Example fibromyalgia doesn’t exist jrheum.org
How do we defeat the disability Jew?
>your career dies because of a fake illness that is probably just you being insane
Over half of Portland is on a tugboat
? ? ?
Fibromyalgia is just a generic diagnosis for "we don't know what the fuck is wrong with you but please go away so we can treat some patients who have treatable symptoms."
"Adrenal fatigue" is another one that is hard to pinpoint because it could be any issue with the HPA axis or a neurotransmitter issue or allergies or inflammation or high anxiety or depression or you could just be fat and unhealthy. Diagnostic medicine is not easy despite what Dr. House tells you.
A wet bird never flies at night.
I thought the entire point of house was to show that it was hard and everyone is getting misdiagnosed because we don't have house to save us? If you can work it one solution would be to be on disability while working under the table and or for yourself. I was raised not to take government hand outs but my pride is jsut holding me back compared to all the welfare queens and kings slinging drugs around me making more then me and my shitty meme honesty.
>Fibromyalgia is just a generic diagnosis for "we don't know what the fuck is wrong with you but please go away so we can treat some patients who have treatable symptoms."
this, people confuse that with "isn't real" but that's not how it works. Fibro is like when your car gets old and the headlights won't come one unless you kick a tire or the radio knob only works sometimes. Basically, the body is an insane electrical system and fibro is a short in one or many places. That's why Lyrica and certain SSRI work well for these patients
fibro patients scare the shit out of doctors. I have it, but I don't collect disability. I just have to eat a weird diet and exercise the area all the time. Some people are still fucked , though. We'll have a name for the collection of the conditions someday, but if you can't see it on an MRI or x-ray, it's almost impossible to diagnose something properly
I feel you my friend I have Meniere's disease which periodically fucks my shit up. "What's causing it doctor?" "Dunno like blood vessels n'shiiiet maybe."
I can work but sometimes not. What can you do but continue living the best life you can?