How to deal with the feminist menace Jow Forums?

How to deal with the feminist menace Jow Forums?
They're growing stronger and it seems no one is capable to do anything against them.

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Easy. Send in Nick Penis and the Brassball Batallion!

Attached: Sgt Nick Penis 4.jpg (1600x760, 347K)

This is a side effect of overcrowding. Move, and take your economic power to swing state that was blue 2016, then a swing county that was blue 2016


SAGED for gaslighting

I honestly feel like people are really tired of annoying feminists, especially other women by now. We had a mandatory #metoo discussion in every department at work, and all the women in my group were basically rolling their eyes at it and insinuating that it was bullshit.

then there's hope
that sounds good

ignore them on a personal level and block them on a political level