Faguette here.
I'm launching my new YouTube channel which is meant to turn enthusiastic patriots from all Western countries into strong-bodied, self-confident alpha males.

Here is the first episode, about bodybuilding:

It started from the following idea:
>the national/global Reconquista starts with a personal Reconquista

The channel will cover the following topics in the near future:
>fight sports
>reconnection to nature and ancestry

The video is in English so no worries. By the way, like and subscribe if you like it, the goal is to reach as many White men as possible, and to inspire them to become superior versions of themselves.

Thanks guys

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based faguette doing the job.
Keep up good work frogbro I'm following you

Also do you plan doing debates w/ polacks and stuff?

Thanks compatriot!

>do you plan doing debates w/ polacks and stuff?
All Whites are welcome, we must achieve it together!

Your form is trash. Half pull ups and half push ups. You are doing yourself a dis service. Do it right for optimal gains.

who filmed? your mom?
also, I thought French people dressed stylishly? black shirt in 36° heat? camo cargo shorts? you look american

Hi burgerbro thanks for watching!

>Half pull ups and half push ups
Yeah I am aware of that and try to get better everytime. As stated in the video I started from really nothing and I'm always craving for progess.
Any tips for pullups/pushups?

>I thought French people dressed stylishly
Well I usually wear chemises but they're impractical for sport

I'm a complete dumbfuck, what do I do with the "Rounds" thing? Is it like a schedule per week or do I need to do all thing of one round then go to next round or what the fuck man

The five rounds make 1 session. It takes between 20 minutes and 1 hour to achieve a session, depending on your physical condition.

I personally do it this way:
>Monday: arms session
>Tuesday: legs session
>Wednesday: arms
>Thursday: legs
>Friday: arms
>Saturday: legs
>Sunday: rest

...though 4 sessions (2x legs and 2x arms) per week is already sufficient to obtain physical improvements relatively quickly.

Thanks for watching!

pushups: you are cheating yourself, and missing out on building your triceps. Fix your hand position. Shoulder width or slightly wider, tuck your elbows to your body when you go down. Chin should almost hit the ground. That’s a real push-up.

Pullup-go all the way down. Don’t start cheating now just because you want to be able to tell yourself “oh I can do 8 half pull-ups!” Fuck that. You can still only do probably 2 or 3 real ones. Start doing wide grip hands facing forward as well.

Also start doing hill sprints