What's up with all the obvious anti-Peterson shill threads in the last few days?
After the JRE podcast there is always at least one thread getting spammed with a bunch of brand new infographics, memes and reddit spaced copy-pasta dumps, almost like a coordinated attack. It's clear that (((they))) are getting scared shitless of his increasing influence and are astroturfing hard on all the chans, take a look at 4*2 chan for more proof. We used to have semi decent discussions on the guy and most people would agree with some of the stuff he talked about and disagree with others. But now he's suddenly the biggest threat to white nationalism since the civil rights movement. Something smells fishy here Jow Forums, who's behind this shill operation?
probably half of them are disunity shills from the left, and the other half are confused natsoc larpers who hate the idea that societal improvement starts with improving themselves.
Not to mention a lot of fedora tippers think Peterson is a christfag even though he's obviously agnostic.
Colton Lopez
>Everyone who doesn't like Peterstein is a shill. Get a grip you fucking cunt, you just can't handle that you've spent tons of money on this guy only for him to be rejected.
> last few days Shit has been going for months, if there is one thing that attracts shills to this site lately is JBP. The guy is redpilling a generation and is making tons of money, which is the salt on the gash of leftists.