Why didn't history's greatest thinkers consider slavery immoral?

Did it never occur to them?

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they didn't have Jews telling them subhumans were anything but.

because it isnt


Because who in their right mind would think it's a good idea to let wild apes roam freely? Just look at the gas huffing cave people you have, and imagine 40 million of them with gibs me that's, guns, and the media behind their back

It's not immoral

society was extremely more vertical back then, it probably didn't occur to them that it was "wrong" because they wouldn't consider them more than farming equipment in the first place
also more often then not slaves were not from the same ethnicity/race/whatever as the enslavers

"O Crito, if it thus pleases the gods, thus let it be". "Anytus and Melitus may kill me indeed, but hurt me they cannot".

Everyone had slaves back then.

Because letting a heavily indebted person work their debt off by years of servitude is much more moral, ethical method than draining that person his whole life.

Romans thought of slaves as talking tools, the more skilled the slave, the more valuable he was. Roman slaves had it pretty good actually, some of them lived almost like free men, just without some rights.

wage slavery is way more immoral

slaves of old were treated way better than wage slaves nowadays

I assume because they were dehumanized. Just like how the societal opinion of abortion from now to 70 years ago is completely different because we've been made to believe that a fetus isn't a human life.

Because they weren't stupid.

The only immoral slavery is enslaving your own people.

Depends on what type of morality you're discussing. Owning another life just because you're capable of doing so is not a moral ground to stand on. That being said; the collective intelligence of most pre-1900 slavery was on par with that of subjecting a dog or a cat. That is to say that most slaves were barely mentally functional in any higher level logic or reasoning sense; so assuming they weren't horrifically mistreated--slavery would have been a boon to those people. Elevating their living standards by multiple technological eschalons above their base state. So a case for morality could be made.

Ancient slaves mostly came from empires or city states your people were at war with. That generally meant they were the same color as you were.

The concept of importing blacks all the way from Africa to be slaves would have seemed absurd to the ancient Greeks or Romans. Indeed the primary reason Europeans turned to African slaves over European serfs in the 16th century was because tropical diseases in their new colonies (particularly malaria) would wipe out Europeans while African slaves could survive the conditions.

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Because not working is good fuck the other guy lol they were probably shit scum anyway.


more or less immoral than killing your enemies to the last man woman and child? slavery was the solution to the problem of the cost of war. even of you win a war you have lost men. the slaves you capture in war are effectively working off a life debt where the opposing army could have easily killed them they allowed them to live and in most civilized places allowed 'good' slaves to buy their freedom in one way or another.

the alternative to slavery in ancient times was genocide.

slavery was the moral choice.

I would rather enslave a faggot than kill him and rather enslave those seperatist spain posters than kill them, rather enslave all my enemies, I hate them either way.

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All slaves consent to slavery.

If I could without a second doubt I would enslave every feminist, marxist, christian, seperatist and everyone I hate.

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of course it did
they were not allowed to question it
in the same fashion there are certain things you "cant" talk about today, no matter how rational and obvious

If the slave chooses to be a slave is it immoral?

Considering slavery wrong is a luxury pertained to developed societies, where something else, for example carbon or atoms, can do the work many times better anyway.

many slaves were Greek or Roman

WRONG, italian and greeks could not be slaves.

that's factually wrong. you could, for example, become a slave if you couldn't pay your debts

Serfdom is superior to slavery in everyway.

Wage slavery is slavery only profitable for upper class

That was an evil scheme, they sent niggers to the Caribbean who could endure the weather and disease, but also had them mix with Irish slaves, so that they would become clever enough to use the machines as well.

Slavery is necessary. If you don't agree that is fine, it just means you are a slave who doesn't realize he is on a plantation.
The most we can hope for is to kiss enough ass to be upgraded to house nigger.
The patrician argument is to have a codified system that lays out the rules for slave ownership.instead we have a tongue and cheek dancing around the facts understanding of our slavery system.

Yes, they could be slaves. Either through war, deliberately or kidnapped, you know how it goes.

It was obvious for generations that shitskins were subhuman retards who needed to be guided by elite whites or a white state in order to not devolve into barbarism.

Racial egalitarianism is literally a new concept with no hard evidence to back up its truthfulness, and definitely not is practical value.

Imagine being a patrician and cuckolding your slaves whenever you felt like it.

That'd feel shitty for anyone with a shred of empathy or decency.

He's a leaf though, he's just projecting because he is the cuck.

He must be forgetting that it's still legal to own dogs in Canada, so he can indulge in his fetish any time he wants.

If it's so shameful to be a cuckold, then how is it not the opposite of that to be doing the cuckolding?
Fucking leaves.

Because you're a massive brainlet who can't understand anything, here you go:

being in a normal, monogamous relationship is the ideal. Any deviation from this ideal is bad, so taking any part in cuckolding is bad since it deviates from the ideal, regardless of which particular role you play.

>no power over your own life
>not being able to form normal relationships
Just ribbin' ya cuz your a leaf. It'd be hot to fuck a slave but just remember, never for breeding.

>the bong to save all bongs
bless you Brit-user

They were not dealing with chattel slavery, but a different form that was generally considered to be ethical at the time.

Potential also matters. Almost any human has more potential than a dog.

It’s why abortion is a sticky topic.

If you cannot master yourself, better to find a master so you can at least practice your discipline

Checked and thanks, sadly my countrymen are more in line with the Canadian's views than ours. A nation of stupid, self-hating, cucks I live in. Hopefully we can get back to being a decent nation, but it'll take something extraordinary.

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Maybe they just thought about slavery different than you did.

