Thoughts on the 'Dirtbag Left'?

Has anyone here heard of the dirtbag left?

Basically they're this left-wing movement that claims to know how to meme.

Their main media outlet is a publication called 'chapo trap house'. Here's them talking about Jordan Peterson:

I've watched some of their content and remain unconvinced that they are any good, but they do seem perhaps a little less sensitive than your average leftoid.

What do you think?

Is the dirtbag left any good?

Are they the future of left wing politics?

Will they truly defeat the alt-right?

Here's my take:

Attached: chapo.png (1200x695, 822K)

Fuck you for advertising for these faggots.

Please Jow Forums bros don't click the link.

Literal mouthbreathers

They look like run of the mill onions to me.

What? I said that they suck. I'm not promoting their podcast, that link I posted is a youtube re-upload by some random guy, not a direct link to their podcast.

they are really funny, but don't often any solutions. it's like listening to stand up comedians poke holes at how silly the world is, and they focus on the right wing element of american politics which takes itself too seriously.

i mean it's 3 uppermiddleclass jews talking, they tend to always be fun to listen to.

>trap house
three homosexuals talking about a jew
why should i care about this ?
>left wing movement
oh ok, it's a big fucking nothing

Why do so many libs do that thing where their eyes look outwards instead of at the camera?

They're a bunch of try hards, obsessed with the alt right.
All these so called young lefty groups online who try to meme just bitch about the right 99% of the time and have no other mode of expression. Sad!

Progressive stack will do them in, it always does

>"We say "faggot" but it's cool because we still want Full Communism!!!!!!"


Are they supposed to be the new John Stewart or something? They have massive funding.

>They're a bunch of try hards, obsessed with the alt right.

Yeah they try to emulate meme culture and so on but it comes across really try-hard and cringe

They basically copied the TRS format in the same way Einstein copied the work of several German and Italian physicists - without citation.

>Are they supposed to be the new John Stewart or something?

I dunno. I do find that their style of humor is a bit John-Oliver-esque, like they do that thing where they'll read a statement by a right-winger and go "WHAT?" and act like that's a joke. But I'm assuming their politics are much further to the left than Stewart/Oliver/Colbert.

All of their memes originated here too.

>those hairlines

definitely leftists

Attached: 1530484371905.jpg (490x271, 37K)

This, I'm subbed to a bunch of leftwing sites as to not get stuck in a circle jerk, and literally all their memes are stolen from Jow Forums. It's like their trying really hard to create an opposite of Jow Forums but it comes off as desperate.

>It's like their trying really hard to create an opposite of Jow Forums but it comes off as desperate.

"Try hard" to get more specific

Like it isn't already. There's Twitter people, both Orthodox Gommies and ultrawoke lefties who think Chapo is an attempt to turn the DSA into a Strasserite party as well as generally shittalking their style. The good thing about Chapo is they largely target lefties on their own side, radical centrists like Peterson, and anti-trump conservatives. Their fanbase is a mini-Jow Forums, they go after whoever they think would be funny to target.

Also, they get a lot of money somehow. Some neolib campaign manager dropped five million to get one of their caricatures published.

>Has anyone here heard of
>Basically claims to know how to meme

Watch out. They're edgy and dangerous! But don't you dare make fun of trannies you transphobic magachuds

Sounds cool. There is nothing wrong with the Left if it is not traitorous and enslaved to identity politics. I like to call that the "Zombie Left," as opposed to just wanting the government to help smooth out the inequalities of the system to some degree. We aren't going to have an ethnostate and libertarianism leads to hellish Dickensian nightmares if unchecked so some Leftism is needed. I only supported Trump because of illegal alien invasion and because he is a NYer.

What a bunch of fucking retards.
I listened to that shit for 19 mins without them actually getting a single solid point across.
So what did I witness in 19 mins?:
Can't find a real angle of attack on Peterson. Muh: Altright, basementnazis, fkn ritewing, Haha so like rule nr 1 you cant have a bottle of water in your house huehuehuejewjewjew.
Cant form a single comprehensive critique on Peterson. They cant even see that Peterson is giving himself advice.
Cant make any jokes that are worthwhile.
Cant have one guy speak his mind and then the next guy speaks, nah its talking over each other with shit points.
Makes fun of Petersons voice for like 10 seconds because he forgot his own point.

Anyone who listens to these retards will become a retard, if they arent one already.

doesn't even matter. they already get an absurd amount of money thrown at them by jews

they are jews