The Fan fiction wars?

>So the left or some associated retards are writing Second Civil War fiction now? I'm not trying to bait but.. some one counter-signal this.

I stared at the dying soldier, his Alt-Reich Douchestaffel uniform covered in blood.

He gripped my arm, eyes wild with fear of impending death.

"One question..." he gasped.

"Anything," I said.

With his last breath he sighed, "What is a clitoris?"

Attached: civialwarFF.jpg (632x689, 76K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: RICK WILSON BLACKED.jpg (600x600, 110K)

I dunno about you guys but douchestaffel is cracking me up.

The right has gotta get more pussy then the left right? I'm happily married but our sides got all the lifting and emphasis on breeding verses what? onions?

this is a whole tag.. wtf

No sure what side this is for

Attached: DhRk3ugUcAUdkDm.jpg (500x255, 26K)

They like to joke about a civil war but they will be the ones who will be screaming for mercy but there will be people in this country so fed up with these traitors that they will not show mercy in a civil war and I don't blame them these parasites have been eating away at our rights and mocking us for loving our country.

>My comrades and I have set up camp in alibrary. There is absolutely no chance they will find us here.

>We’ve trapped the MAGAts in our local library... We’ve forced reading comprehension textbooks& grammar lessons 24/7.

>Don't fret. I had 'truth' 'facts' 'science' tattooed on my body, rendering me completely invisible to The Red Hats

> We are using libraries as camps as MAGA's fear books.

These are fall from separate #SecondCivilWarLetters posts. I'm noting a theme.

>With his last breath he sighed

Attached: Rick Lost His Shit.png (663x725, 764K)

I stared at the dying soldier, his Alt-Reich Douchestaffel uniform covered in blood.

He gripped my arm, eyes wild with fear of impending death.

"One question..." he gasped.

"Anything," I said.

With his last breath he sighed, "What is a latinx?"