Lmao Peterstein can't even follow his own advice
Lmao Peterstein can't even follow his own advice
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Clean your fucking room!
And lay off the crazy pills, you have the 1,000 mile Prozac stare.
clean your room bucko
How the fuck are you supposed to clean your room if you don't make it messy first?
>probably a mutt behind it
checks out
that's why he tells everyone to clean their room
he knows he should be cleaning his
Why does anyone listen to this sperg
This boomer makes so much off patreon that he should have 5 bedrooms purely for dumping his mess in.
I find it amazing that this guy gets a cult following from high school tier advice people have been giving for decades like it some revelation.
That's not a dirty room that's just having a lot of stuff in it.
I find it sad. Most of them have shity fathers
His teaching are good tho. Even if they are not original he speaks sense. Overrated but meh still cool imo, don't get why he gets the hate
Aren't all Argentinians mutts? Like none of you are pure Spanish, much less European?
Whats that saying? Those who cant do teach.
He seems very emotionally unbalanced to me, a borderline wreck. He always has that look on his face like he’s about to break down crying.
>people take the "clean your room" thing 100% literally
>the litium glare
because he is dishonest and makes shit arguments, he conflates his politics with his dad pill advice, the das pill stuff should be obvious to well adjusted humans but its good that he lays it out clear for social outcasts.
people take issue with his politics, like his dumb fucking arguments for religion his arguments against in group preference/ white nationalism, his strange defence of jewish overrepresentation and his arrogance.
ohhh i get it!! "clean your room" is just another metaphysical manifestation of the universal christ consciousness
thanks bucko
nice bait nigger
#LobsterLife #BuckoBoyz
>Been in a Ambien induced stupor for a few days
>Mess accumulated
>Time to clean up my room
>Also time to record a video
>Can't undermine my own message
>Can't miss a video and lose muh patreon gibs
No, it means you should get your own affairs in order before attempting to meddle in the affairs of things that are probably bigger than you are. Low IQ mongrel mutt nigger.
> "das pill stuff"
I don't give a shit about him, but this is known as "Default thread template #15"
nah you are intepreting the metaphor too directly, you need to go deeper
you sound just like a dogmatic religious extremists
this myths like the "garden of eden" "satan" "Jesus", and "clean your room" are not to be taken literally
His lectures are shit. They're conjecture dressed as science and it makes me mad that so many people eat his pseudoscientific shit without question.
You'd be surprised how positively cleaning your place can affect you mentally, but it does
It's both literal and metaphorical because adherence to the literal message is a means of addressing the broader concept.
Cleaning your room is the fundamental cornerstone of the "cleaning your room" concept.
Yes, physically cleaning your room is part of it, but idiots like to get caught up on the literal meaning of the words rather than actually figuring out what Peterson means (and they'd know if they bothered to watch his videos).
Peterson is an excellent entry level red pill and people that listen to him become exposed to more /our guy/ tier people eventually. He's wrong about collectivism and individualism being mutually exclusive and he's overly defensive about the JQ, but he's pretty good overall.
if you ask me
>what does it mean to "clean your room"
>do you keep your room clean?
i would ask, what do mean by meaning?, and also, by cleaning?
you are trying to box me into a position where you expect me to say I clean my room or not
but what does that even mean?
>once a week
>once a day
>once a month
you know, too much cleaning can also be a problem
to that this literally would be like asking christians to literally be crucified
Being Jordan.
Truly groundbreaking stuff, user.
Who would have thought that sometimes in order to clean your room you need to clean your room.
I think he's more of a dead-end, honestly. He gives enough of an antidote to SJW insanity to satisfy people unhappy with the direction things are going in but, as you said, then discourages white identity politics and investigating the JQ. A lot of people end up sitting in this niche he has created and stubbornly refuse to move because they see SJWs on one side and Nazis on the other and in their mind you should *never* associate with one more than the other a la horseshoe theory faggotry.
so to sum it up
you dont need to actually clean your room literally, to "clean your room"
just like you dont need to literally crucify yourself in other to awaken to the christ conscious
To clean your room is to sort your own life out before you meddle in other people's. That is literally what it means.
>The stream of JP spam doesnt end
How's the weather down in Clearwater Beach, SeaOrg?
