What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Attached: 900px-Flag_of_Japan.svg.png (900x600, 5K)

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MacArthur fucked their culture with a broomstick.

battle of midway

The Japanese didn't believe Americans would suicide like that to win the battle.


But I have anime tumor as well, why are these Chinese cartoons so addictive?


>nuke a country twice
>help them build it back up by bringing your degenerate culture into their country
"Hey guys what went wrong with Japan?"

MacArthur was a craven little mama's boy. Insisted women get the vote and all kinds of things that destroyed Epic Japanese culture.



They could have kept their empire if they didn’t bomb Pearl Harbor.

yeah the Japs really fucked up in WW2.
Their bombing of Pearl Harbor made Germany lose the war.



not enough nukes

>have lowest crime rate in the world
>"b-but they did bad things in WW2, Japanese are savages"

Success and consumerist capitalism. Subversion of their media and culture. Trauma from being blown up by nukes.

US forced Japan to give women voting rights after their lose in the war.

Censorship in pornography.

Yea, gotta agree with Varg was criticizing them as a people rather than the ethnostate.

honestly, if porn was banned in Japan and their work ethics wouldn't be complete shit, it would be an almost perfect country.

Well there are other social issues ingrained like their honne and tatemae stuff (though that could just be their equivalent of personal and professional appearance). But yea, cut out the degeneracy and you'd have a pretty solid country. Even now I think it's not bad, overall at least.

definitely better than most western countries, even if the GDP doesn't show it.

Bukkake porn and not creampie porn

Everything America touches turns into shit
Japan touched American cartoons and turned it into something worthwile, while American cartoons are getting more deegenerate every day

It kinda did.


Attached: 1522344044190.jpg (194x259, 6K)

They acted like absolute subhumans during WW2 and committed countless atrocities, including almost starting another pandemic.
Nuking them was one of the best things we've done for mankind as a whole (if you count death tolls)

Attached: Ragdoll cryface.gif (540x300, 2.5M)

Jesus you sound like a living internet meme