For instance, Romans believed in slavery because in their minds
only a slave would allow themselves to be enslaved, and a true
Roman would never be a slave therefore slaves deserved to be

>being in a normal, monogamous relationship is ideal
Explains why you aren't in one.
>cucking someone is the same thing as being a cuckold
Maybe for a fucking leaf like you.

It was certainly comfy for some. A lot of them got a better deal than free citizens as they had guaranteed accommodation and food and drink. Many had free roam when not performing their tasks because they wouldn't run away as why would they?

>slavery is necessary
>if you fuck your slaves you have no empathy
Fascinating worldview, leaf.

Because it isn't immoral...
"The slaves shall serve."

That entirely would be down to the actual owners though. Some lived better lives, some were treated horrendously. At least as a wage slave you don't risk being beaten.

Learn ur history pol...
>take down a town.
Either get tired of swinging ur weapon around killing thousands or sell them off to slavery.
It was a way to point out the chads from the betas back in the day.

>Why didn't history's greatest thinkers consider slavery immoral?
in early antiquity ( with the exception of Spartans and their slave helots ), slaves were emancipated

They didnt have chain gang slaves. They bought people as endentured servants. Yes, some might abuse slaves, but it wasnt common practice. Most were simply attend farm or make meals or clean up or help carry things to town and so on. Many were freed at end of owners life or earlier depending on the person. This is in greece and rome eras.

Slavery and slave trade should make a comeback in the civilized world(outside of arabic provinces). Romans had slaves. Some states in Ancient Greece had slaves.

Slavery is a social construct


No, they were chattel.

Slavery is itself chattel, you only enslave people you see as animals.

the definition of slaves back them wasnt the same as slaves now. Americans fucked up doing cattle slavery. while the romans and other groups basically had indentured servants. It would have better for america if they just got a group of africans and paid them shit wages and if they acted up just deported them back to africa, we wouldnt be having the problems we have now.

Anyway, the roman slaves could go out and buy goods, werent forbidden to learn how to read and write could teach schools its said one of the philiopshers was a slave but ive ive said that could just mean he was heavily in debt. They could also buy back their own freedom.

if youre ever going to have the system of slavery again, just make it so people still maintain their basic rights and buy out their freedom again

They had the expectation that a person would treat their slaves well. That's why corporal punishment and other ways of discipline were allowed. Everyone assumed you must have a very unruly slave if you needed to hurt them. I'm sure there were jokes about men who couldn't keep their slaves in line which implied that the master was a weak man

>gas huffing cave people
>something something oracles at delphi

Athens had multiple popular anti- slavery authors with a lot of material in circulation. Most Greeks hated the institution of slavery. They chipped out when the Athenians gave the Corinthians the living death.

>Athenians gave the Corinthians the living death

The what?

The Greeks (correctly) believed the noble in spirit an hero before they become slaves. Therefore, if you are a slave, you are a slave by nature, someone who greedily clings to desires and life.

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checked, my fellow amerifat understands

They weren't bombarded by Jew media.

Niggers are natural slaves. The curse against Canaan in the Bible was cited alongside this to explain that nigger posterity won't be any better as free people.
>Many governments have been founded upon the principle of the subordination and serfdom of certain classes of the same race; such were and are in violation of the laws of nature. Our system commits no such violation of nature’s laws. With us, all of the white race, however high or low, rich or poor, are equal in the eye of the law. Not so with the negro. Subordination is his place. He, by nature, or by the curse against Canaan, is fitted for that condition which he occupies in our system. The architect, in the construction of buildings, lays the foundation with the proper material-the granite; then comes the brick or the marble. The substratum of our society is made of the material fitted by nature for it, and by experience we know that it is best, not only for the superior, but for the inferior race, that it should be so. It is, indeed, in conformity with the ordinance of the Creator.
-Alexander Stephens

They had very strict laws governing slaves and slave ownership, it wasn't the Jewish free for all of the USA.

>Slavery immoral
not unto itself it isn't and putting prisoners to work is far more beneficial to society and the prisoner if he is to reform.
Slaves were provided with food, lodging and other amenities. A starved, sick or injured slave is of no use. Conditions should be preferable to living on the street or the wilds.

The slaves often came from enemies and the slaves even supported the wants and needs of poor citizens. Just like how we have machines today.

It baffles me that prisoners work less than average citizens in many countries, including the UK. They live at the expense of the law-abiding and then leave with no skills or self-improvement that would make them better people. What they do leave with are new criminal connections and a badge of honour.

T B H greek descriptions of slavery just sound like neets, except they mooch off their employer's food instead of their parents.

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Slavery is the original gibs

No it's usury. Bitching about muh taxes is a Jewish red herring.

There's a form of slavery in the modern era and almost everyone suffers from it. It’s called income tax.

It's not immoral when the alternative is death.
Taking your defeated foe whom you would otherwise kill as a slave is not immoral.
Industrializing the collection of slaves like the Africans and Portuguese did is immoral.

That too. The financial system went downhill after WW2 (foundation of Israel).

Because all societies at the time were based on slave labor


>Chattel slavery
What is it with this meme? I keep seeing this idea pop up as a way to show how blacks under slaves had it worse than anyone ever enslaved.

it is shameful on both sides
as sin often is

When have nigger not claimed whatever they go through is the worst thing that's ever happened to anyone.

>Sheeeit you think it's bad when it rains before you go to a picnic??? Try being black and having the rain spoil ur picnic. White people just will never understand.

It's when you get worked to death as a slave.

In their times, industry was not nearly as productive as it is, and social conditions as well as nutrition produced a class of men who generally were little more than beasts.

What else were they gonna do with them?

>Tfw i allow myself to be a slave