. Are you so bipartisan and dull that you don't realize this

Did you know that if you shit on somebody for years and years and then ask for their support, they'll tell you to go fuck yourself?

So he's rallying the public to force congress to do something instead of negotiating with them to convince them to do something. The best negotiators use force, not negotiation, that makes perfect sense.

Congressional voting patterns do not match public preference, they match donor preference.

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Politicians are beholden to the people you fucking nitwit, of course he needs to rally the people against congress before a change will be made. God damn you're such a faggot

>n-n-no you

Historically yes, things are changing

OP is a faggot

He can't convince the people he's supposed to convince, so he has to lie to their constituents until they are on his side. Got it.

I posted what I posted because OP is a faggot and didn't post the whole Trump thread.

You know he just mowed that shit

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Can you read? Can you see timestamps? I posted before he could finish vomiting out the rest of it.

>Donald Trump: Congress, we need to cut immigration.
>Congress: sorry, no can do. We earn 150 million a year in campaign donations from the immigration lobby.

Why is Trump so powerless? Could he convince anybody in power to do anything at all? It seems like he's always the one being convinced to do things.

Because the Constitution strongly restricts Presidential power. The actual seats of power in the US are:
>the Supreme Court (dictates law via judicial review)
>the civil service (decides how law is enforced on the ground)
>the media and universities (tell people what to think)
>donors (purchase the laws)
Note that Donald Trump is not part of any of these groups.

4D Chess. If Trump says fix it the Rats will NEVER fix it. If it ain’t fixed they ALL HAVE TO GO BACK.

>Ridiculing a moron for being pathetic isn't the same as being butthurt, friend.
Oh no! But now you just shot down any reason for you to wear a memeflag and pretend to be a nigger for (you)s in the other thread. What ever will you do?

So how exactly is he going to fix America without any power or negotiating skills?

>president asking congress to do their job, create laws
>wah this is bad

>His "suggestion" is to scream "OUT!" at the people at make them leave. I know that seems well thought out to you, but in reality it's a little simple.

We know you're not literally Kindergarten intelligence (maybe...) and are being willfully ignorant, but to put it in grown up terms (which is kind of hard on Twitter) this means that the immigration system has to be followed as it is, without deviation, or you will be told to leave.

If you tried to show up on Japan's doorstep with no degree, unable to speak Japanese, a litter of babies and no money, they'd laugh at you and put you back on the boat home.

America isn't so harsh as this, we actually would take such a person, but not if they're going to decline citizenship, never pay taxes and stab people.

That would be asinine.

Here is how I would do it:

Easy way: Military coup.
Hard way:
>rile up the masses enough via twitter to get a majority of compliant congressmen in
>pass a law reforming the civil service to allow him to fire government employees
>purge the civil service
>pack the courts with compliant justices, overturn landmark Progressive rulings
>use libel laws to go after the media
>withhold grants from universities and tax endowments until they stop being centers of left-wing activism

The president doesn't have the power to act unilaterally on a lot of domestic things, and basically everything he does gets tied up in retarded decisions made by shitlib judges.

>made by shitlib judges
But he refuses to appoint more judges because it would be too hard??

Donald Trump has been appointing tons of judges lad...

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Fucking imagine it, have screening at the border, tell them they all passed, lead them to a ferry to transport them to their new homes, drop them back off in Mexico.

All of the issues and corruption can be placed squarely on Congress right now. Honestly, there needs to be a great purge of Congress and cleaning. I get the feeling that term limits or having a failsafe to kick them out of power is needed. I'd say if the approval rating is below 20% they'd all be executed, but that would be too harsh.