Hey lads, I'm a white South African dude. AMA

Oh and before you ask,
>Cape Town is still in a water crisis.
>After a brutal tax increase last month, we literally just had another general tax increase on Wednesday to cover the country's debts because the ANC (Ruling Party) has literally stolen all of the state funds.
>Our previous president who is wanted for NO FUCKING JOKE, 783 charges of corruption, still gets his legal bills paid by the state.
>Whites are still being murdered on a daily basis.
>I have been almost kidnapped twice.

Ask me anything.

Attached: 900px-Flag_of_South_Africa.svg.png (900x600, 3K)

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Why are you still there?

>I have been almost kidnapped twice
Story time.

The average working class south african barely makes enough to cover living costs, let alone immigrate to another country. Also our goverment has made it impossible for a white person to be granted refugee status under ANY circumstances.

Give me a minute and I'll tell you all about it

Why do you stay there among all those animals? Before they all throw burning tires around your necks and rape your corpses, you huuwhites should burn down the country and flee. Let those beasts return to the wild.


good luck OP
take as many as you can when the savages come for you and your kin

Do you have guns?
Cause if you don't consider getting one and lots of ammo

Jesus dude, life sounds terrible there. What’s the sentiment among other white South Africans you know? Are they also aware of their imminent genocide?