Calling all sons and daughters of london.
when we see the fucking balloon set up your mirrors to shoot it down,if a few 100 of us do it we can burn it if the weather is as good as today.
best of all you dont need a liocence for that mirror lol
Calling all sons and daughters of london.
when we see the fucking balloon set up your mirrors to shoot it down,if a few 100 of us do it we can burn it if the weather is as good as today.
best of all you dont need a liocence for that mirror lol
>it’s a pol gets mirrors banned episode
This could be fucking genius.
Would high power laser pointers work too?
sounds much simpler than an airsoft gun....
going to sleep lads hope it blows up when I come back
we need to throw as many photons at the bastard as poss to get it to set on fire
Actually very likely if you can get the near UV blue ones.
This has potential
This sounds like an amazing science project
for the love of god, please do this and i will stop calling you bongs forever
If this stays in the sky then we have absolutely failed ourselves. Literally a massive target filled with air. Use fucking airsoft guns or fireworks if needs be.
Imagine the scenes when this thing comes falling out of the sky and all the live efforts fall flat on their face.
lol bump
bump for lulz
fireworks,illegal guns,airsoft,lasers,reflected light anything even a bow if it will reach we all need to send a big F U to it as a message,surely some madman on pol whos in london who got an old shotgun tucked away with some slugs and bird shot can help?
Just don't use something that can hurt bystanders. Keep it scientific.
How the fuck do you burn a ballon with mirrors
You crooked toothed fucks will earn a lot of respect from over here in freedomland. Godspeed fellow Anglos. (;_;)7
You can burn down wooden boats with mirrors.
>frog education
No friend, I understand your anger, keep the solution green.
When are they flying this thing?
Godspeed, do it for Jow Forums. Do it for lols
Oi mate, this meme is illegal
Please follow me sir
Is this bait or are you legit retarded?
Based Bong. Godspeed and here's a pint to yous!
This is your chance to redeem yourselves, Bongs.
Don't let us down!
Oi bumping illegal memes?YOU ALL ARE UNDUH ARREST
Could be legendary
>depending on the sun being out
Oy Vey here comes the fun police.
The balloon will fly for two hours on the morning of Friday, July 13, at the same time as the "Stop Trump" march in central London, according to CNN
Is there a license for laser pointers?
I hope that there will be no rain at the day.
W-WHAT? A G-U-N?! Well if oi ever in moi loife! Knoives are bad enough, but an actual rooty tooty point n shooty? You're undah arrest fo even thinking about it
I really hope the Brits pull through with this.
have a bump
>Hindenburg 2.0
I assume you can buy fishing supplies there without much trouble so just get a dozen treble hooks, some fishing line and a cheap drone. It should be easy to figure out from there.
Can't not bump the Chump Dump.
Why are filthy Israeli kikes not hiding their flags. No one on here likes you and would want nothing more than to personally throw you into a gas chamber
Have another bump but I doubt anyone here got the balls
Can’t do shit from the Midwest, but have a bump. Godspeed anons
Fucking kek
Ehh I think we converted them into self-hating jews.
12 good Brits can use this link to irrevocably humiliate their oppressive gov, just a squad firing all at once !!
Prepare for ultimate bants lads.
>trying to use the sun
>in England
Good luck with that.
It depends on how thick the balloon is. This faggots raised over twenty thousand dollars for this balloon.
Implying the average joo NEET has anything to do with the financial elites.
And when the baloon starts deflating they'll look up to see you attached to fishing line and a hook and know exactly who to nab.
Rooftop vantage, slingshot. Get in, take your shot, vanish. Completely silent and fast. No one will see you before they realize what's happening
And just like that, the entire idea was scrapped
Nice one leaf but if you crash a suicide drone with a bunch of treble hooks attached into a bunch of civilians you might be unda arrest
Would it be ridiculous to suggest using a drone, hell even an rc helicopter. Attatch sharp stuff or like a flare and just 9/11 the fucker
Do you know how fucking difficult it would be to focus a beam of sunlight onto an object that high up?? Plus you'd probably have to be pretty far away otherwise everyone will see what you're trying to do and probably try and stop you.
its roasting right now lad there is a fire on winter hill right now like some fucking bush fire or some shit,you can see it from space its that bad.
No projectiles, user, someone could get hurt. Laser/Solar.
Cctv and they are looking for actual terrorists who are trying to snckbar people, I think you'll be compromised so have a jew lawyer on standby, I'm assuming this is for some kind of parade right?
use fireworks,there is no law against using them in the daytime
Isn't it always cloudy in england tho?
Bump. Bong Bros, you gotta do this. It is the perfect Aryan response.
you gotta mind fuck them into releasing it themselves. What would make them cut it loose?
Converted solar oven me thinks
It would require training beforehand but once ready they could blend in by masking the mirrors to appear as anti trump signs
The line is for attaching the hooks to the bottom of the drone at various lengths. Once a few of the hooks are set and the drone is anchored to the balloon you can start slicing at it with the drones props. No need to have anything attached to yourself at all.
Someone can test before? Is it really effective?
This is how you redeem yourselves, briton
Hell you don't even need a rooftop. if you can find an alleyway with a vantage point and a clear escape route, striking from the ground will work.
the bearing will lose most of its energy after punching a hole through the balloon and might even remain inside of it if it doesn't punch all the way through
at best the bearing might fall on someone's head but it won't have enough energy to do any real damage then.
>A country famous for having cloudy days and little to no direct sunlight
>Let's use mirrors and sunlight to burn it down
I say use a long range crossbow and the magic of Satan himself
not saying make fake bomb threats but if someone did it would probs get cancelled due to keeping trump safe and keep public safe also...not telling anyone to do such a thing,just saying it for legal reasons lol
Unless they added an overpressure valve this should heat up the air and rupture the balloon. There is no need to actually catch it on fire.
user that came up with this is a mad genius.
Why not just fly a drone up to it with a proper air rifle? If that is not an option, fashion some kind of spear for it, just make sure to have a camera so that you can actually aim the damn thing
Are Bongs allowed to have drones? If they aren't banned, you could fly a drone with a needle attached to the front into it. If needles are banned just use a sharpened stick instead.
Instead, make a giant balloon of a Muslim with a Knife and run into the trump balloon and destroy it.
For added impact, make the balloon a giant muslim fucking a child, wielding a knife.
We can legally buy slingshots without a license afaik. Looks like there's some pretty powerful inexpensive ones too on ebay. This is really all a Britbong needs to take down that balloon, along with the odd jagged rock.
Maybe a stone with a big enough nail hammered in to sling into the balloon
Quit being retarded. Air gun is out of the question and depending on the material this thing is made of and how inflated it is, it could be damn near impossible to puncture or cut significantly.
Two words: road flare
Don't you guys have an air rifle or something?
oh shit
The very mention of an air rifle requires a license for bongs
i'm in, does anyone know how we get the right kind of mirror and range it?
I mean air guns can do quite a bit of damage. It would be very unwieldy though. It would be fun to see something like an rc fighter plane crash into it, which could work with a sharp enough nose
Sure, bet getting it there on that day in particular would be like trying to get one into the Pentagon.
>hammering a nail into the stone
Fair enough
Any mirror will do. You just need lots of them aimed at the same point.
Okay OP, tell me what the size of the surface has to be for each mirror at least.
The bigger the surface the more light it reflects
how likely is it that the balloon builders are in this thread encouraging balloon terrorism right now?
Got it, goys
We need spears
OK, well I can definitely get 5 people, any idea of best range? And we need to coordinate timings and where to aim.
How thick is the material that these are made out of?
Best I can think of at the moment would be a drone with an underslung firework launcher