How would we know that posts like that aren't just some trying to take the piss out of Jow Forums and make us even more paranoid?
I'm pretty sure he was speaking on a more metaphorical level than you are accustomed to.
As in, "get your own shit together before you start trying to change other people's shit".
Still, it could use a once-over.
Juden Peterson.
See for response context
Jordan Bernt Peterson is a hero. A Jungian hero archetype in fact. He's trying to save you from yourself you stupid cuck. He's objectively a genius, and Canada's greatest public intellectual. Maybe the reason you don't like him is because you aren't smart enough to understand what he's saying. Maybe you're just uncomfortable because he tells the TRUTH, and you've been indoctrinated to believe LIES. Maybe you're a feminazi SJW post-modernist cultural marxist, actively trying to tear down the west because "muh patriarchy" but you're too stupid to realize that even if you succeed then Sharia law will take over and throw you off rooftops.
I hope for your sake you eventually sort yourself out and clean your room. I recommend watching this 300-hour lecture series on youtube, it really helped me. I used to be really high IQ but low conscientiousness, but then I started watching Peterson's lectures and now I've really got my life together. I've even stopped chasing those crazy females because it's not a productive use of my time. Yep, that's right, I'm a MGTOW because unfortunately the feminists have won and there's no place in modern society for a REAL man.
I wish JBP would run for Prime Minister he's the only one who can save us at this point. #feelthebernt tips fedora Oh yeah, and everything stupid that Peterson says is oooooobviously satire you idiots.
Unsorted. Quick guys donate more to his Patreon so he can buy anti-depressives and clean his room.
His house was going through a remodel at that time.
Correct. He means both literally and metaphysically. He has been on tour and and about and extremely busy so. You know, if you're a physicist and you're room is messy but you're contributing, then that's good. Try to find time to organize that, though, it is vigilance. It is hard to be vigilant. In these circles and in these sorts of convictions - it isn't easy, it's extremely difficult.
Where does having had your genitals mutilated at the tender age of three days old fall into the self authoring suite?
>t.bucko with dirty room
Hes a fraud and his followers are reddit psuedo intellectual faggots that should kill themselves
Fuck off meme flag jew filth
Suprised? He is obvious scam artist. Even "Lamborgini in my garage" scam artist have more solid advice than Juden Peterstein. It is truly pathetic that somebody listen this peace of shit for more than 5 minutes.
You misunderstand his assertion, it's that if people want to solve the illness of societies (in their view) then they should first try to solve the illnesses in their own life first. Ofc, peterson isn't trying to solve the illnesses of the society from a left wing or right wing perspective, he is trying to solve the illnesses of other individuals.
>everything stupid that Peterson says is oooooobviously satire you idiots
but he only say stupid shit. but go for it. in shithole like canada even this scam artist could be father figure.
My sister thinks she's "red pilled" from listening to this faggot and what you said exactly has happened to her. Shes read all his books listened to all his faggot voices lectures and refuses to acknowledge the JQ and literally eats up the whole "they're just higher IQ" bullshit. Hes a gatekeeper and its working. Now shes just a retard r/the_donald zog fucking idiot. I've stopped talking to her she can be gassed with the rest of them
Wipe your butt til' you don't see brown bucko, then heil Hitler.
Thanks for the insight memeflag like. So much money from those patreon gibs he can afford a remodel
Is hoarding supposed to be better than being messy?
the dude suffers from chronic depression for the last 30 years, give the guy some slack. His been on a 6 month long tour.
Because he doesn't lift.
Bucko, I... My room is cleaner even on my worst days. Is he a hoarder btw.? Looks like a hoarder's den.
is she hot
Lep pozdrav.
Went to one of his lectures. Felt like a cult meeting.
>his followers
Projecting scientologist detected.
like fuckin cunt that oprah sucks off that repackages buddhist thought as though it's his own. cant remember his name but he thinks he's "enlightened" because he decided not to an hero
christans shouldn't be depressed if they're true believers. he's obviously a larping faggot
its because he has embraced the chaos, he is going to the underworld to drag up the shills to enlightenment
i believe it
the constant threads are fucking annoying, they are very pic related
Where are his lobsters?
Deepak Chopra.
I just sent him 10 dollars
what a fucking loser.